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Cambrian wrote:
+ Give the animal companion a small pool of evolution points for an extremely restricted list of eidolon evolutions: Improved damage, improved natural armor, skilled, ability increase, etc...

The Summoner's eidolon is much more powerful than the animal companion, even with teamwork feats and the Paladin's holy mount is also stronger. Maybe just give them the advanced template and 3 Intelligence.

Cambrian wrote:

+ Allow the Hunter to spontaneously heal like a cleric, but only the animal companion. Alternatively, as suggested in this thread, grant the hunter the ability to lay-on hands with it's animal companion.

LadyWurm wrote:
Just give them spontaneous casting period. Maybe she can use a healing spell on her pet 1/day for free or something.

I like the idea of this being a spontaneous caster.

Cambrian wrote:
+ Grant an ability that automatically increases the animals intelligence so that the 1/4 level increase can be spent on combat stats.

This needs to be a thing.

Cambrian wrote:
+ Grant accelerated access to summon nature's ally so that the spell casting ends at level 9 (similar to the summoner).

The class's fluff isn't built around summoning animals. It's built around their animal companions, so let's strengthen that bond.

While I like the additional uses of Animal Focus and the new teamwork feats, in my opinion, I think that Precise Companion isn't the greatest class feature and doesn't help the Hunter. This class feature shoehorns the Hunter into being some sort of archer. I still would like to see an upgrade of the animal companion, it's the path that will incur the least amount of ludonarrative dissonance and will actually make a Hunter a closer team with her animal companion. Telepathic communication or paladin mount intelligence kind of thing.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Also, we've edited the sticky post to include some of the points addressed in my response post, so it's easier for people to spot them when they get to this thread.

Thank you so much for the consideration, I can't wait to see the end result.

Excaliburproxy wrote:
So all the Hunter does himself is flank and buff (casting defensively)? That is actually not terrible. Does the Hunter really get anything that makes him significantly better at that than the druid? For instance: could you just switch out spell focus for your two teamwork feats and be the same character with more spellcasting ability? (your buffs don't require saves, after all).

Well yes, you are a mage and the Animal companion is like your best friend eidolon. While he does solid damage, albeit not as great as many other classes and really depends on the animal you pick, and you still have a turn to lay down buffs for your party/AC or debuffs at your enemies. Always be flanking, you are on the front lines, you and your animal companion are a single machine.

Which is why I would like to see an animal companion buff of some sort. I could switch out spell focus, but I didn't see anything in the teamwork feats that was really enticing, which is why I love that they are considering putting more in. It'd be a solid decision. The spell focus decision was to lay down debuffs on your enemies so that your AC could then have an easier job. Although, now that I think about it, this class could be useful (not how I build it) to take crafting feats, like Scribe Scroll and potions in order to help out your team while you let your AC take point of an enemy.

The difference in my opinion between a Hunter and a Druid, from fluff reasons and what I understand, is that Druids are all about nature as a whole. They get along with plants, animals, bugs, you name it, which is why Druids can even have trees as animal companions. Hunters, on the other hand, have a close bond to a single animal which is the reason why they are so attuned with nature. Their Animal Companion is their best friend, not just some other creature in nature. Their experience together has strengthened their bond and respect for one another.

Mechanically, Hunters cast less spells, can't wildshape (which I don't think they should, doesn't go with the fluff), and druids have far less dependence on their Animal companions. Hunters need them.

Instead of going martial I decided to build the Hunter as a pure spellcaster with buffs/debuffs while the Animal Companion deals damage, which is what I think this class wants to achieve



Hunter One
CN Half-Orc Hunter with Roc animal Companion
Level 7

STR: 10
DEX: 13
CON: 11
INT: 8
WIS: 22 (20 base + headband)
CHA: 14

HP: 32 (7d8 average)
AC: 21 (8 Armor + 2 Shield + 1 Dex)

FORT: +5
REF: +6
WILL: +9
(Cloak of resistance +2)

Combat Casting
Uncanny Concentration
Spell Focus (Transmutaion)[subject to change]
Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation)[^]

Teamwork Feats:
Precise Strike

Heavy Wooden Shield
Steel, Cthonic Scythe
Mithril Breastplate (Agile/Armored Kilt) +1
Wisdom Band +2

Animal Companion


Rocky the Roc
Level 7

STR: 22
DEX: 20
CON: 14
INT: 2
WIS: 13
CHA: 11

HP: 46 (average 7d8 + 14)
AC: 34 (6 armor + 5 dex + 1 dodge + 12 natural)

FORT: +7
REF: +10
WILL: +3

Spring Attack

Bite - +10 1d8 + 6
Talons (2) - +5 1d6 +6 + grab
+15 to grapple



This is purely a control build focused on strengthening the animal companion so that it can grab a hold of medium > enemies bring them 160 feet up in the air, and drop them on the floor or on other enemies. It also plays to the strength of a fighting spellcaster, as Hunter will be in the frontlines debuffing the enemies with spells like Frostbite to fatigue and exhaust the enemies all the while providing flanking to Rocky. You will keep your animal focus to STR up for Rocky and if either one of you drop low, you switch it to the CON animal focus.

It's not the most optimized build ever, but it works as I think Hunters want to work. What I really found bad in this build was that the Animal Companions don't have too many Feats themselves and fall really quickly compared to other classes features. Let the Hunter be able to give them more feats or even share combat feats, also let the Hunter be able to upgrade their BAB to at least 3/4th because the Roc isn't going to hit anything at +10 at level 7. I think there needs to be a higher emphasis on the Animal Companion.

I really like that the Hunter is focused on animal companions, I think Pathfinder needed something like a Summoner but for Divine/Nature-ish side. However, the class was a let down. What I suggest is a heavier focus on the Animal Companion and class features that let's you buff them. There are a few problems that I have with the hunter. I'm going to try not to compare it to the Druid or Ranger as it should be taken as it's own class:

1) Animal Focus

2) Teamwork Feats

3) Skills

4) Animal Companion direction

1) My problem with the Animal Focus is four parts: First they are very limited, Second they don't allow for stacking, third is the time constraint, and finally they are not balanced well.

First, the animal focus list does not give too much liberty with the bonuses. Physical stat bonuses and some very niche situations are the only ones that are given.

Second, enchantment bonuses and competence bonuses aren't that useful when you already have other things that are giving you the same bonuses. I know it might be for balance purposes, but it makes your class skills look useless compared to the other classes.

Third, When is a hunter going to need the scent ability for ten feet for 1 minute? Or climb checks for 1 minute? It's true they can be cycled for other Focuses, and that's one of the things I love about the Hunter, but the time duration is too low and too static.

Fourth, A +4 competence check is not the same as a +2 to Strength, even if it is an enchantment. Neither is the scent ability or the stags 5 feet a good trade for the other physical stats.

What I do like, as I mentioned before, is the cycling as a swift. It's really good for managing resources and what not. I also love that you put a focus to the animal companion and gave them the use of Animal Focus. What I propose is a system in which the time that Animal Focus is used scales so that players have more resources. Example:

Animal Focus (Su): At 1st level, (...) a Hunter can use this ability as a swift action for 1/2 level(minimum 1) + WIS in minutes. These must be used in one minute intervals.

Bear: The Hunter gains a +2 (not enhancement) bonus to Constitution.

Stag: The Hunter's base speed increases by 10 feet. This bonus increases to 20 at level 8 and 30 at level 15 (This is an enchantment bonus).

Wolf: The hunter gains a +2 to CM attempts, +4 if it's a trip. +4/+6 at level 8 and +6/+8 at level 15.

Also like someone else said, adding something like: Chameleon's Blending: You gain a +4 bonus on Stealth Checks. This bonus is doubled if you do not move.

Based on animals.

2) As many people are saying, you should probably expand the teamwork feat section, not just for archery either.

3) I want to play a human who is best friends with a lion who lets me ride it, but I don't have the ride skill. I think that the ride skill is a very hunter-ish thing to have, especially when all the hunters are basically best friends with their pet. Also, I petition that you cut them some slack and give the Hunter 6+INT skills.

4) I really like that you are going in the Animal Companion direction, but you are not going in strong enough. The animal companion should be to a hunter what a sword is to a fighter or JUSTICE is to the paladin. It's their best friend and greatest asset. Hunter Tactics and Animal Focus are great, but like mentioned in this thread it falls flat. There should be class skills that fill up this need.

Act As One: The Hunter and Animal Companion can use whoever rolls the highest on initiative. Alternatively, the Hunter and Animal companion can choose to act on the initiative they each rolled.
From Jessie Scott is a great start into this, or at least something that gives you an initiative bonus when close (30ft?) from your AC, including his other suggestions "Strike as One" and "Strong Companion".

Also, like the fighter understands his sword, a Hunter must understand his animal companion. I propose that the Hunter has a mental connection or can speak his animal companion language.

To improve the animal companion, I also suggest that when it hits a certain level, say 8 and 14, like the monk's fists gets some bonuses. Such as giving it an intelligence/mythical beast template or advanced template.

Thank you for reading, I hope it wasn't too long winded. I don't have any problems with the saves, BAB, and other proficiencies. Spell list is also fine. I just hope that the Hunter can become as close to his animal companion as the Summoner is to his eidolon.