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Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Formatting the spells into cards would allow anyone who owns the PDF to simply print out the relevant page and make their own spell cards. I find spell cards can be quite helpful with game pace, especially for newer players. It would be a small way of making PF 2e more accessible to new players.

Not exactly what the OP asked for, but I figured it's relevant enough for me to throw in my two bits. I've mostly done Pathfinder games in Play by Post format, which means a lot of character building for a lot of games that died pretty quickly. The caster/martial disparity mostly rears its head in character building for me.

I don't like Paizo style casters much. The x number of spells per day, then you're a commoner with a crossbow activates my hoarder tendencies, even if there's virtually no chance of it happening in normal play. So I lean towards martial characters.

Martial characters are defined by limits, or at least that's what it feels like when making one. Want to do combat maneuvers instead of damage sometimes? Three feats, and you'd better take an archetype and specialize your gear to keep up with those monster CMDs, and better hope they're not just flat out immune. Want to buff your party? Play a caster, or one of a handful of archetypes that actually get any significant ability to do so. Debuff? Same story. Want to fly? Taste that WBL tax while gazing enviously at Overland Flight. Want to pick up some crafting feats to even things out a bit? Costs you an extra feat.

I think I'd sum it up as casters are competent at whatever they'd like to be out of the box, then can choose to specialize further or dabble widely. Martials are pigeon-holed into one or two options, and need to heavily specialize if they want to keep any other option relevant. They just don't really get some options either, like buffing.

Wizards have more important things to do with their time. Like making apple pies from scratch. And once you've got the extra universe lying around, why not rule that instead?

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I'll never take anyone seriously who says a martial idea is too anime when clerics can choose to derive their magic from the ideal of friendship.

Nothing's really clicking for me, so I'll withdraw interest. Happy pillaging everyone.

Alright, those seem like fun, but a question: How does the undead charisma fortitude work if we have Unholy Resilience or the Divine Protection feat? Do they stack, or does this faq invalidate that?

Dotting for interest. Would be interested in seeing the vampire feats.

A Kensai with a one level dip in Swashbuckler seems like it could be very good. Swashbuckler Finesse + Kensai Weapon Focus + Slashing Grace gives the benefits of Dervish Dance to any one handed slashing weapon, while costing one less feat and two less skill points. At 11th level Kensai, when you can combine Superior Reflexes with Opportune Parry and Riposte, while using either your arcane pool or panache points (which recharge on a killing blow or a critical hit) to power it, makes you pretty nasty in melee combat.

I think at level 20 the Kensai Magus could be pretty good. Always get a natural 20 on initiative, and can pick up Antimagic Field. Move next to the Mage, cast quickened Antimagic Field, and then grapple the mage to make sure they don't leave.