
I am Pickle's page

24 posts. Alias of Thomas Gentile 604.

I wasn't aware that my non-subscription orders would be delayed so that they could be shipped with my normal subscription.

I ordered your plot twist cards as I intended to use them at my weekly gaming table. But, since you've elected to hold off on shipping them, 2 more sessions will go by without them.

This service wasn't offered when I made the order last week, and I've been wondering where my purchases have been, only to find out that they haven't even shipped out.

I'm disappointed.

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Need some advice!

My table is 1 session in with RotRL, and they've just met Aldern Foxglove. Foxglove has taken an interest in the Gunslinger of the party, and after the boar hunt the Gunslinger is contemplating starting a business relationship with him. Selling Aldern guns.

(as a side note. Since guns are fairly rare on Golarian, it's generally assumed at our table that the Gunslinger "invented" the contraptions locally. There may be guns in other parts of the world, but not in Varisia.)

Now, since we have a 7 person adventuring party, and Aldern was going to need a buff to handle a larger group, I wanted to have the choice to arm him with guns come back an bite them in the ass.

Any suggestions? I was thinking there were two options:

1. Re-writing Alden with some gun profs/with Gunslinger levels.

2. Outfitting the Skinsaw Cult.

Any other possible suggestions?