IANJ's page

7 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.


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James Jacobs wrote:
3) Tharizdun (Best evil D&D deity, plus just had a cool nightmare about him earlier today), and Iggwilv (my favorite D&D villain)

I am not James Jacobs but if I were I would trademark that comment.

Also bonus grognard points for literally dreaming of Tharizdun, and mentioning Lilith, er ... Iggwilv to boot.

James after Brandon Hodge's adventure, did Iggwilv send flowers to Rasputin's funeral (or a daemon to collect his soul) ?

I would like to point out that I was the first IANJ.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I don't care what it's called. If it's a hardcover, you're probably getting my money. So far I have all 8, and Advanced Rage Guide is at the top of my "to buy" list.
What's that book? A compilation of the reply posts to my reaction to dual-shield fighting? ;-P

I am sure there will be an Easter egg laden rules variant in that book for a pith helmet wearing, Starpanda mounted, dual shield fighting style, Godclaw Dwarven Paladin, who cares not a wit about deadlines and that write up will be next to a misspelled map detailing the "Imavajana lands as fluff set pieces."

James Jacobs wrote:
Marauder, because it looks so sleek and kinda like a dinosaur a little bit.

And because with the right modifications* would totally kick ass!

*See the Marauder Mrk II.

Hail Kurita! Er, Cheliax!

James Jacobs wrote:

We couldn't disagree more. I thought that the inner covers of Carrion Crown were excellent—remember, there's more to running an Adventure Path than rules and die roles. There's flavor as well, and in particular, an AP like Carrion Crown MUST rely on some spooky ambience. Not every GM is equally capable of conveying things like that, and by including those local rumors and legends on the inside covers, we give GMs not only some flavorful inspiration for how things are in Ustalav... but even provide him with short little stories he can recite to the players in the form of tavern tales or rumors.

Furthermore... the inside covers also serve as a place to make our books look pretty. Stat blocks are not pretty to look at.

I can understand where cibet's line of thinking is coming from but I FULLY and COMPLETELY agree with James' sentiment and reasoning here.

I love the interior covers of Carrion Crown, which I feel were perfect for the AP.

James Jacobs wrote:
Yeah, not sure what riled them all up. Weird.

Working hard to make that Untyped Christmas bonus


James Jacobs wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Wow. I'm an internet acronym now. Not sure how to feel about that.

Thus is an alias born.