
Hydraggon's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Thanks for everything you've done for us, James. Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I have some questions regarding our favorite abominations, the Qlippoth.

1) What do they think of good outsiders when they aren't in direct conflict? Do they tolerate them with grudging appreciation for holding off mortal sin or do they think of them as another sickness to be wiped from the multiverse?
2) Does every Qlippoth Lord have a favored or direct descendant species, like Yamasoth and the Gongorinans?
3) I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask, but will we ever get more illustrations or an NPC of a Motherless Tiefling?
4) Will we be getting new Qlippoth soon, along with new Demodands and Proteans?
5) Will what we know about Qlippoth Lords ever get built on, like stats or info about Lords we've already heard about, like Thuskchoon? I ask this specifically because I've created a cleric of Chavazvug but there isn't very much to his lore or the lore of his cults at all (or any of the mentioned Lords other then Yamasoth).
Sorry if it's a bit much, but these questions have been bugging me for a whole now.

You know hoe I would do it?

Get rid of animal companion and most other stuff, in exchange for an elemental only wild shape. In addition, lower when it becomes at-will to somewhere around 12th or 14th level.

Give each elemental form more powers and abilities, perhaps as the druid levels up, like natural weapons or slams that deal elemental damage, the ability to slip through cracks like an ooze for water,

I would also have them get paraelemental forms, perhaps in addition to or replacing the base element forms.

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The caster>martial arguments.
While I'll admit it exists (and that it's one of PF's biggest problems) the discussion never actually goes anywhere, regardless of whether or not martials are too weak. It always ends up being three guys on each side telling the other is right until the thread subordinates back into cosmic nothingness.

Now, throughout my readings of the various bestiaries, I began to notice a pattern.

A new planar faction would be introduced and given some lore, which is all well and good, but then they rarely get mentioned again, and usually only in passing. Not only that, additions to the small number of subraces that the clan starts of with rarely tends to be added onto. Asura were introduced, then they only got one new kind of subspecies that I know of, plus I don't think they've had a major part in Amy AP (to my knowledge). Same thing with Div, Qlippoth, Kytons, Demodands, and perhaps even the Sikhal and Manasaputra if the pattern continues.

What do you think? Should Paizo stick with what they have in future bestiaries and splatbooks?