
Hurricane's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The Adventure Path will be 3.5 or PRPG?

If we doing the chat non-saturday,count me in too.
i probably gonna play human/half-elf Shoanti ranger.

I would like to see map of ALL golarion.is that possible before the gazetteer?
oh,and in PF7,we gonna get a normal-card deck to a harrow-card deck "Translator"?

(by the way,in Hebrew you say "Arba" for 4,even thou Fourth is "revi'eet",and i pretty sure that death in Jap is Shini.)

I have a great idea for a class/prestige class,but want to use the "Inscribe rune" feat (from PF5) and change him a bit (or a lot) and then write them here/others forums.
how much legal would that be? if i write the class without the feat it wont be understandable in any place expect here.i have also plans to change him,and i guess it depend on how big the change will be.

(*please forgive me for any mistakes in my English.i don't really good at this)

Vic Wertz wrote:

Because Pathfinder is a book, not a magazine, it won't be sent via Periodicals rate. It should thus arrive much more reliably (not to mention faster).

It have a hard cover,or soft cover?

Anyway,When the 4th edition of D&D will released,what Pathfinder Going to be?