"I would have to care what you think in order for you to hurt my feelings. Sorry, but I don't. You may be a big-shot arbite judge mucky-muck wherever you're from, but you haven't done jack about husbanding your resources. So here we are. It speaks for itself, I think. You don't have enough information to figure out how to draw your target to you. You don't have enough information to lead you to your target. What's missing in both instances, Chief?"
Huntarr looked between the others, and then back to Lord Aurillious. "Sorry, Your Lordship. That's above my pay grade. You wanted to be in charge. You got it. What are your orders? If you haven't got any, I would humbly suggest we consult the intelligence sources that haven't already been compromised by idiocy. Maybe you'll get lucky and can salvage something from this debacle."
Huntarr scoops up the body of the Judiciary and carries it out of the burning building in an attempt to preserve any evidence. He lays it gently at the feet of the highest ranking Arbite that he can find. "This man was killed at extremely close range. He knew his killer. Based on the lack of resistance, I would say he considered them a friend, or at least, not a threat."
Huntarr drops the combat shotgun as the zombie enters melee, and draws both auto-pistols with the speed of a striking cobra. He fires one into the chest of his attacker, at full-auto. 1d100 ⇒ 5 vs 52 + modifiers Hit with 6 rounds
Righteous Fury Test
Team A:
Huntarr would have informed Illidan on the trip back to the tower of a nagging suspicion. "I suspect we may be looking, not for multiple items, but for multiple parts of the same item. Like the pieces of a very large jewel, that someone wants to reassemble." (Somehow this post got lost yesterday.)
Team A: "Thanks for the info. We'll get out of your way now. Though since you did me a solid, I'll return the favor. The same people who killed Callisto are also the ones killing nobles. And they're using daemons to do it. Be careful. And double your watches." If there's nothing else, Huntarr will head to the Arbite for the long ride to base.
Team A: Huntarr cringes inwardly. He hadn't planned to lay everything out for the woman without getting equal measure in return. Now they had no bargaining chip with which to elicit her information in exchange. He hoped Illidan had a plan, and remained silent. (What weapons/armor do her bodyguards have?)
Team A: Huntarr radioed the Arbite to tell him to return to HQ, and that they would arrange a pick-up as soon as possible. Once in the Throne room, Huntarr glanced at the armed men, assessing weaponry and armor, before turning his attention to the Rag Queen. "We have been charged with finding the killers of Bal Grey, Priator, and several others. While chasing the most promising lead, we met your men. They asked that we meet with you, and we have agreed."
Team A: (Huntarr would have asked Georg about the Rag Queen as far as preferred terms of address as well as preferred behaviors in her court. Do we bow? Do we wait until she speaks? Do we identify ourselves in a specific way? Who, exactly, is she expecting? Anything to ensure this meeting goes smoothly. Will await your reply before posting.)
Team A: Huntarr nods his thanks and turns to the head Scum. "Alright. Take us to see your boss. I'm sure we can come up with a reasonable exchange where everyone comes out happy. But please, understand that this will be a meeting of businessmen. We are not your prisoners. We will conduct ourselves appropriately as long as you do the same. Kindly inform your boss that we would be honored to make his acquaintance. I'm sure that he has the information we seek."
Team A: Huntarr directs the Arbite to park in an alley out of sight. He gets out of the car and moves to the mouth of the alley, quietly, using all of the equipment at his disposal to observe the area, looking for people and other possible security measures. He also uses his Auger to see if there is power in the building, and where it's going.
A Team: Huntarr nods and backs away from the table, his eyes on the guy holding the gun. Once he is sure he won't be shot in the back, he signals Illidan before leaving the bar. Once outside, he arranges to rendezvous with their ride and gives the Arbite directions to their next stop. "Bal Grey was a squared-away, military type. Everything in it's place. The red cloth got me thinking that he was really killed for whatever Priator gave him, especially since it was missing. Honestly, I expect to find Priator in parts just like all the other victims. That item. That's gonna be the key to solving this whole warp-spawned mess."