Illidan |
Illidan fiddles with his data slate transferring his spycam pict recorder to the data slate and sends it to local arbite for processing.
requesting photo diagnostic: who are these men. Criminal report, any Background information. Frequent location spotted down to their favorite food or color. Need this informational Asap.
Illidan |
"sorry I have been working day and night with building reconstruction. If I don't finish this work by the end of the night my boss is going to have my hide, but I will need to finish my drink first. This job is a pain in the @$$ if you know what I mean.
Illidan flashes a smile as some ladies stroll by. Places a few thrones on the table for the drink. IllIdan leans over the bar and ask the barkeep " you know where I can find company as fine as those " Illidan points to the ladies that passed by "but more easier to get friendly with? Illidan points to the thrones on the table for his drink grinning from ear to ear
God Emperor |
The barkeep ignores Illidans question about the women and passes a bottle to Huntarr as he provides him the thrones.
There are 4 men and 3 ladies at the table that Huntarr approaches and one of them stands up with a hand on a gun at his side as he gets near the table.
He looks at the bottle and takes it from Huntarr taking a quick swig and putting it back down on the table.
"What do you want?"
God Emperor |
The lady seems a bit hesitant to talk but then breaks down.
"It was horrible! We heard screams and by time we got there she was in pieces!' She begins to cry a bit and calms herself down.
"I don't understand why anyone would want to do this... There was blood everywhere..."
Auraix makes an inquiry test trying to get more info from the servant.
Inquiry 1d100 ⇒ 60
After a few moments she calms down and opens up to you a bit more.
"Poor Mam´sel Zamura… well, I doubt that she merely was victim to a robbery. After all that happened, it would be too much of a coincidence. But she might not have been singled out as a target by the murders if she had not swaggered about her possessions so much. She used t claim that she owned, and I quote her in this, “a thing that Haarlock himself was proud to look on”. Perhaps that’s why her room was ransacked after the bloody deed."
Huntarr |
"I'd like to talk to Priator. You gentlemen seem like the folks to ask. I'm betting you can direct me to him or pass along a message. You seem connected."
Huntarr stands in a way that covers the whole table if he should draw. He watches the idiot with his hand on his gun without staring at him. He wasn't interested in challenging the local scum to a duel.
Huntarr |
Huntarr refrains from killing the man to make a point, though it's tempting.
"I need to talk to Priator. In exchange for my bottle, I'm hoping you'll be kind enough to tell me where to find him. If not, I'll take my bottle and look elsewhere."
Huntarr puts his thumbs into his gunbelt, his fingers tapping a smooth rhythm as he takes on an air of nonchalance, looking pointedly at the other man's gun.
Nihil Dragorus |
"And you have no clue what this possession was or who else might have know about it? Anyone stand out in your memory that your Mistress 'flaunted' her prize in front of?"
Illidan |
Illidan sips on his drink and looks around and sees if there is any entertainment going on. Cards, women dancing
"Two more weeks and I am out of here but have to survive these two weeks cant be all stuffed In an offIce. All fun and no play makes me a dull boy"
Illidan continues to blather to the barkeep about random nothingness
God Emperor |
You know how these dogs work and using your thug instincts and throwing down a few thrones not much they give up some information to you.
The location of his most likely hideout, a nameless, disused fish-gutting plant on the Celestine Wharf. They provide you with some general information how to get there.
Huntarr |
Huntarr nods and backs away from the table, his eyes on the guy holding the gun. Once he is sure he won't be shot in the back, he signals Illidan before leaving the bar. Once outside, he arranges to rendezvous with their ride and gives the Arbite directions to their next stop.
"Bal Grey was a squared-away, military type. Everything in it's place. The red cloth got me thinking that he was really killed for whatever Priator gave him, especially since it was missing. Honestly, I expect to find Priator in parts just like all the other victims. That item. That's gonna be the key to solving this whole warp-spawned mess."
God Emperor |
When you tell the Arbite about the location he has never heard of it or doesn't know where it is but follows the directions you were given. This is obviously some deep undercover location that the local arbites have no idea about.
You make it to the area that was provided without incident. The shuttered plant is a sprawling, wreckage-strewn mess, rusted and reeking of rotted fish and industrial effluent. Security is light, consisting of a few chained wire-mesh fences and crudely barricaded doors.
What do you want to do?
Huntarr |
Huntarr directs the Arbite to park in an alley out of sight. He gets out of the car and moves to the mouth of the alley, quietly, using all of the equipment at his disposal to observe the area, looking for people and other possible security measures. He also uses his Auger to see if there is power in the building, and where it's going.
Illidan |
Illidan snaps a photo of the plant, stamp it with the geo coordinates and transfer the knowledge learned thus far and send to Auraxis, huntarr and Nihil
"Huntarr believes that we are tracking an item through all these killings someone believes this to be of great value. We are in pursuit of those who may know of its whereabouts or seen it last. Once we get a better understanding of what we are chasing I will fill you in. Over."
God Emperor |
You make your way past the fenced area and into the plant. Inside the main building is a maze of broken machinery and trash, gantry-ways and hoists, lit only by the weak light and rain coming in from the roof. At the centre of the building looks to have been a dwelling place and work quarters. This area, based around a now-cold drum fire, is strewn with old mattresses, drug paraphernalia, worthless trinkets, mismatched and damaged furniture, spoiled food, empty bottles, vandalised statues, and other random junk. Three twisted corpses lie around the fire drum, all having died some days ago by their level of putrefaction. Around them are broken blades and spent shell casings—but no guns. One corpse, despite its condition, was clearly singled out for worse treatment than the others, each limb having been snapped at distorted angles. Looped silver chains around this corpse’s neck are heavy with fingerbones, runic talismans, and other signs of petty warpcraft.
Illidan |
Illidan records his way through the plant covering as much footage as he can with his pict recorder. Illidan then downloads the footage to data slate and sends it to auraxis nihil and huntarr
"Nihil please examine these bodies it you can figure out anything from there tortured methods, bindings, runes and talisman we may know more about what we are dealing with.
Illidan speaks to huntarr through the micro bead.
" Huntarr this place ranks of heavy $#&*, bodies everywhere no signs of the enemy. It's a little to quiet in here watch your step"
Illidan will preform a Psyscience test to see if the warp has been disturbed in this area or weakened by any petty rituals 1d100 ⇒ 33 vs 40