Hulken's page

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I would love an update to this guide as well

The Doomkitten wrote:

I know you rated Abyssal bloodline low, but it is actually quite useful if you take the Rageshaper archetype.


But wait! There's more. You can apply Rageshaper's Bestial Aspect feature to the claws, increasing their damage to 2d8! In addition, once you hit 5th level, you gain Furious Transformation, which increases the bonus from Enlarge Person by 2. You can also take Improved Natural Weapon (bite) to increase your bite attack to 2d6. Cool, right?

Can you please clarify? How does Furious Transformation increase the bonus from Enlarge person by two? Are you talking about demonic bulk? If so, I don't see how furious transformation does anything for it. Extend spell doesn't do anything for demonic bulk, I don't think.