Having grown up during the Civil War, Huey was convinced that he was born to be
the soldier, the one who would heroically lead the Confederacy to victory against the tyranny of the North. A few days before his eighteenth birthday, the Confederacy was no more.
Not picky about the causes he fought for, Huey signed up to join the American army. But the war was over, and a soldier's life was, he found, quite dull. With no way to demonstrate his heroism, Huey was never promoted. After four years, Huey was at his wits' end.
In a dream, a sinister-looking man appeared to him and offered him anything he wanted. When he asked for "something heroic," the man handed him a gun, saying that it would make him a hero, but adding that it would also make him a villain. The next morning, he found the gun under his pillow.
Huey escaped from the army, and began to use the gun to shoot game. Remarkably, his gun's bullets always left a deadly fire that killed their target. But whenever he used the gun, he began to leave glowing footprints that he was unable to erase.