A blue-scaled kobold dressed in a medical outfit optimized for desert living hops up onto a wooden box.
"Some may have gotten the impression that our atheism in Rahadoum is outright denial that deities exist. If that were the case, we would not have nor need the Laws of Mortality. The concern has been since their adoption is that mortal beings should not be advancing the agenda of deities, and deities empowering their followers in Rahadoum has been immeasurably harmful to our society.
To avoid the 'slippery slope' argument that some no-scales like to embrace, we had to stop the following of ALL deities -- because if we'd kept the good ones, then the evil ones would go 'See, we're oppressed. We act out from this oppression!'. Likewise the 'good' ones, and those in-between would play a balance-of-power game that would ultimately destroy our country.
We had to make them all go away, as a measure of self-defense. As a kobold, that makes sense to me -- you don't want to keep the danger in your community you take it away from the community and ensure it never comes back. Even if it asks 'nicely' to come back.
ESPECIALLY if it asks nicely.
Whether a practitioner of divine magic from a non-divine source is in contravention of the Laws is something the Legion is tasked with determining, and all the power to them for doing what they can. Hopefully other nations fraught with their own problems turn to their own concerns rather than continuing to insist that we step away from the path that works for us."
...the kobold then hops down and blends back into the scenery.