
HowlingWolf's page

Organized Play Member. 120 posts (274 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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maybe the gm can just hand players pre-made characters to play. seems the easiest way to solve the "my gaming style is the best and anything else isnt fun" problem.

to me it seems half the complaining against overpowered is actually against experienced players. in my area ive seen vanilla core classes rip through a scenario. heaven help the gm if the players actually work as a team. every class can shine, even the rogue, if the player is half way good.

as a player and a gm, i dont see half the OP problems that the forums complain about. maybe the gamers in my area are just better at character building than players else where. either way, what people complain about doesnt seem that bad to me. sure some games a character or two can own everything, but other games they might have trouble. rejoice in the good decisions your players make and laugh at their follies, you dont have to tpk to enjoy gming.


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Glad to see my money was well spent on the Blood books.

Well, good news is I will save money in the future by not buying side books. I bought the blood books to be pfs legal. Now that content is being removed from pfs, I dont see the point in wasting money on non core books.

Can we expect these new races to be banned in the future? Should we warn new players to only use content from the core books, just to be safe?

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Pendagast wrote:

I would go elf:

str: 15
dex: 16
con: 12
int: 12
wis: 14
chr: 8

Use the elven curved blade instead of great sword.
and get combat reflexes is my first level feat.

dont know if I want to give up my strength bonus, quick draw, and heart of the wild.

elven immunities and low light vision would be nice though.