About Houk Fine.
Stat Block
Defense AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Wis, +2 Dex) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Offense
Unarmed Combat Flurry +2/+2 (1d6+3+1/*2)(B) (NL) +Beliers bite 1d4 per round. Ranged Feats/Traits/Skills:
Human Bonus: Dirty Fighting Counts for INT 13, etc Feat Pre-reqs. Beliers Bite +1d4 bleed damage with unarmed strike (Doesn't stack so once per round) DM Bonus:Nimble Moves Pass throught 5ft difficult terrain per round like nomal Traits
Dangerously Curious
Quain(Raoist) Martial Artist +1 dmg Unarmed Combat Story Feat
You dream of discovering new vistas. Prerequisite(s): You must have crossed at least 30 miles of wilderness without map or guide. Benefit(s): You can provide twice as much food and water for other people when attempting a Survival check to get along in the wild. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (geography) checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Knowledge (geography), increase your bonus to +4. Goal: Cross through a dangerous place without a map or a guide knowledgeable about the area, stopping for no longer than 16 hours at a time, and along the way overcome an appropriate number of natural hazards, obstacles, and/or enemies, at least one of which must qualify as a challenging foe. Completion Benefit(s): You and one ally per 3 ranks of Survival can move overland without being slowed by difficult terrain (allies must remain within 30 feet of you to be affected). Once per day, you can make a preternaturally accurate estimate regarding your path, as if you had cast find the path on yourself (caster level equals your character level).
Skills:4+5 *Climb(Str) +7 (1R)
*Acrobatics(Dex) +6 (1R)
*Craft (Int) Sewing Clothing +4 (1R)*
*Perception(Wis) +7 (1R)
*Use Magical Device(Cha) +5(1R+1 trait)
Combat Gear Other Gear
Wood Bound copy of "The Word of Incarnum" (1/1) Alchemy Artisans Tools 5gp/5
100' String (.1/1) Mess Kit (.2/1)
(28gp/54lbs) Gold: 31
Weight: 86 lbs = Light
Special Monk Abilities:
Stunning Fist (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. The monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This condition replaces stunning the target for 1 round, and a successful saving throw still negates the effect. At 4th level, he can choose to make the target fatigued. At 8th level, he can make the target sickened for 1 minute. At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds. At 16th level, he can permanently blind or deafen the target. At 20th level, he can paralyze the target for 1d6+1 rounds. The monk must choose which condition will apply before the attack roll is made. These effects do not stack with themselves (a creature sickened by Stunning Fist cannot become nauseated if hit by Stunning Fist again), but additional hits do increase the duration. Background:
Born in Devarnish , Southern Veluna, Houk hardly knew his father, he was always working and toadying up to the local lord. Luckily Houks father was able to provide for his family and Houk received an education and instruction in the teachings of Rao. When Houk was 7 years old in a tragic event his parents were killed in a bandit ambush as they traveled to visit another lord as part of the local lords retinue. He was being looked after by his aunt at the time, but she could not afford to take on another mouth to feed and after a conversation with Houk she took him tot he local monastery of Rao where he was taking in as a ward of Rao, to be raised and cared for. Erlund Remuros was Houks attendant/teacher for much of his youth, Erland was a former soldier now a Monk, who had seen many horrors in life and now taught the peace and serenity in the teachings of Rao. Alongside his education and Raoist learnings, Erlund taught Houk how to fight, he taught him how to fight without weapons, for a weapon is just an extension of the body, teach the body to fight and the rest is just extensions. As time went by Houk found himself learning of the deeper mysteries that can be found in the study of Serenity and generosity of spirit. He was able to awaken some of the abilities that Monks who have studied for many years are able to use. As life training he took me with him on a few caravan guard runs, we only saw combat a once and I handled myself well enough only needing Erlund to save me once. I learned how and what to look out for on the road and how to keep my gear maintained. On these caravan journies Houk made a new friend the tinker trader and alchemist Gita, she liked to show the boy tricks and flashes and booms that she could produce with her alchemical mixtures. Houk was enraptured and he spent every hour that he could watching and helping Gita, even fetching firewood and cleaning her pots so that she could earn a few more minutes of her time. Erlund would occasionally take Houk out just by himself through the wilds to teach Houk how survive by his wits, which inevitably would end at a visit to Gits's village and a new alchemical mystery for Houk to learn and a relaxing ale for Erlund to enjoy. As he was starting to reach his majority Erlund told him some of the horrible things he had seen and experienced, then he began teaching Houk about how to devastate a target with his attacks in the most effective ways. He always cautioned that Peace, Reason and Serenity were the answers to many things in life, but when you must fight, you fight using the most effective techniques. Houk took this to heart and after each practise session of a new deadly technique he would go and play with local children or do odd jobs for the poor (Thatching roofs, fetching water etc.), immersing himself in generosity and peace. Houk had progressed well in his monastic learnings and he was awarded the rank of novice. He was now old enough to journey by himself and after expressing to Erlund that he wished to make his own way and see what life would have in store for him outside the monastery. Erlund listened and gave his blessing to Houk, (b)"I am old now and I deserve a rest from chasing after you all these years, but your a fine boy and I couldn't be prouder, go with my blessings."[/b]. With that they embraced and Houk went off to plan where he would go. The next day ERlund and the Abbott met up with Houk in his quarters and gave him a mission as part of his journey. " Rao teaches peace and serenity but he does not blindly trust all to do the right thing, there have been rumours dark powers rising again, we need to you to investigate any rumours you hear and particularly we need you to make your way to the village of Hommlet in the Kronn Hills and check that the nearby Temple of Elemental Evil has not attracted any new adherents. The faith of Rao had a part in it's downfall many years ago and it does not pay to leave such an edifice to evil forgotten." said the Abbot, with that he gathered his possessions and left the monastery bound for the Kronn hills and whatever adventure was along the way. Personality:
Outgoing and overly friendly Houk is prone to talking a bit too much at times, unless he's on a mission and then he's all business. Houk enjoys teaching his skills to those that will listen and in this he has found his voice teaching the lessons he was taught him to those who wish to defend their families and homes.
Standing 6 ft tall with a muscular frame, he is lithe and fit like a gymnast. He seems to have a permanent smile plastered on his boyish face and his antics do nothing to dissuade onlookers of his boyishness. His Long sandy hair is is generally tied back or bound with beads, so it does not get in his face when he performs a complicated maneuver. He keeps his face clean shaven. Eyes:Brown