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Organized Play Member. 300 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Scarab Sages

Come and join our group

Birthright Unconquered

A place for fans of the last and best 2e setting to review, discuss and create together

Scarab Sages

I'm currently in the early stages of a setting project (one of my many projects :)) for my own pleasure and I was considering an idea. Before revealing my grand idea in any detail I was wondering if you fine people could comment on the effects of;

Merging the fey and primal concepts?

Essentially the Feywild becomes the Primalwild, the primal spirits are fey in origin etc. I stress however that this is not just a mix and match idea but a true mergence, losing and adding ideas as required.

Any pitfalls mechanically or storywise?

Scarab Sages

I'm coping the original Jraynack post here (hopefully he won't mind), link to Enworld post at the bottom.

Jraynack wrote:

"One of the things we discussed when preparing to publish Adventurer's Guide to Cthonia is two things:

"How can we get it to grow?" and "How can we get the fans involved to make it a living, breathing, every-changing world?"

First, we are developing a strategy for other publishers to get involved, but it is still in the infant stages.

However, for you fans of the new setting, we want to produce a fan netbook focusing on the region of Cthonia. The fans write the material, send it to us, and we produce it (artwork, editing, and the like) and make it FREE to everyone else.

Here are a few rules:
The material you submit must be your own (no copying and pasting from other 4E products) and must follow the GSL (primarily, no copying WotC 4E material or even portions of their material).
And, whatever you send to us will belong to us (the main reason is to maintain our Product Identity). However, be rest assured, whatever you send us it will go in the FREE netbook and not in any of our other products, unless those products are also free.

So if you are game, we are looking for the following for the Cthonia netbook:
New Commands - remember, though similar to rituals, they are less fantastic (as in magical) then rituals.
New Bloodline and Infernal powers
New Feudal Obligations
Interesting NPCs and Cthonian location sites
And mini-adventures or unique encounters that fit the theme of the setting.

So there you have it. Tell us what you think by posting here or at our hosted forums at

You may also send your concerns and stuff for the netbook at APGnetbook (at) comcast (dot) net. This address will eventually change after we update our site."

Link: Original post

Scarab Sages

Haven't noticed anyone mentioning this yet.

Bought the other day and it's a great product, check it out.

Link: Adventurer's Guide to Cthonia

Scarab Sages

I'm looking forward to the Heroes Handbook: Eladrin.

Goodman Games

Scarab Sages

Hi CS guys, could you please cancel my preorder. I've had to cancel my credit card so you'll not be able to collect the money.

Now to badger my FLGS into ordering it for me 8-).

Scarab Sages

Poll to determine edition is located HERE if anyone's interested in participating.

Scarab Sages

Came across these a few weeks ago, don't know if they'll interest...

Alea Publishing

Medieval Bestiary: Anthropophagi

Feudal Characters: Noble

Medieval Landscapes: Peasant House

Not sure when their Feudal Lord setting is out but I think it'll be worth a look.

Scarab Sages

Cross posted from Wotc BR forum

Birthright in 4E - Introducing PHB Classes

Cleric - Obvious
Fighter - Obvious
Paladin - Obvious (going good so far)
Ranger - Obvious (I like this)
Rogue - Obvi...Getting silly now

Warlock - ok thinking about this as the three seperate paths I was thinking the Infernal Warlock is a result of Adurian folly (see my race post). The fey pact would be used/taught by the halflings, fey people themselves. Not sure about the Star Pact though.

Warlord - This class BELONGS in Cerilia. It's an easy fit.

Wizard - As a setting rule I'd have all Wizards possessing a bloodline, even if only tainted.

Birthright Class: Magician - Easiest fit for this is to say all magicians are ritual magic users.

Anyone else had some thoughts?

Later post

Mourn wrote:

New Class: Scion (multiclass only)

Taking a special multiclass feat (Bloodmark) at first level allows you to select a bloodline, which gives you a minor special ability. In addition, you qualify for power swapping feats and special paragon paths.

Each bloodline would have powers for all levels that base classes do, and then there would be a few paragon paths for different bloodlines.

I can't wait to get the FRPG to see how the Spellscarred multi-class maps. Your idea is exactly how I see bloodlines being integrated.

Not sure you need powers for every level though. Many of the old blood abilities are probably irrelevant in the current edition. I think however that between the Spellscarred and the dragonmarked next year lies the answer.

If your worried about lack of skills I envision the Tainted Bloodline multi-class feat (to be revealed on a later thread ) to grant a choice of Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight or Intimidate.

Here you get what I see as one of the necessary ruler skills, but more importantly even if you don't want to take Skill training the 4E system rarely leaves you completely useless at skills.

Scarab Sages

Nobody else had a look or have an opinion on these?

Scarab Sages

The below threads title censored word still appears in the right hand messageboard thingy as it was typed.

Perhaps slightly innapropriate for your homepage?

4e Red Dragon s%*%s On 4e Criticisms

Later days

Scarab Sages

Amongst my many little projects I'm converting the Falcon Trilogy (Greyhawk) and Warlock of the Stonecrowns (Birthright).

Anyone else converting or already converted any 1e-3.x adventures?

How far have you got and what if any changes have you made?

Scarab Sages

Come along people your more creative than this ;-)

**Sigh** don't make me subject you to more of my shoddy workmanship...

Scarab Sages

If nobody else starts us I'll post a few Tuesday but my work is shoddy at best.

Scarab Sages

Ok I've yet to see this come up here so I'll do it (sorry if it has and I've missed it).

Where do you plan on setting your 4E game?

Personally I'm considering either an update to Birthright or using the existing POL template and adding to it as I go along.

So, what about you?


Scarab Sages

Hi Cosmo. I'm sorry to say I need to cancel all my subscriptions.

Hopefully this will change in the future.


Scarab Sages

Ok so I've recently been reading Warhammer fantasy roleplay and looking at the simplicity of their parrying rules wondered why D&D never incorporated any.

How would this affect the game?

Parry: As a move or standard action you can prepare to parry. Anytime between this declaration and your next turn you may parry one incoming attack. Make an attack roll, if greater than your opponents then the attack is parried.
Special: If you have a shield or off hand weapon you may make one free parry a turn without taking this action.
**You can only take one parry action per turn.

Possible Eberron expansion: Spend an action point to take an extra parry action.

Feat: Extra parry
Prereq: Dex 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge.
Benefit: You may take a number of parry actions equal to your dex bonus per turn.

Scarab Sages

Ok so my groups PC's got brutally slaughtered by Nualia, but not before doing a blitzkrieg on the thistletop goblins and her henchmen. Assuming that she still manages to free Malfeshnekor(sp?).

What happens next?

I'm still planning on running the next book so we're going to run a few adventures that occur at the same time as burnt offerings and lead the group to Sandpoint and into the Skinsaw murders. However I don't want to just ignore the consequences of the groups earlier failiure.

So given that she succeeds in freeing the barghest but loses all her allies what should the consequences of the parties failiure be, especially in regards to Sandpoint.

Any and all ideas welcome.

Scarab Sages

Hi guys at Paizo, I've just received my Pathfinder subscription for #5 & 6 (ta very much). However according to the receipt it should have also included GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose.

Just wondered if you could check on this for me.

I have emailed you as well so sorry if you catch this twice.

Later days & thanks

Scarab Sages

Not to complain but my Pathfinder 4 (Order# 846388) seems to be shipping before my Pathfinder 3 (Order# 835801). Is that normal? Because I have to be honest it seems a bit cackhanded to me. Luckily I don't start running the game till the new year but would be a little awkward if I was right in the middle.