Male Human Warlock 1
nightflier wrote: Honest Fineal wrote: Calixymenthillian wrote: Almost ready, I'm still debating between a Diviner and an Oracle of Lore. Any thoughts people? If you went with the Oracle, I'd be the only real arcane caster in this party. You have been forewarned.
Anyway, ready. Nice one, Davi. For me the warlock as con man is a new twist. Although the background is too poor for a bonus feat. I blame the invocation that gives +6 to social skills and the fact that the game I first played him in was somewhat Diskworld-inspired. Anyway, I wholeheartedly admit the background isn't good by any means, but it's good enough for our purposes.
Also, another reminder to delete the quote marks around Honest if you're quoting this alias. I swear it didn't do that when I first made the alias...
Male Human Warlock 1
Calixymenthillian wrote: Almost ready, I'm still debating between a Diviner and an Oracle of Lore. Any thoughts people? If you went with the Oracle, I'd be the only real arcane caster in this party. You have been forewarned.
Anyway, ready.
Male Human Warlock 1
Rhiannon d'Deneith wrote: Honest Fineal wrote: Uh, I still have no idea how much money a warlock starts with. (Not that I'm buying much beyond a light mace, some leather armor, and an absurd amount of random knick-knacks.)
On a related note, I'm guessing colored water doesn't cost anything?
** spoiler omitted **
Thought you'd find this interesting Yeah, I vaguely remember hearing that somewhere. As far as Fineal goes, the Lords of Dust are probably the most likely source of his pact. Of course he doesn't particularly care about that at this point, but it's probably going to end up getting involved several levels from now. (Read: In a couple years.)
Also, be sure to delete the quote marks around Honest if you're quoting me. Having two sets of quote marks does weird stuff to the BBCode.
Male Human Warlock 1
Uh, I still have no idea how much money a warlock starts with. (Not that I'm buying much beyond a light mace, some leather armor, and an absurd amount of random knick-knacks.)
On a related note, I'm guessing colored water doesn't cost anything?
Male Human Warlock 1
I should be just about done with my sheet now, other than equipment. So, how much starting gold do warlocks get anyway?
EDIT: Wait, this ship's completely unrelated to Lyrander? We're going to get hit by lightning an improbable amount of times, aren't we?
Male Human Warlock 1
flash_cxxi wrote: Mark Thomas wrote: I think I'll stay with this version then, the glaive's become sort of a signature, as has the spiderclimb. Personally, I'd up your HD to d8's to keep in line with Paizo's HD/BAB comparisons. "Lucky. I just got a few extra invocations."
Alright, I just miss using the character, alright? Shame the game died again even before lynora's real life stuff happened.
Male Human Warlock 1
Reposting my initiative.
'Honest' Fineal wrote: Forgot to roll initiative. Sorry. 1d20+2=15 Fin climbs out of the crow's nest and begins to shimmy down the mast with surprising speed.
Moving down the mast until some kua-toa are in range, then using Eldritch blast if possible. Also, staying at least 10 feet above the deck. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 212d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9
Male Human Warlock 1
Lynora de Trevante wrote: Yes, someone did. Sorry about that. I had bronchitis. Well, first it was the cold that would not end. Then it turned into bronchitis. I was sick from the start of September until just a few days ago. I barely managed to keep up with the pbp s that I'm a player in. Although much silliness occurred in FaWTL. Silliness can happen even when running a high fever. :)
Anyhooo, we can start this back up as soon as tomorrow if you still want to.
Well, at least you have a good excuse. Let's try to round up as many of the old players as we can, then carry on, carry on as if nothing really mattered.
(Also, YAY!)
Male Human Warlock 1
Hey, I'm just glad this game still exists.
Male Human Warlock 1
Forgot to roll initiative. Sorry. 1d20+2=15
Male Human Warlock 1
"Heh, that cloud looks like a fish- wait, kua-toa! Oh, this just gets better and better."
Wait, the girl left to get something to eat, and I make another Perception check every hour. How long is she taking!?!
Male Human Warlock 1
Oh, alright. Perception: 5
Male Human Warlock 1
'Honest' Fineal wrote: Perception: 11 Another one?
Male Human Warlock 1
EDIT: Replied while I was writing this.
"Alright, have fun, kid. Why am I up here? I have bad eyes..."
Thoughts in italics. Perception: 11
Male Human Warlock 1
Lynora de Trevante wrote: "Okay, that was kind of almost cute. What else you got?" "Fine, my dear, let me tell you the tale of how I got this coat, also known as why wizards should always take the money before they enchant the item..."
Bluff: 23
Male Human Warlock 1
"...So, after a quick drink I stole a random coat and hat from the rack, grabbed half a head of lettuce from the garbage and went to a conveniently shady corner, waiting for a good mark to show up..."
Male Human Warlock 1
'Honest' Fineal wrote: Lynora de Trevante wrote: "Okay, so maybe you're not totally useless," Blessing says grudgingly. "So now we pretty much get to sit up here and keep and eye out. It can get kinda boring, so your job is to keep me entertained." "Well my dear, if you're that desperate for entertainment, let me tell you the tale of the time I sold half a pound of chopped greens to an undercover guard who believed it was hashish? It was a while since I had any sales, and I wasn't quite ready to dig through the garbage for my meals just yet..."
Should I roll anything? Also, anyone know the average height of a caravel's main mast? Uh, no reaction from sullen little girl? (No, not you personally)
Male Human Warlock 1
Lynora de Trevante wrote: "Okay, so maybe you're not totally useless," Blessing says grudgingly. "So now we pretty much get to sit up here and keep and eye out. It can get kinda boring, so your job is to keep me entertained." "Well my dear, if you're that desperate for entertainment, let me tell you the tale of the time I sold half a pound of chopped greens to an undercover guard who believed it was hashish? It was a while since I had any sales, and I wasn't quite ready to dig through the garbage for my meals just yet..."
Should I roll anything? Also, anyone know the average height of a caravel's main mast?
Male Human Warlock 1
Lynora de Trevante wrote: I've been trying to find the answer to that question without any luck. Gorram trigonometry. :( Wait, wouldn't it just be basic Pythagorean Theorem? A^2+B^2=C^2, where B=the height of the mast in feet, C=60, and A=the radius of the circle of the deck around the mast I can see? Of course, probably should take about 5 feet off of that because it would only be up to about knee height, and if there are multiple levels of deck I don't know what to do, but close enough.
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin begins to climb up the mast with unusual speed, but he doesn't seem to actually be gripping it that tightly. Must just be good at it.
Just checking, how high up is the crow's nest? How much of the deck is within 60ft?
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin reaches out to shake the girl's hand. "Morning miss. Honest Finial, Purveyor of Quality Goods at your service. So, uh, what exactly am I going to be doing?"
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin leans over the table and begins speaking surprisingly fast. "Well, as I already told you I am a simple Purveyor of Quality Goods, and like most Purveyors of Quality Goods I'm surprisingly good at convincing people. Let's face it, I could sell half your crew the shirts off their own back for exorbitant prices, no offense to your crew. Why not let me join? After all, you can't solve all your problems with a few feet of steel, sometimes you need a silver tongue. So, whenever you need a decent deal, come to Honest Finial." He finally takes a breath and opens his arms wide, smiling in an untrustworthy way.
"Oh yeah, and I can do this." Fin then raises his hand at the candle and a bolt of eldritch energy shoots out, reducing it to several small hunks of wax.
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin leans over the table and begins speaking surprisingly fast. "Well, as I already told you I am a simple Purveyor of Quality Goods, and like most Purveyors of Quality Goods I'm surprisingly good at convincing people. Let's face it, I could sell half your crew the shirts off their own back for exorbitant prices, no offense to your crew. Why not let me join? After all, you can't solve all your problems with a few feet of steel, sometimes you need a silver tongue. So, whenever you need a decent deal, come to Honest Finial." He finally takes a breath and opens his arms wide, smiling in an untrustworthy way.
"Oh yeah, and I can do this." Fin then raises his hand at the candle and a bolt of eldritch energy shoots out, reducing it to several small hunks of wax.
Male Human Warlock 1
"Wait, you'd just quit if I ran off? Might as well stay, then. You know, this could end well for me. Exotic goods that you could buy with copper and sell for gold, easy transport away from dissatisfied customers, yes this could work very well indeed." Fin smiles in a way that seems more than a bit predatory.
Male Human Warlock 1
"I'll just stay on until we get closer to home."
Uh, what was the name of the city we came from again?
Male Human Warlock 1
"Oh, it was called The Abigail? Learn something new every day. Why did she have to be facing me when she did that? Now my coat's going to end up sticky..."
Male Human Warlock 1
Gracie Fisher wrote: "Well, it sounds like you fell in with a bad lot. Now would someone please tell me which bad lot that might be? It sounds like you were press-ganged, but you still haven't mentioned by who or where. So far I've heard about a sadistic bosun and a drow. And someone sliced the bosun's hammock which somehow led to you all being stranded at sea in a dinghy. Perhaps one of you might like to elaborate a little?" "That most ancient group of thieves known as the Royal Navy. Most of them probably weren't evil, though. Recruiters certainly are. I'm still missing a few teeth from the 'recruitment'."
Male Human Warlock 1
"Hey, speak for yourself! Once I get back home, I'm going to have a meeting with a certain orc and then I'm never setting foot on a ship again."
Male Human Warlock 1
"Well it was a-" he continues before suddenly looking seriously at her. "Listen, if you're going to try to humor me at least put a little effort in it. Alright, some of them got a little rowdy and the captain tossed all the new "recruits" into a dinghy. Wasn't lying about the storm, though. We could of just rowed home if we weren't blown all the way over here."
Diplomacy: 16 Oh, I missed IC giving me bad rolls.
Male Human Warlock 1
Gracie Fisher wrote: "So how did you lot end up in a dinghy in the middle of the ocean? There has to be some story to that." Fin quickly scampers up the ladder, bowing at the woman when he reaches the deck. "Greetings my dear, I'm Honest Finial, Purveyor of Quality Goods. Now my dear, you are right in believing there is an interesting story behind this. You see, we all had the misfortune to have been shanghaied into a sailor's job. Now, you remember that big storm a week back? Well, it wasn't a very good ship and it sunk. We're all just lucky we managed to get to this dinghy in time." He then flashes her a winning smile, and he seems to be utterly trustworthy.
Bluff: 28
Male Human Warlock 1
"Well, that's why you have me, isn't it? Make sure we all get good deals for ourselves."
Fin then takes out a small lady's hand mirror with a small crack in it and begins flashing it at the boat. "Hello out there! Mind helping out a few humble sailors?"
Male Human Warlock 1
Nimm Qa'dim wrote: "And exactly what will ye be sayin'? What's our stance here? I vote we join up! A privateer's liable to need a good crew of hard cases like ourselves. And besides, at the very least they can aim us toward the right coastline!" "Well, that just about sums it up. I'll just say it in a more convincing way."
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin sits up. "What? A ship!" He gets up and move to the front of the dingy. "Alright people, full speed ahead! Remember, let me do the talking!" He grins widely.
Male Human Warlock 1
"This wound's starting to burn too."
Once Bear's Endurance wears off, I'll be down to 13/18 HP.
Male Human Warlock 1
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin hits the ray with another bolt as it comes near.
Just realized I haven't been applying Point Blank Shot this whole fight. If it applies, 20, 6 damage
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin fires another bolt at the ray, but he misses.
9, 7 damage
Male Human Warlock 1
Whoops. Forgot my own name, apparently. Ignore the above post.
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin sends another bolt of energy at the ray.
Mind if I stop writing Eldritch Blast every time I do this? It's not like I have any other bolts of magic energy... 20, 9 damage
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin fires another blast at the ray, but it only makes a large splash in the water.
Eldritch Blast: 10, 7 damage
Male Human Warlock 1
Initiative: 18
"Well the stab wound did help. Besides, it's my lucky coat. No one stabs the lucky coat."
Male Human Warlock 1
Does that include my DR? if not, I'm down to 19HP. Also, Fort: Failed. Badly My Con is down to 9, so 13HP left
Fin cries out in shock as the barb punctures his shoulder. "That thing... that thing put a hole in my BLEEPING COAT!", he yells as he turns around and raises his hand towards the ray. Suddenly, a bolt of eldritch energy shoots out at the ray.
I know I probably shouldn't, but an Eldritch Blast at the ray.: 22, 9 damage
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin lifts his head up. "Pirates, huh? Pirates are good. They buy a lot. Gullible, too."
He then returns to laying there staring into the sky.
Male Human Warlock 1
Male Human Warlock 1
With the +10 from Spider Climb I can't fail the Reflex save. Fortitude: He is critically hardy.
Fin clutches to the sides of the boat like a crazed man, but he is looking a bit less sick.
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin also vomits over the side of the boat, and he's very nearly going over.
In fact, I will be over if Spider Climb doesn't mean I don't get thrown off. Do I at least get a bonus? It would have to be +9 or above, but still. Fort, Reflex: 1d20+4=9, 1d20+1=13
Male Human Warlock 1
Although he clings to the boat like a madman, the heaving is making Fin a tad sick.
Reflex, Fort: 1d20+6=24, 1d20+3=7
Male Human Warlock 1
Fin takes the offered fish gladly.
Just checking, Spider Climb would at least give me a bonus to not being swept away, right? Oh, you probably won't have to swim until next level, just get Swimming The Styx then, oh that was such a good idea...