Homer's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

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I am just spit balling here but what if Starfinder First Contact is 16 pages of supplemental material for use with Incident at Absalom Station and Incident at Absalom Station is an entire adventure in itself. Then going forward the other 5 adventure path books are 96 pages each.

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Shifty wrote:

Yep, PFS is what keeps me in Pathfinder.

I don't have the sort of career that really allows for a lot of campaign 'home game' type play, and my regular group is made up of an eclectic bunch of adults who only seem to have 'time poor' as the common factor in our work lives. PFS was the lifeline to our ability to keep on trucking and playing.

It's called being an adult. Organized play is how most of us working people get our role playing fix. I really hope Paizo at some point does organize an SFS.