Lord Soth

HolyInquisitor's page

38 posts. Alias of Mike Kerezman.


You definitely should go with a Ipad.

I am trying to unload a like new copy of SOLOMON KANE (Blu-ray) which was ordered overseas with Dutch subtitles.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/141020094201?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid= p3984.m1555.l2649

And a Blue-eyed Cossack!

Why, Because you did not get the result you wanted today? The timing of this thread is hardly coincidental.

Thanks, I just put my order in last night for the map. I only wish PAIZO had done a poster map of RavenLoft.

This may be late but I missed out all those years the FR was the rage.
How does this map compare to the one in the Forgotten Realms Grey Boxed Set?

Don't wait like I did. I just paid $68 for a print copy of "Burnt Offerings" and plan to hang on it.

James Jacobs wrote:

In any case, we're not in any current danger of selling out of any volumes of Kingmaker.

That's Good to hear because I just paid $68 for a print copy of Burnt Offerings and that was lower priced copy. Ouch. Based on the all of the above I think I'll go snatch up KINGMAKER. Thanks Guys.

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Paizo has said that they are planning to do a mass combat system in ultimate combat.

When does that come out? Where can I learn more?

I've been wondering if the Kingdom building rules and Mass Combat Rules from Kingmaker AP will be reprinted in later book or should I run out and snatch up the Kingmaker AP before they disappear. I'm interested in the concept outlined in Kingmaker just not specific setting and story outlined within KM from what I know about it.

Balsamic Dragon wrote:
Sinvel Menter wrote:
Balsamic Dragon wrote:
This is sort of an old thread, but I am in the process of converting Expedition to Castle Ravenloft to Pathfinder now, if the original poster had any questions or suggestions! I would say I'm about halfway through the book. I'm revising a lot of things as I go, and plan to start running in a few weeks.
Very cool. We are running this next. Any way I could get the PF conversion from you?

Sure! I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't converted everything yet, but I've been running it for eight sessions now and it has gone very well! Two questions:

1) can you please just confirm for me that you own the 3.5 book?

2) I'm assuming you just want stat blocks, yes? I've done some substantial rewriting of the module itself.

You can email me at balsamic [no space] dragon [at symbol] gmail [dot] com.

Balsamic Dragon

I also own the book and plan on using PF to run a mini-Ravenloft campaign in the not so distant future. What sort of modification have you done to module itself?

I live in Oklahoma and I finally just got my Shipping notice and downloads. What a relief. I'm gonna have a big drink to you guys. Thanks!


I'm for ditching traffic lights, student loan payments, and most other U.S laws myself.

Best News I heard all day.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastrd wrote:
I can think of a few (Speaker for the Dead, newer Shannara books...), but the most recent is the War of the Spider Queen series. The first couple books were decent enough, but the writing got much worse toward the end. Lisa Smedman was particularly awful. ** spoiler omitted ** I started the last book, but I couldn't get past the first couple of chapters. Eventually, I just read the synopsis on Wikipedia, and I'm glad I did. I hated the ending; every character I wanted to succeed died. Throughout the series you knew who the "sacred cows" were, and it took all of the suspense out of it.

Does this mean my Double Box set of War of the Spider Queen which is still in shrink wrap should stay there?

What's new about noise.

I buy the groceries for my Elderly mother, myself, and my 20 year old brother here in central Oklahoma. I spend $150 every two weeks or about $300 a month. I do most of the cooking as well. It need to be pointed
out that food stamps are exempt from taxation which can add extra $9 worth of groceries for every $100 dollars spent.

EDIT: Sales Tax in my area is 8.5 %

Please change the shipping to USPS Priority ($6.49) - could not get to change on the website when I placed the order.

Get Real - I had more stuff damaged by USPS than any other carrier. And far as speed goes, USPS isn't even close not mention a practically useless tracking system.

James Jacobs wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
This gets to one of my continuing concerns with the upcoming Pathfinder RPG, and that is an over-blending of the PRPG concept and the Golarion concept. See, to me, PRPG is/should be a generic rule set that replaces 3.5/OGL. Golarion is/should be one world crated by Paizo that uses the PRPG rule-set, but I don't really want to see other companies detailing Golarion. I want to see Necromancer producing generic stuff that I can stick into Golarion if I want to, or creating other Pathfinder rule-set worlds. I'm worried that the Pathfinder brand name is overly identified with all things Golarion, which, in the short term, means easy cross-marketing, but in the long term might limit the attractiveness of the Pathfinder rule-set to third-party publishers. If Necromancer creates a new adventure series using the Pathfinder rules, is everyone going to assume it's set in Golarion, and will this limit it's appeal to folks who aren't running Golarion campaigns?

This is a legitimate concern, and it's something that we're keeping in mind. Our intention is to maintain a separation between the PF RPG and Golarion. The PF RPG, in fact, will have the names of the core 20 deities in it and perhaps a couple of weapons like the starknife, but beyond that there'll be VERY little Golarion-specific content in the PF RPG itself. The same will go for the Pathfinder Bestiary, I suspect. We want folk to use the PF RPG books to run any number of games, be they set in Golarion or elsewhere.

As a result, I suspect that we'll probably not be mixing Necromancer Games' world directly into Golarion. They're both cool, but I'm not sure that attaching one to the other is the best plan. Attaching Necromancer Games to the PF RPG though.. that's another story, and one that I'm really excited by (for obvious reasons!).

I've been waiting for someone to confirm for me this point. Specifically I plan to use the final version PFRPG with my long running Greyhawk campaign and while I have purchased the Golarion setting and Rise of the Runelords, I am not likely to use Golarion itself for a very long time. I began to wonder if I was only one thinking this.

My Subscription is currently suspended and I'm thinking about restarting it with beginning of the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path.
I was wondering when I need contact Customer Service in time to begin the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path.

Marty1000 wrote:

No non-LG paladins.

Non-LG Paladins will never be born in my Campaign.

I got it working again! Finally.

Darrin Drader wrote:
HolyInquisitor wrote:
Darrin Drader wrote:

I love this program.

But give the guy a few hours to respond. He's usually good at providing tech support in a timely manner.

Ok, Thanks. I hope he responds its been about a day.

I keep wondering if my new computer being VISTA has anything to do with it. I have hard drive from old computer hook up as using External Hard drive kit. And ran the program (just now) off the old hard drive hooked up to my new machine via USB and the program still seems to be locked in demo mode. Very Frustrating!
No, I'm running it on Vista. The deal is that every time you install the software, it generates a unique number, which has something to do with your install and the hardware its installed on. You then have to send that to him. If your install goes bad or you move to a different compute, he has to send you a new key. I've gone through the process a couple times now.

Thanks for info. Much Appreciated.

Darrin Drader wrote:

I love this program.

But give the guy a few hours to respond. He's usually good at providing tech support in a timely manner.

Ok, Thanks. I hope he responds its been about a day.

I keep wondering if my new computer being VISTA has anything to do with it. I have hard drive from old computer hook up as using External Hard drive kit. And ran the program (just now) off the old hard drive hooked up to my new machine via USB and the program still seems to be locked in demo mode. Very Frustrating!

darth_borehd wrote:
What's the name of it? Also, is your old hard drive dead, or did the lightning just fry your mobo? You might be able to just copy over the config files if you can slave your old hard drive.

Its a program called NPC Designer by RPGAttidude.

my old computer was fried except the Hard drive. The hard drive was only thing that wasn't. (Believe me I saw the blue flash when it happened as I was unplugging it)
I was able to retrieve the install program as well as original email with the key. The problem is when I reinstalled on the new Windows Vista machine the program will not unlock the "DEMO mode" even after I enter the key.I emailed the program's author but have not received any response in spite of the fact the program apparently intends to be updated to support Pathfinder.

Now I've got someone's attention. My computer was struck by lightning last may. I re-installed the program on my new machine but the old key I got when I registered for it and paid my money does not seem to unlock the program from demo mode. I emailed the designer of the program but so far have received no response. Its a real bummer since I need to use for gaming group next session.

Samuel Weiss wrote:
Howard was always more interested in portraying the corruption of "civilized" men as the worst threat, and they were inevitably white European types, constantly betraying each other for some perceived advantage.

Like most of the degenerates in this thread who plainly demonstrated how perversely they get off by "murdering the White guy" in art. Guess Howard was right about civilized people "betraying each other for some perceived advantage ($$$) as this thread amply demonstrates. Further, if people do not identify with their particular ethnicity or Gender then why do people claim to feel excluded if their particular group is not depicted on the cover art?

Erik Mona wrote:

This is very interesting.

We're testing a three-tier experience system in the Pathfinder RPG, and I'm pleased to see how many folks, like me, prefer a more leisurely game.

I'm one those as well. Before Pathfinder RPG was announced I was working on my own XP chart to slow things down a bit because I found it irritating that in my campaign leveling up was occurring through a few random encounters just traveling overland to the adventure site.

I find some of the Rage powers a little unrealistic like elemental rage.

NO Thanks. Keep it the way it is.

Ear Wax jammed up in my ear until the equilibrum was messed up to the point I had have it removed at the doctor office to restore my hearing.
But its great to back outside of the tunnel now!

Andrew Turner wrote:
mevers wrote:

I'm definitely in! And taking a look at Amazon's sales rankings of the 4e Core Books, the greater majority are with us.

I've had 4e Core on amazon pre-order for months to lock in lowest price

but I've I fully intend to Cancel before June 6 unless Wizards can convince me otherwise.