Holly G.'s page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (153 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Scarab Sages

I don't see the rogue class as a clash with a paladin. The rogue class has no alignment restrictions. Sneak attack is really just "exceptionally effective flanking damage" in most cases, done so quickly, so DEXtrously, that the bad guy never saw it coming.

I played a dwarf paladin with 4 levels of rogue, used the "scout" archetype. Maybe using that word makes it feel better?

At any rate, I wouldn't discount levels in a class just because the name published with it carries some baggage. The class provides the mechanic, but you provide the character, and your character could hold to all the "lawful good" tenants of paladinhood even if all of her levels were in rogue.

Scarab Sages

Thanks folks!
This will certainly help narrow my reading/research list.

Scarab Sages

I'd originally thought to make with something ranged with high DEX to make with good disabling of traps, but we've already got someone else playing at range. Something mêlée might work best to build off the rogue levels and the other player "with an axe" to hopefully provide flanking.

In the end, I was wondering what might synergize particularly with those rogue levels and possibly fill in any foreseeable gaps in the party.

Scarab Sages

As the title...
4 levels of Rogue (Unchained, Trapsmith archetype)
Follows a dwarven deity, preferred use of favored weapon
10 levels of ???
Any Paizo source

Dealing with the traps and...?

We will be playing Tomb of the Iron Medusa module with 3 players in a few days. One player is planning a dwarven Inquisitor/Bolt Ace. The other is also a dwarf, probably "with an axe."

Looking for suggestions on what to do with the other 10 levels, feats, traits, rogue talents to be "the best" at... something, maybe something that uses the sneak attack?

DM makes reasonable accommodations in house rules (ex:make a trait so quarterstaff is finesse-able or while those two archetypes modify the same thing, the modifications don't conflict so you can use both, etc.)


Scarab Sages

I still think that the feat is just adding one creature at one level of summons that stays for minutes instead of rounds and otherwise should work as the summon spell that you still cast to activate it.

Scarab Sages

The patron deity of most of the folks on these messageboards, I imagine!


Gygax the Dungeon Master, Neutral God of Ruins (Halfling Sling Staff)

Symbol: A coil of rope with a dragon’s head
Groups: Wild Pantheon, Druidic Deities, Ascended Mortals
Gygax loves nothing more than a good story, so he is the patron of adventurers, who thank him for the clues that lead them to treasure, but also of evil dragons and their ilk, who thank him for the bait that lures their dinner into their jaws. He requires his followers to own a 10’ pole, a 50’ rope and a sling. His temples hand these out for free, but charge for ale, healing and magic items.

Scarab Sages

LMPjr007 wrote:
beholder87 wrote:
Is there anywhere I can see a preview of what it looks like?
Sure go right here and click on any of the links and you will be able to see sample cards in the deck. Hope this helps!

It looks like the card previews may have been removed. Are they posted anywhere else?