Historia-7's page

2 posts. Alias of The Masked Ferret.


HP:18|BaB:2|AC:21 T:11 FF:20|Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:6|Init:+1

About Brin Nonst

Crunch Antipaladin:
Brin Nonst Changeling Antipaladin Varient Channeling) of Cha-Chukai [Favored Class HPx2]
HP:18|BaB:2|AC:21 T:11 FF:20|Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:6|Init:+1
Str: 16
Dex: 12
Con: 12-2
Int: 10
Wis: 8+2
Cha: 14+2

Skills: Ranks Stat Class Misc Total:
Bluff: 2 3 Y 0 8
Disguise: 2 3 Y 0 8
Profession Con-Artist 2 0 Y 0 5
Slight of hand 2 1 Y 1 7

Racial Features
+1 Natural Armor
2 Primary Claw Attacks
Darkvision 60ft
Hulking Changeling: +1 to melee damage rolls

Class Features:
Smite good (1/day)
-Cha to hit, +lvl to damage, if good, double damage if cleric, paladin, good dragon, good outsider, +cha to ac as deflection
Aura of Evil
Superior Detect Good
+Cha to saves
Touch of Corruption 1d6 (4/day)

Sacred Conduit: +1 DC to channel energy
Child of the Streets: +1 to slight of hand, is a class skill

1st: Mother's Gift(Claws) (+1 to hit and damage with claws)
3rd: Power Attack
5th: Channel Smite
7th: Mother's Gift (AC?)
9th: Improved Channel

Banded Mail (250)
Heavy Wooden Shield (7)
Quarterstaff (0)
Sling (0)
Pathfinder's Kit (12gp)
Caltropsx3 (3)
Vial of Acid (10)
Cat (Lucky) (.03)
Trail RationsX9 (3.5)
Backpack (2)
Pouch for Lucky (1)
CatfoodX9 (.45)
Sling (0)
Crowbar (2)
Grappling hook (1)
Sealing WaxX2(2)

Murder Table
Claw: BaB+Str+Feat(d4+str+Feat+Race)=6(d4+5)


Brin has not led an easy life. She never knew her mother, and her father only reluctantly cared for her until she was old enough to kick out of the house. Her mismatched eyes, surly demeanor, and razor sharp fingernails meant that her work as a courteson was very short lived. Drink became the one thing that let Brin escape from the oppressive poverty and banality of her life, and the only way to afford drink was through cons. They came pretty naturally to her. She could often pass herself off as a priest, or warrior of sorts, with the gear that she scavenged together, and had cleaned. There were a few traditonal cons that she used to pull, and more than a few two man jobs. But as time went on, she found it harder and harder to focus.

Something was giving her pounding headaches, a pressure on the inside of her head. Not much could be done to quell it. The pressure seemed to lead her in a direction, but it always took her to the edge of the great Silver lake of Hive. The pull would try and draw her into the lake, but she knew that was a terrible idea. Drinking helped, for a while, but then it stopped. Brin had never been particularly religious, but that was when she started to wonder if Cha-Chukai had cursed her with madness, unsuspecting of her own blood. She prayed to the goddess for respite, and to her surprise, the respite was given. For a time anyway. It was fleeting. But further prayers would offer further respite. In addition, she noticed that she had gained some decidedly supernatural gifts. The discovery and application of those gifts to further seperate people from their money occupied her for a few months, before the pressure and headaches returned again. Something was very wrong with her, she had grown strange.

Her skin, always harder than the average individuals, noticably so, continued to harden. Her fair features began to bunch and hunch. Her fingenails grew sharper yet. But despite all of this, she found a new companion, in the form of a cat with three legs, who she named Lucky. After feeding Lucky, he started following her around, and eventually she bought a pouch for him to sit in while she traveled, so that he wouldn't hurt himself trying to keep up. Lucky brings Brin a great deal of comfort, but Brin worries about him. He's small for a cat, and down a leg. One night, when the headaches were particularly bad, and even praying to Cha-chukai offered no assistance, Lucky went missing. Brin went searching for him, but only found herself ending up in the dive bars of the Hive. Miserable beyond all beleif, she drank herself into a stupor. Somewhere during that time, Lucky must have found her again, although he was injured. She did her best to patch him up, and used a little of her magic to heal him as best she could. But she was already too drunk, too disorderly, and too miserable at the world, at herself, at the damnable headaches. When she woke up, she was in a cell. She'd been in them before, for various crimes, but had always managed to weasel her way out of any charges. But all her favors had run dry, her funds depleted. What did she do last night? Why do her headaches keep getting worse? What fate might await in repayment of her [i]Debt to Society!