Hilstad's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


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TheLoneCleric wrote:

The Inner Sea guide hints that Cheliax is gearing up for conquest. Let along retaking old colony holdings now gone rogue there is the threat of the madness of Galt spilling into their borders. Or maybe a land claim fight with proud Taldor.

So, what happens if it fight starts?

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread. I was researching for writing a "war in the Inner Sea" campaign when I found this thread and you all just wrote the campaign for me!

Link is here:


Andrew Johnson

1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric
5. Tuzon Thume - Dwarf Fighter
6. Jesse Summer-Lavigne - Ranger

1 Kaz Soliunas - ??
2. Chris - ??
3. William Wheeler - Human Fighter
4. M Hendo - Witch

Andrew Johnson

1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric
5. Tuzon Thume - Dwarf Fighter
6. Jesse Summer-Lavigne - Ranger

1 Kaz Soliunas - ??
2. Chris - ??
3. William Wheeler - Human Fighter

5–04: The Stolen Heir

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

The Mendevian Crusade draws heavily on the Pathfinder Society’s resources, and unless the Decemvirate can secure the assistance of generous patrons, the society may not have sufficient capital both to fight off the demonic invasion and to prepare its expedition to a lost historical site within the Worldwound. Upon hearing that the daughter of an eminent and wealthy of citizen of Sauerton has gone missing, the Pathfinders rush to her aid in the hope of earning her father’s goodwill and support in upcoming endeavors.

Written by David N. Ross.

Please sign up here:

After a few re-shuffles, here is the new line-up

Andrew Johnson

1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk, Level 1
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric 1
5. Tuzon Thume - ??
6. Jesse Summer-Lavigne - Ranger 1

1 Kaz Soliunas - ??
2. Chris - ??

Warhorn seems to be having a few issues right now. Shows an error message on the link you posted and when I go to the events schedule instead, it shows as completely blank.

Could we email sign ups to you in the interim?

You know, when I say I'm "dying to play in one of your games" you didn't have to take me at my word….

Billy makes a game fun, but Thornkeep is not for the faint of heart.

David, please contact me at the email listed above: cotedazur2015 -at- gmail -dot- com

Andrew Johnson

1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk, Level 1
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric 1
5. David Leader - Swashbuckler or Sohei / Warpriest
6. Joshua Van Camp - Ranger or Magus

1. Jesse Summer-Lavigne - Ranger 1
2. Tuzon Thume
3. David Kelk - Investigator 1

Andrew Johnson

1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk, Level 1
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric 1
5. David Leader - Swashbuckler or Sohei / Warpriest
6. Joshua Van Camp - Ranger or Magus


Andrew Johnson
1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk, Level 1
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric 1
5. David Leader - Swashbuckler or Sohei / Warpriest

Andrew Johnson
1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - Halfling Monk, Level 1
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric
4. Tom Hart - Cleric 1

Andrew Johnson
1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1
2. Brent Cunningham - ???
3. Rick Perlini - Ninja or Cleric

Register at cotedazur2015 -at- gmail -dot- com

Scenario: PFS: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore [1]

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 @ 6:00 PM EST US [-5 GMT]

GM: Andrew Johnson (first time GMing)

Game Client:

Google Plus Hangout and the Roll20.net VTT


A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st level characters.

In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom, pitting you against traps,thieves, and even an unruly devil, all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Written by Adam Daigle.


Free Roll20.net account required: http://roll20.net/

Register at cotedazur2015 -at- gmail -dot- com

Andrew Johnson
1. Corey Cunningham - Human Fighter 1

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Michael Brock wrote:
If it continues, we will hold an internal discussion about canceling online play altogether. Please do not force us to make that tough decision.

Yes, that would certainly be a loss for those of us whose *only* option to play the game at all is online play.

In another thread you suggested that players who have received custom sheets to contact the issuing GM. How would a player, especially one who has a limited experience, identity a custom sheet?

I would be 100% interested as well. I've wanted to play those Adventure Paths since I first heard of Pathfinder.

Is this different from Jeff Merola's game of confirmation the same night, or have I read the game time wrong?

It has been my blessing to always be with very inclusive, solution-oriented groups. It's heartening to see an entire group helping a player who can only works by text manage, and enjoy, their game. Or moving another players token because the device they're using won't let them do it effectively.

You're right, whenever these kind of challenges have come up, most of the groups that I've been with have been willing to make pretty much any accommodation so that everyone can play and enjoy. I think when it comes down to it, difficulties usually bring out the best in a group of people.

…or maybe gamers are just experienced at how mutual party support works.

The chronicle allows for only one Wand of False Life. Does anyone in the this party mind if Quill, the wizard purchases that?

Jesse Davis wrote:
Honestly - G+, Skype, Mumble, TeamSpeak - that all work quite well now - so your experience should be good as far as quality goes. The big difference is going to be setup and other issues.

The groups I've been have always experienced so much trouble with Teamspeak that we've had to switch to a difference service before the game begins. The client won't download to one player, won't run on another's and invariably the link just won't be recognized by at least one players client.

So, if I understand your meaning, one has to pay to use Hangout in Australia? It is free to use in Canada.

My apologies Steven. I'm going to have to bow out of this game. Please remove "1. Andrew Johnson Cavalier 3" from the roster.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Current Roster

1. Andrew Johnson Cavalier 3
2. Steven Sior Fighter 3
3. Jeff L.
4. john kennet
5. Wayne M



MathGuru83 wrote:
I am a newbie to playing PFS both on and offline. Any suggestions? I got the field guide book and have read through it. Anything that needs to be completed before hand?

We'll be playing on a virtual tabletop site called roll20. Your play on roll20 will be easier and more enjoyable if you have a few macros written for you character. If you wish, I'd be willing to meet you on Roll20 early before the game and help you put a few together for your character.

Let me know.

Looking to get into any game, of any tier on Saturday the thirtieth of November.

Matthew Benjamin wrote:
Am or pm?

If you go to the Warhorn signup at the top of this thread, it will tell you your local time (after you've signed up, of course)

I am an experienced Tabletop GM and Player who is looking to make the transition to GMing VTT PFS games.

!. Are there any good guides/tutorials that you would recommend?

2. Any advice or guidance that you would offer?

Sorry, going to have to withdraw from this one. Sorry guys.

Please remove:
6. Andrew - Warpriest 1

Going to have to bow out of this one.

Please remove Andrew-Wizard 3

Not a big thing, but the Cavalier is now level 2

….and now I have to bow out. Sorry about this guys.

Bad news for me, great news for Lorraine! Don't say I never gave you anything Lorraine.

Haha I do feel sorry for your poor players, but that's just hilarious. Hope that all had a good sense of humour.

Yeah, poor Lorriane. Fear effect sucks: "My character is completely unhurt. I'm just going to not be in the game for the next six rounds. Talk amongst yourselves."

@Jesse @Expax - At the speed with which this filled up, you can tell that's it's a really popular AP. Could one of you run it again in the near future and post it here, please?

Looking for at least one more player for a game starting up right now.


Tier 1-5

Anyone who wishes to play in Song of the Sea Witch or Among the Living this morning, please sound off or join the roll20 link so that the GM knows we still exist?

Among the Living would be my preference as I've played Temple.

Nebulae wrote:
I could run Among the Living or Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment at that time.

We have a full table of players looking for a GM, Please. First tier preferred.

GM: ?

1) Andrew Johnson - Wizard 2
2) Brian Lickey - ?
3) Xavier Restrepo - ?
4) Joshua Van Camp - ?
5) Jinx Anarexi - Rogue 2
6) Drier - ?


Please switch me from Alt to Player and I'll play the Cavalier

Jeff Merola wrote:

Current Roster:

1. Charlie Edmond - Fighter (Brawler) 1/Monk (MoMS) 2
2. Kevin Screen - Sorcerer 4
3. Charles Graham - Wizard 1 or Barbarian 1
4. Shawn Holmes - Witch 1
5. Tom Hart - Magus 1

1. Andrew Johnson - Wizard 1 or Cavalier 1

Looks like we're playing lower tier, unless someone brings in a level 5.

Thank you so much for taking on the mantle of GM Chimon. The PFS always needs more of you selfless souls.

I'm also in the EDT time zone. I can do most evenings, including Friday.

1. Saturday is my preferred weekend day, although I'm in another game from 4-8pm.
2. The only VTT experience is with Roll20 (with G+ hangout for voice/video)
3. Saturday before 4pm
4. I can make make a bi-monthly meet up
5. I've GMed for over twenty years, but I haven't GMed Pathfinder yet (D&D 3.5 for years, though) and I've never GMed online.

downerbeautiful wrote:
If you live where the convention occurs, what's the loss? There's still plenty of time between sessions to go and do things, there's no extravagant money on gas/hotels, and the convention may even have particular "awards" to volunteers (free soda, discounted badge, et cetera).

I remember the first con I did that at. I volunteered to run messages around, make sure the guests had water and that the pens didn't run out at author signings. I did it for free attendance (knowing I won't have a free moment anyway) and a really ugly t-shirt.

Turns out I got to hang out with Terry Pratchett and Guy Gavriel Kay (who both remembered me by name years later), find out about upcoming game developments a year ahead and get all my books signed ahead of everyone else.

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I for one am just appreciative of the GMs and organizers who give of there time and energy for no recompense other than love of the game. We love you guys.

Thanks for everyone who responded to this thread. I had joined PFS right before Virtuacon and found out that the con existed the day before it began. So, I was just a little confused on how it all worked.

My PFS character is shown as having no sessions posted. However, I have played him in three PFS online Voip games. How to I report those sessions or get them reported?

I have a question on purchasing starting gear: The Guide to Organized Play states that all starting characters get 150gp *and* that a starting character can choose traits from the core rulebook and a list of sourcebooks.

Some of those traits (such as Rich Parents and Merchants Child) granted additional starting money. Can a starting character choose those traits and, if so, do they benefit from the additional funds?

I have some confusion about starting money. Having read the Guide to Organized Play, it states that all starting characters begin with 150gp. However, it also says that characters may select any traits from the core rulebook or a list of approved sourcebooks.

Some of these traits (such as "rich parents" or "merchants child") allow the character to begin play with additional money. If someone could please clarify this apparent contradiction for me?