So let me get this straight: Mad:
So Americans seem to have anger management issues. A Mad Pissed American should be avoided, But a Mad Pissed Brit Might be fun to watch for a while. I'm an American with a degree in English, so this kind of discussion fascinates me.
Kolokotroni wrote:
It might be an idea for "Ultimate Skillmonkey", or whatever it gets called, if such a thing ever comes to be.
Why do you need a sudden level boost? I'd recommend a side quest with adversaries that don't give them quite so much trouble, then loop back to the main story when they've gained those levels. I don't know exactly what the PCs are encountering (suspicion isn't knowledge), but either drop a Young template on them or skim a level or two if you don't want to ,or can't detour.
I'm in the Chaotic Neutral camp myself. What he does is sometimes creepy, but if he didn't actually seek these creatures out to harvest the skin, then it's just a gruesome trophy. I once played a barbarian who had the habit of eating the heart of a worthy vanquished foe, to gain his strength. Was this a disgusting habit? The elven spellthief sure thought so, but I still have a hard time calling it evil. On the tangent, advocating genocide of any sentient race, especially one that hasn't done anything wrong (really!) is evil. I may be a sock puppet, but I am not the sock puppet of any other Kender booster here. |