
Hideo Kaijitsu's page

63 posts. Alias of Celeador.

Full Name

Hideo Kaijitsu


Human (Tian-Min) Samurai (Sword Saint) 3 AC 19/13/17 / HP 31/35 / F +5 R +3 W +2 / Init. +2 / Perc. +4)








Neutral Good




Sandpoint, Varisia


Common, Minkaian, Tien

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 13

About Hideo Kaijitsu

Hideo Kaijitsu
Male Human (Tian-Min) Samurai (Sword Saint) 3
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Nat)
hp 35 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2
Defensive Abilities resolve (2/day); Resist cockatrice's skills
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Masterwork Katana +8 (1d8+6/18-20/x2)
Ranged Longbow, Comp. (Str +4) +5 (1d8+4/x3)
Special Attacks braggart, brutal slash +1, cockatrice's challenge +3 (1/day), iajutsu strike +2d6/-4 ac (full-round)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Dazzling Display (Katana), Dramatic Display, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack -1/+2
Traits Bully, Childhood Crush (Shalelu) (1/day) (Ex)
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Appraise +4, Climb +3, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Intimidate +12, Perception +4, Perform (act) +7, Ride +1, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Swim +3
Languages Common, Minkaian, Tien
SQ orders (order of the cockatrice), weapon expertise (katana)
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, Alchemist's fire (2); Other Gear Four-mirror armor, Arrows (40), Longbow, Comp. (Str +4), Masterwork Katana, Pathfinder's kit, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, 466 GP
Special Abilities
Braggart (Ex) Demoralize as a standard action, +2 to hit demoralized targets.
Brutal Slash +1 (Ex) Gain a bonus to confirm Iajutsu Strike criticals.
Childhood Crush (Shalelu) (1/day) (Ex) Gain crush's favor & +1 to saves(DC15 Cha check). +1 vs foe threatening them.
Cockatrice's Challenge +3 (1/day) (Ex) +3 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +1 damage when you are the only one threatening the target.
Cockatrice's Skills +1 (Ex) +1 to DC vs. demoralization.
Dazzling Display (Katana) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Dramatic Display Gain +2 on Performance checks, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks
Iajutsu Strike +2d6/-4 AC (Full-round) (Ex) Draw sword as strike challenged foe for extra dam, but take AC penalty for 1 rd. You can use this once per foe, each day.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Resolve (2/day) (Ex) Starting at 1st level, the samurai gains resolve that he can call upon to endure even the most devastating wounds and afflictions. He can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every two samurai levels beyond
Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex) You can quick draw the chosen weapon, and gain +2 to confirm critical hits.

Backstory for Hideo Kaijitsu::

Five background and concept elements important to Hideo.

1) Hideo Kaijitsu is the younger brother of Ameiko Kaikitsu and has always felt like he has lived in the shadows of his older sister. Ameiko has always tried to protect Hideo, and it has only gotten worse following the death of his father Lonjiku and his half-brother Tsuto.
2) Hideo is equal parts a braggart and modest. He is seeks to impress others in an attempt to gain some sort of recognition outside of being “Ameiko’s” little brother. Much of this grew out of envy of his sister and her friendship to Shalelu.
3) Ever since goblins attacked Sandpoint during the swallowtail festival, Hideo has had a secret crush on Shalelu Andosana, his sister’s longtime friend and champion of Sandpoint. She saved him from a goblin-dog and since then he vainly tried to get her attention.
4) Hideo is friends with Sandru Vhiski, whom he has worked for as a caravan guard for several years. Hideo doesn’t know it, but Ameiko was responsible for getting him the job. Should he learn why he was hired in the first place he would be furious.
5) Hideo was given his father Lonjiku’s katana following his death in the Sandpoint Glassworks. Hideo has trained with it extensively and has become quite proficient with it. He still remembers the tales that Lonjiku would tell about the fabled land of Minkai, and he hopes to one day leave the drudge of Sandpoint and make his own way in the world.

Two goals that are important to Hideo.

1) I would like to Hideo eventually step out from behind the shadow of his big sister. I think it would be cool to have a moment, where his actions could play a decisive role in saving Ameiko. This could be a pivotal moment in Hideo’s life, a moment where he knows that he is no longer in her shadow, but now plays a different part. He becomes his own man.
2) Hideo has always had a longtime attraction to Shalelu, as the campaign progresses I would like to see the relationship between the two develop.

Two secrets about Hideo, one that he knows, and one that he not yet aware of.

1) Hideo has violent almost uncontrollable temper. He constantly has to strive to keep it in check and fights to keep it hidden between a calm exterior. What’s more he remembers hearing stories’ about what happened to his half-brother Tsuto and he fears that he might have inherited the Kaikitsu curse.
2) Hideo is not aware of this, but his father Lonjiku left Hideo a letter as part of his inheritance. Following Lonjiku’s death Ameiko found the letter before it could be given to Hideo. For whatever reason Ameiko after reading the letter chose to hide it away rather than give it to Hideo.

Three people that are tied to Hideo

1) Ameiko Kaikitsu: Hideo’s older and over-protective sister. The owners of the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko and Hideo have a somewhat tenuous relationship. After the death of their father Ameiko became less of a sister and more of a mother. This combined with her former success as an adventurer has distanced the relationship between the two.
2) Shalelu Andosana: Hideo’s long time crush, Shalelu saved Hideo following the goblin attack on the newly christened Sandpoint Chapel. Much to Hideo’s dismay his attempts to kindle any sort of relationship with Shalelu have remained completely unnoticed by the elf, who still sees Hideo more as a boy, and less as a man.
3) Sandru Vhisk: Hideo’s employer and confident, Sandru has taken a shine to Hideo, whom he sees a bit of himself in. Sandru was approached several years ago by Ameiko who asked him to take on Hideo as a favor. Several times in the past two years while Sandru and Hideo were drinking together, did the retired adventurer almost come to tell Hideo the truth before wisely deciding not to. As of late Hiedo has begun to suspect there is something that Sandru has been holding back from him, but he hasn’t gotten up the nerve to ask what it is yet.

Three memories, mannerisms or quirks Hideo possess.

1) Hideo still has nightmares about the night that his father died. This has led to an almost irrational fear and hatred of goblins.
2) Mostly through self-discovery Hideo has begun to practice meditation. Hideo has found that it calms him, and allows him to bring into balance his temper.
3) Based out a deep respect for his father, Hideo takes immaculate care of his heirloom blade. During free moments, he can often been seen sharpening the edge or smoothing out any knicks in the blade. He treats the sword with the utmost respect and would be devastated should anything happen to it.

Jade Regent Relationship's:

Relationship Levels
Koya: +1 (+1 cha) Association
Sandru: +1 (+1 cha) Association
Shalelu: +6 (+1 cha +4 trait +1 level) Friendship
Ameiko: +1 (+1 cha) Association