Vencarlo Orinsini

Jericho Fiendaxe's page

99 posts. Alias of Mihajlo Velickovic.

About Jericho Fiendaxe

Jericho Fiendaxe
Male Human (Unarmed) Fighter 1
LE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1 ; Senses
AC 17(18), flat-footed 14, touch 13 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will -1
Special defense: +2 vs. sleep, paralysis and stunning. May charge through allies. Ignore difficult terrain when charge, run or withdraw.
Spd 30 ft.
Unarmed strike +6 (1d3+5/20/x2) (*1d3+7 for first strike)


Str 20, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 19

Improved unarmed attack
Dragon style feat
Intimidating prowess

Bluff +8 (+1 sp, +3 trained, +2 Cha, +2 Piracy)
Climb +9 (+1 sp, +3 trained, +5 Str)
Intimidate +11 (+1 sp, +3 trained, +2 Cha, +5 Str)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4 (+1 sp, +3 trained)
Profession (Sailor) +3 (+1 sp, +3 trained, -1 Wis)
Swim +9 (+1 sp, +3 trained, +5 Str)

Languages Common, ?

Chain shirt
Set of dice
Deck of cards
Sack (with 2 manacles in it)

GP remaining: 0GP 0SP


Armour expert:When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.

Piracy: You have been caught in the act of piracy on the high seas. This is a rare crime these days since Markadian I called the Victorious burned the last major pirate fleet to threaten these isles. Still the crime is punished harshly. Likely you are the sole survivor of your ship. Punishment: Death by hanging
Benefit: You may select either Bluff or Intimidate. The selected skill receives a +2 trait bonus and is always a class skill for you.

Jericho is one of many illegitimate sons of Arronax Endymion, former fleet admiral of Cheliax. At least, that's what his mother Mya had told him. At her prime she was a sacred priest of Mitra, and she was sent by her church, along with several others to try and expand domain of her goddess onto Ollo.

It seems that this idea did not find a good reception with Avimar Sorrinash, ruler of Ollo at the time. His "allies", the sahuagin informed him that they considered sea and lands around Ollo domain of their gods, and that they will not tolerate it. Since he was unwilling to move against sacred priests of Mitra himself, Avimar arranged for a raid of sahuagin to happen while he was away. Raid targeted specifically the site designated for new temple of Mitra and almost all persons related to it were either killed or dragged away. His mother Mya was one of those which were captured, but it seems that her luck held out. Instead of becoming food for those obnoxious creatures, like many others, raiding party which had her imprisoned, was in turn successfully ambushed by man of Arronax Endymion. She was recaptured and brought to his ship, along with other loot. She spent there next two months, with his fleet, at sea, before admiral got bored of her, and resold her back to some of his local contacts in Ollo. Eight or nine months later, Jericho was born.

His mother never talked to Jericho about her time on those ships, but she was always insuring him that his father is admiral Arronax himself. For sure. Not that it mattered much. They scrounged somehow for living, with Mya being disgraced and cast out of the church. When he was 13, his mother was killed in one of the orgiastic hunts of Avimar Sorrinash' crew of werewolves.

Jericho somehow survived, and for the next 12 years he did hard physical labour jobs and petty thefts, just to obtain food somehow. With time, he became a skilled brawler, and after some time, he started working as one of many bouncers in a shady dockside establishment in Ollo. There, he came into contact with one of many groups planning to overthrow Avimar. As for dozens of plots aimed at him before, Avimar was onto this one as well, and at the most opportune moment he released his werewolves against the conspirators. Again, more due to luck (if one can call it that way), Jericho was able to run away and avoid the slaughter. He ran from Ollo, hiding as stow away on the first ship leaving port. Being based at Ollo, of course it was a pirate ship. Jericho was found after a while, and after a flogging, he "volunteered" to join ship's crew. He survived, and thanks to his great strength, he even prospered, becoming one of the ships sergeants after some time. On the ship, Jericho was "introduced" to the worship Asmodeus, since both captain and most of the crew were devout worshippers.

Jericho hates Mitra, as he believes that she has deserted his mother. He also hates Cheliax (although he has never seen it) and Admiral Arronax Endymion, as the only "representative" of Cheliax he knows. But most of all, with all his passion he hates werewolwes and Avimar Sorrinash, and he would do everything in his power to exterminate them.

It happened 5 days ago. Almost for a full day, they have chased after what seemed to be heavily ladden sloop. They have finally caught it, but the chase brought them dangerously close to Talingarde coast. They have overpowered crew of the sloop rather fast, but suddenly a vicious storm broke out. Storm lasted for several hours, and when it was finally over, instead of feeling relief, Jericho and his crew mates saw a fresh Talingardan frigate quickly approaching. Their ship damaged by the storm, and with his comrades exhausted, they knew they could not outrun them. So with grim determination, they faced the enemy, fighting like crazy. Despite all their courage and desperation, there were simply too many enemies, and Jericho saw his squad mates getting killed one by one. With a loud battle scream he jumped at the attackers, crushing them with his brute force. And then, something hit him on the head and his world went black. Several days later, Jericho awoke in the cell of infamous Branderscar Prison. Same guard who told him name of the prison, happily informed him that he is about to be hanged in 3 days time...