Kutholiam Vuere

Henry Jago's page

6 posts. Alias of Nimon.


Doombunny wrote:
Nimon wrote:
You get me a youtube video of a horse, or dog with rider in full plate going up stairs and I will be impressed.

Everyone in the history of anywhere, ever on every planet will be impressed. Let's be fair. In fact, I'm building full plate for my 6-year-old nephew so the world can experience this.

In other news, this is awesome.

That is one of my favorite movies as a child. I almost broke my dogs back trying to impersonate Sir Dydimus.

Just to add in case some of you missed the campaign tab, this is based on a real Dr Who episode from the Tom Baker years called The Talons of Weng Chiang. It is one of his best, and you can probably watch it free on the Daily Motion or simular site if you want to get some of these places in your mind as far as how they look ect. Now that you know both of the witness stories, it will not spoil anything.

Henry looks up at the Indian woman, still shaken Well ok, it all started when I hired L'Shen Chen to perform in my theatre. He was a chinese magician, very popular these days, so I knew I would have a sold out house. Soon after I hired him, local women started to disappear. I thought nothing of it at first, but then a man bust into the back room of the theatre demanding to see Mr Chan. He said his wife, Emma Boller, had disappeared after Mr Chan levetated her on the stage and that she had been acting queer ever since then. Later that night Mr Chan hypnotized me and told me to forget everything I heard, which I did until the Doctor was able to reverse it. The Doctor told me Mr Boller was found dead that very night, Professor Litefoot examined him and said it was the midget that stabbed him. The Doctor discovered Magnus Kreel's secret lab under the Theatre, so Magnus had L'Shen killed as punishment. Oh how I had hoped this would all end when the Doctor defeated Magnus, I can't live like this hidding from assassins. Henry looks sincerly in grief, clearly he has had a sheltered life.

I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I HAVE TO SAY! I am tired of it! I have a theatre to run. I told you the little midget was real, you all laughed at me WELL NOW YOU SEEN IT!

I say this is madness! What the devil could they want from me?

Calm now professor, remember the sergeant is just doing his duty I am sure we will be released soon enough. I bet the Doctor is just tied up at the ol' yard he wouldn't forget us.