Henning Zoger |
Okay, if any of the judges (or anyone else) can point out where I went wrong with this (some of it I can probably guess), I'd be happy to hear it.
Impostor's Fan
Aura no aura or faint illusion; CL 5th
Slot -; Price 15,000 gp; Weight -
This is a luxurious folding fan made of exotic wood, exquisite painted silk and a short chain for attaching the fan to a belt. By gesturing with it as a free action, like communicating through speech, you can send a message to someone who can see you and who speaks a language. This message, and who sent it, will be understood by the recipient only. Someone specifically studying you will notice that you took some kind of action with a successful DC 25 Perception check. Even this will not reveal the contents of the message. A comprehend languages or tongues spell will reveal that what you did was sending a message magically, but not the contents. Anyone using magic to divine your alignment while you hold the fan will see only a specific alignment, one determined when the fan was created. The image on the fan shows symbols and images according to this alignment. For example, a fan attuned to Lawful Good might depict angels, while one attuned to Chaotic Neutral could be decorated in bright, jarring colors and strange vistas. The fan does not detect as magic, but closer inspection such as through an identify spell will reveal the true illusion aura if the inspecting character succeeds at a Will save DC 13. The fan is not itself aligned and will not detect as such.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, message, undetectable alignment; Cost 7.500 gp
Thanks in advance, and don't be afraid of hurting me.