About Hendrina VerkirkStatistics:
Female Half Elf Witch 5
CG Medium Humanoid Init +3; Senses Perception +10
Melee +1 Ranged +5
Magical Lineage:
Drawback Feats Extra Hex (Misfortune):
Accursed Hex:
Skill Focus (Linguistics):
+2 Perception (Half Elf) Linguistics used for Diplomacy (Improve Attitude), Bluff (Deception), Intimidate. K Local and Diplomacy in Class. +2 Diplomacy to Gather Information (Trait) Languages Taldane, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan, Infernal, Celestial, Osiriani Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Half Elf: Low-Light Vision:
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race. Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. Fey Thoughts:
Bonded Witch: Bonded Item (Sp):
Ring: 2nd—shield; 4th—ablative barrier; 6th—protection from energy; 8th—nondetection; 10th—life bubble; 12th—resinous skin; 14th—antimagic field; 16th—deflection; 18th—spell immunity. Patron Spells (Deception):
Deception: 2nd — ventriloquism, 4th — invisibility, 6th — blink, 8th — confusion, 10th — passwall, 12th — programmed image, 14th — invisibility (mass), 16th — scintillating pattern, 18th — time stop. Hex:
*Evil Eye (Su)
*Cackle (Su):
*Misfortune (Su):
*Flight (Su):
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th: 4 (At Will) Arcane Mark
1st: 5 / Day Burning Hands
2nd: 4 / Day Boneshaker
3rd: 2 / Day Dispel Magic
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Consumables: Wand of CLW (50)
Money 33 GP 2 SP 1 CP
Both sides of Hendrina Verkirk’s family are prominent, if not widely famous in Andoran. Hendrina’s father Tengeres was a forlorn elf who started out as a sailor on blockade runners back during the Chelish embargo of Andoran in the late 4670’s. He had risen to command of his own ship in the Andoran navy a couple of years before he was cited for heroism and skilled command of his vessel in Andoran’s defeat of the Chelish navy in the waters off Westcrown in 4689 AR. By the time he was feted as a hero of Andoran, Tengeres was already married to Anneke Verkirk, a scion of the wealthy Verkirk family. The Verkirks were shipping magnates in Almas and one of the city’s wealthier families. Tengeres had no surname of his own, so he took his wife’s family name. Hendrina did not see much of her father as a young child. Tengeres did not settle down into a domestic life. Instead he took a new command with the Gray Corsairs, which kept him at sea much of the time. Hendrina spent those years in the Admiralty Hill district of Augustana with her mother, living among other naval families like hers. When she was seven, Tengeres’s ship did not return to port as scheduled. When she was nine, Tengeres’s ship was declared lost at sea with all hands. Afterward Anneke returned to Almas with Hendrina, moving back into the Verkirk mansion. Hendrina attended a private academy for part of her education, but in the most important things, Anneke tutored her daughter. Anneke was the third, following her mother and grandmother, to possess the ring that imparted the power of witchcraft upon its bearer. Hendrina would be the fourth. Hendrina proved to be a very gifted student, both talented and hard working. Hendrina made her debut into Almas high society at the age of twenty-one, a few years later than usual but she was a bit slower to mature, probably due to her elven blood. At the same time Anneke bequeathed her ring to Hendrina. It was an early transfer of the mantle from mother to daughter, but Hendrina showed great promise as its wielder. Besides, Anneka had never had much interest in developing her talents with it. She was content to retire in favor of devoting her time to charitable work. Hendrina didn’t make a big splash in her debutante year. She was generally well liked, but she also became known for having a very sharp mind, and equally sharp tongue. Hendrina also showed little enthusiasm for the many brunches, dinners, and cotillions that crowd a debutante’s calendar. She was not disappointed when the year ended for her without an engagement or any serious suitors. Developing her capabilities in the use of magic interested Hendrina far more. Unlike her mother, Hendrina has not been secretive about her abilities. In the almost five years since she received the family ring as her own, Hendrina has begun to build a solid reputation as an expert in arcane matters considering her young age. She even teaches a course in planar geography as a guest lecturer at a local college and a couple of private academies. She does not use describe herself as a ‘witch’ though. Hendrina prefers vaguer terms like ‘arcane scholar’ or ‘magic practitioner’ for herself. In keeping with her ancestors’ service to Andoran, Hendrina is a patriot. Her father is a hero, and the Verkirk family rendered service by braving waters controlled by the Chelish navy to keep Andoran flow of trade open. A couple of Verkirks also served as Representatives on the People’s Council in the past. For her own part, Hendrina has acted as a consultant to the Andoran government and the local Pathfinder Society in unraveling Chelish and Aspis Consortium Plots in Almas. If asked about it, Hendrina would not rule out a future career in politics.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'7" | Weight: 125 | Hair: Dark Brown | Eyes: Blue Appearance Hendrina’s appearance is very typical for half elves. Her physique is somewhat taller and more slender than that of most human women. Her dark brown, almost black hair and lighter skin tone suggests an ancestry more Chelaxian than Taldan on the human side. But her light blue eyes suggest at least some Taldan ancestors. She has a scattering of light freckles across her cheeks and nose. Personality Myers-Briggs Type: INTJ Hendrina is a very intelligent and focused young woman. The advantages to this are usually obvious, but the disadvantages can be less so. Hendrina is something of an introvert, and tends to take her own path in terms of interests. While Hendrina is well schooled in manners and etiquette, she doesn’t do small talk or chit chat well. It’s difficult for her to connect with people unless she has some common interest or purpose with them. She tends to be serious-minded and scholarly. She does have a sense of humor, but sometimes doesn’t gauge the effects of what she says well. This can make her seem cutting and sardonic at times. Although she isn’t exactly a successful socialite, Hendrina is well-connected due to her family, and isn’t reticent about using those connections if there is a need. Hendrina idolizes her father, but she barely remembers him. It’s the stories from her mother and his heroism that has formed the attraction. Hendrina’s patriotism is born from a philosophical belief in citizen government and freedom for all people, but also a desire to live up to her father’s memory. |