Hejtan's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


I'm one of the online-only players, and so I sit in official discord a lot. As you may know, we are not supposed to tell people what rewards they can expect from scenarios. However, more then few times already I have seen someone asking for a way to get access to some uncommon weapon for their new builds (such as katana for someone wanting to play a samurai), which I know can be very easly granted by playing repeatable X. And yet I can't tell them that, because of the rules. It's especially sad when they are completly new players making their first character and asking for help, yet instead of saying "Sure, it's not a problem! Look for scenario X and play it with some other weapon for now, and after that you will be able to give your Battledancer Swashbuckler Fighting Fan! Have fun playing!" and instead have to say "There is some scenario that could give you Fighting Fan, but I can't tell you which one."

Why? I understand that we want to avoid spoilers, how much of a spoiler is it that one of Treasure Bundles is an uncommon weapon that has almost no connection to the whole scenario plot? Especially in case of Repeatables, which after first game they will know of the rewards and just play them again on other character for the very reason of getting access?

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Having to retire a character just because of non-healed deafened condition is a joke, and a bad one at that.

Precision ranged Ranger mc Druid mc Eldritch Archer. I feel really versatile. Precision ranger rewards single shots. Precision Edge works on spells as well, which means that you can easly Produce Flame on a troll without losing anything, or lets you make a single strong shot at the boss and then electric arc smaller ones. Or, snipe at that enemy big distance away, then cast guidance on your barbarian that will sudden charge next turn. Shoot and then Heal the barbarian. Slow down enemies, then shoot. Combine arrows with magic like Magus.

I feel like this build would be how I would test ranged magus.

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Bespell Strikes is a joke with 4 non-cantrip spells per day. Tome should let your hand count as empty for the purpose of all the stuff that requires empty hand. Starting Focus Spell is awful. But the most disappointing thing? When making feats, they seem to have forgotten that magus is part martial too. Instead, it feels like a Wizard that got a fancy sword and now only uses magic through it. Sure, delivering fire and making your axe acidic is fun, but where is the martial skill? We get Combat Assessment, and some variations on Parry. Do I need to multiclass fighter to be able to say that I can actually swordfight without magic? Because magus is supposed to be good at both (though worse than Wizard or Fighter), not just one pretending to be other. And yes, I know that weapon proficiences are important, but give us some fun Strikes too!

I agree that Magus should have access to more than just arcane casting. Moreover, I would argue that Magus should have the option to choose between Prepared and Spontaneus casting. Not sure whether to implement it like Sorcerer bloodlines - choose what you like - or add the option in form of Feats, but why should a wizard that has to spent years studying arcane tomes have time to also train with a sword, but a sorcerer whose magic simply comes wouldn't?