HectorPro's page

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That's fine, and I was pretty aware that was the thinking. But as a potential customer all you can do is yell for what you want and see if they will provide it. I run my own business too, and know how hard it is to scrounge up sales. But when you have people telling you they want something it takes a pretty extreme situation not to provide it.

I obviously don't know costings and numbers, but if they have supplies for the latter parts and not the first it shows they miscalculated what they needed. And from a business point of view I can't imagine it would cost them more overall to print extra copies of the oversold editions so that they are then able to sell the excess stock they have sitting in their warehouse of the other copies that are no good to anyone (I'm not going to buy half a jigsaw when I can't buy the first half).

I can sort of see their subscription point, but I think that misses the greater point - I would think very few subscribers will stay so forever. When you're getting two huge campaigns per year I would think the majority of gamers would be struggling to get through that much content, and would therefore be backlogging from the start, at some point ceasing their subscription due to having far more than they need.

But the bigger point for me is that I have no intention of subscribing. I don't need that much. I imagine there are many, MANY people who also feel as I do. And these people who just want to buy what seems like a good product are unable to, which means Paizo are stuck with all the other excess copies and no use for them.

I don't expect them to change their ways - I only came on to vent and to hope to add weight to this argument in the back of their head. But if copies are selling for $3-400 second hand unless Paizo are doing the shifty and working this to their advantage under the table there is NO WAY that they couldn't arrange an additional print run, however short (with the amount of books they are producing their is no way their supplier would not do a print run however small they needed) and not have it be profitable - or AT WORST break even with the benefit of gaining additional customer loyalty.

I'm sure it's come up before but the fact that you would refuse to print additional copies is straight out absurdity. If you ran out of Core Rulebooks you would print more. You have a product here people want to buy (in a physical sense, a lot of people hate PDFs for this purpose) and you're just refusing their money.

When Amazon has USED copies of this and the second part of the AP starting around $300 it clearly points to the publisher WAY, WAY messing up their estimation of demand and making a major mistake, which it seems they are trying to pretend didn't happen.

I would LOVE to buy this repackaged in a manor similar to the Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition - which it has been made extremely clear WON'T be happening to other AP's as they need to sell stock of what they have left. But why the hell would I buy parts 3-6 IF I CAN'T GET PARTS 1 and 2? This shows an ultimate level of hypocritical business idiocy on Paizo's part, which they don't generally show and seem to be applying only in select places places on specific products. IT MAKES NO SENSE?!?!?

I would say please, but no pleases. You will either:

1. Print more copies of you're low stock AP modules so that new customers can at least buy an entire copy of the AP OR

2. Repackage it Rise of Runelords Anniversary style to fulfill this purpose.

Anything else is ridiculous and makes us question what the hell you are up to and whether we should continue supporting your products. I WANT TO GIVE YOU MY HARD EARNED MONEY - WHY WON'T YOU LET ME!>>!>!???