Heather Rasmussen's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I can tell you how happy I am, that I can post a question and have the people who are actively working on the relevant material answer me so quickly.

Thanks guys!

Thank you for the excellent advice.

It should have occurred to me that the flying pyramid we are promised in the Mummy's Mask AP might have more information on that technology.

I'm working on a Bladebound Magus for a mythic campaign, and I had the thought that her blade has history back to Kho (before it crashed, at least, that's what it claims).

The ruins of Kho are in Mwangi but Yjae is off butting up against the Wall of Heaven in Tian Xia.

Is there any official source on what language was spoken by the Shory? I wasn't able to find anything in the entries on Kho and Yjae, did I overlook something, or do we get to make something up?


Okay, so I'm adapting this to run this as a PbP game.

Due to the time involved, I want to handwave the XP, level them up at the appropriate points in the story, and cut down on the number of individual encounters. With the group I have, we seem to manage about a round every 2-3 days, which puts each encounter at ~2 weeks worth of posting.

Which do you feel are the most thematic and interesting encounters, that shouldn't be skipped? Obviously the Scorched Hand stuff is important, and the water trap, the beheaded, and the swarm of undead cats are too nifty to pass up.

I'd like to scale it down to 5 or 6 encounters per level. Are there some that can be combined? (Maybe have the mining beetles show up in a room with something else?)

I have a group of 6...an alchemist, barbarian, bard, cleric, gunslinger, and summoner.

I'm not necessarily concerned about adjusting up the difficulty of each individual encounter in order to compensate. In this case, we are playing to enjoy a fun and thematic story over strict adherence to encounter planning.

Thanks for the advice.