Hawkins's page
Organized Play Member. 183 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.

We have a total of three initial book projects planned for release as third party OGL-compatible supplementals for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game System by Paizo Publishing and WoTC 5th Edition D&D OGL-compatible with stretch goals. These three books will be part of our ongoing product lines: Rogue’s Field Guide and Rogue’s Playbook and Rogue's Field Guide: Flora and Fauna
Rogue’s Field Guides are a product line that puts the focus on world related, GM centric content such as world building guides, monsters, adventure paths and playable races for both GMs and players. The Rogue’s Playbook is aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of the player with all of our tips, tricks and player options, such as classes, feats and items, from the Rogue Robot itself!
One dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn! Any amount of help whether it be spreading the word about us, inviting your friends and family to join us in the adventure and/or continuing to support us by joining our Rogue Robot Patreon Group, our Rogue’s Gallery on Facebook, and following us on twitter @RogueRobotGames! Help us fund new artwork, stunning designs, effective gameplay content and outstanding prints for the most unique, fun, awesome and handy books for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! Let use Rogues guide you towards treasures never before seen at your game!
Kickstarter Link: http://kck.st/2apew3y
Come be a goblin for a day on Free RPG Day (06/20/2015) at Haven Gaming in Salem, Oregon!
We will be running all three We Be Goblins! modules.
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What have you seen converted? What would you like to see converted? What have you seen converted and would like to see converted differently?
I have an ongoing series of blog posts where I am adding heightened and diminished aspects to all of the CRB, APG, UM, and UC spells, and I am working on updating the Akashic class. In addition, I worked on the conversion of about half of the AE races for Heroes of the Jade Oath. But I am also interested in what you want to see converted.
--Tim Wallace (aka Hawkins)
The spell states, "When cast on water elementals and other water-based creatures, this spell acts as a slow spell (Will negates). The spell has no effect on other creatures." But there is no mention of how many "water elementals and other water-based creatures" cab be targeted.
The brawler strike class feature feels too much like the ki strike monk class feature (and therefore adding mysticism back into the class). Why not use the Penetrating Strike and Greater Penetrating Strike feats (or some variation of those feats) to bring more of the Fighter feel to the class?
Also, I think that it would not be a bad thing for the brawler's class level to count as its effective Fighter class level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisties for feats.
So, Darkvision is only 2 RP, and Low-Light Vision is 1 RP.
That leaves the Immunity to Paralysis and Sleep, which can't be more expensive than 4 RP total for both (Duergar Immunities is only 4 RP, and it contains three immunities and a bonus vs spells; I personally would only rate Immunity to Paralysis and Sleep as a 3 RP cost, but I am willing to go up to 4 RP).
That only comes to a total of 7 RP. If you count being non-humanoid as a RP cost, I can't see it being more expensive than 1 RP, because for other "monster" races (fey, abberations, and native outsiders) the cost is 1 RP + the cost of innate racial abilities (low-light vision for fey, darkvision for abberations and native outsiders).
Adding in a non-humanoid cost of 1 RP, it still only brings the total to 8 RP.
I would really love to see a designer weigh in on this, but other comments are welcome as well.
Has anyone else tried breaking down the android to try and find out why it is a 16 RP race?
Here is what I calculated:
Standard Racial Traits
Type Humanoid (android) 0 RP
Size Medium 0 RP
Base Speed Normal (30 ft.) 0 RP
Ability Scores Standard (+2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Cha) 0 RP
Language Linguist (Common) 1 RP
Feats and Skills Racial Traits
Skill Bonus +2 Perception 2 RP
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision 2 RP
Low-Light Vision 1 RP
Weakness Racial Traits
Emotionless –1 RP
Other Racial Traits
Constructed 2 RP
Nanite Surge 3 RP
The sum of which (0+0+0+0+1+2+2+1–1+2+3) equals 10 RP.
Calling all Pathfinders in and near Salem, Oregon!
Borderlands Games will be hosting the Pathfinder Society Special: Siege of the Diamond City on Saturday, November 16, 2013. We need a minimum of 5 GMs, and 20 players, and can have a maximum of 8 GMs and 48 players.
Here is a link to the event on Paizo.com.
If you wish to attend, please sign up on the event page on Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, feel free to email me at hawkins8142 [at] facebook [dot] com.
When signing up, please indicate if you would like to or are willing to GM.
Tim Wallace
Contestant #1: cloak of shade
Contestant #2: endure elements
Other than the fact that you can cast it on one creature per level opposed to only one creature, what benefit is there to choosing cloak of shade over endure elements?
I was just wondering if there were any plans to update the Pathfinder Tales Short Fiction section of the Paizo store (http://paizo.com/pathfinder/tales/shorts/downloads) with some of the fiction from the past 6 or so months. I dislike reading on the web and prefer to be able to purchase and download them to an e-reader to read. Are there just not enough purchases to fuel the golem to format the already digital stories into eBooks? Is there some sort of update schedule that I am not aware of and should just be patient for?
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Below are links to two different Excel tools I have developed for speeding up PFS character creation. Both are stored on but not usable on Google Docs. To use them you must download them and open them with Excel. Though other spreadsheet programs may work as well.
PFS Ability Score Arrays & PFS Starting Gear
I was just wondering if the snake people in the short story "City of Serpents" in The Compass Stone: The Collected Journals of Eando Kline have been detailed anywhere in the PFRPG bestiaries or supplements. They seem to range between yuan-ti halfbloods and abominations in appearance. I have always liked the yuan-ti as antagonists because snake/human hybrids are really creepy, and was wondering if they finally (after 3 bestiaries) had a PFRPG analog.
Actually, rather than making Paladins any non-Evil, I would vote for using the distinctions found in Unearthed Arcana, where you have a version of the Paladin for each of the extreme alignments. The word "paladin" basically meant "knight" in the times of Charlemagne, and just like Arthur's knights, while most where of the "Good" variety, you had a few who were not. Anyways, outside of D&D (and the RPG video games which have stemmed from it [e.g. WoW, Diablo II, et cetera]), a Paladin can be used to describe one's personal warrior or similar such role (if you get a chance, read The Paladin, by Brian Garfield sometime).

Okay, first I wanted to ask if you had considered about changing the AL prereqs for the Paladin from "LG" to "Any Good" or even "Any non-Evil." Also, what about changing the Monk AL prereqs from "Any Lawful" to "Any Non-Chaotic." If you have considered it and have decided not to, I would like to know you reasoning, because I found the AL prereqs (especially when you are limited to 3 or less alignments) to be one of the major detriments to the 3.x system.
Next, why give the Monk any weapon proficiencies at all, when the damage of his/her unarmed strikes still way overpower any of weapons that he/she is proficient with. It would be nice to see a monk who can specialize in something other than unarmed strikes.
In addition, the grouping of the skills doesn't quite make sense. I think that Jump should stay a STR-based skill, and be combined with Climb and Swim into Athletics. My RP group had house-ruled Listen and Spot into Perception, and Hide and Move Silently into Stealth already, so I see no problem with them. I would actually combine Bluff and Forgery into a skill named Subterfuge instead of putting Forgery into Linguistics. Finally, I can see combining Spellcraft (and Use Magic Device and Psicraft) into Concentration, but not the other way around. Especially if you are planning on eventually converting the OGL Psionics (which is a really good system) to the Pathfinder RPG. You could even change Concentration to a INT-based skill.
Further thoughts (if I have any) to come later...