The Horned Hunter

HavokReigns's page

Organized Play Member. 57 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

The Exchange Balthazar the Branded

Male Tiefling (Hell-spawned) Inquisitor 8 (0 posts)
Mage Sniper
The Exchange Ace Sinates

male elf Magus 8 (0 posts)
Scarab Sages Marcos the Mystic

Male Sorceror (0 posts)
Stronfeur Uherer
Liberty's Edge Davox

Male Dwarf Fighter 1/ Inquisitor 10 (0 posts)
Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan
Scarab Sages SalaHadin

Male Human Magus 10/ Tattooed Crossblooded Sorceror (Orc/Elemental <Acid>) 1 (0 posts)

Scarab Sages Cyphadias

Male Nagaji Druid (Naga Aspirant) (0 posts)

Dark Archive Draythin Darkmoor

Male Ranger 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Alabaster Black
(0 posts)
Ramoska Arkminos
Scarab Sages Cyn The Vulture

Male Dhampir UnRogue 3/ Warpriest x (0 posts)
Dark Archive Draken-Thul

Male (we think) Tiefling (motherless) Ranger (Skirmisher)/ Hunter (0 posts)

Grand Archive Nate Velie
(0 posts)

Nate Velie 6
(0 posts)