![]() ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() "Aye, 'm no'afraid of some violence, plague mebbe, but ya better be offer'n better kit than a blasted shovel and rags. We also have a bit o'a problem with the local gang, so whatever payment yer offer'n better be somethin' they cannae take. Like our freedom or rank, or badges or some shite." Hathok grimaces at the last, he can barely believe he's willing to jump back into the "chain of command," but it seems the safer option rather than cutting his way into Shank's outfit. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() A murmured word of thanks escapes Hathok's lips as the priest removes his hands. Hathok admires his mundane looking wounds as he pulls his clothes on. He's too astounded at his apparent good fortune to say anything further. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok complies slowly peeling his ragged clothes off, side eyeing the priest with hope of a cure plain in his eyes. He stands unabashedly dressed as he was on his First Day, his wounds prominent primarily across his chest but also raked across his arms and thighs. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() @GMF, for sake of HP regained, are we at three nights now? Could Dwendle maybe slide a cure light wounds in there? Hathok is worried, he tries to ask around the work crews after a healer or cleric, in his own sneering way. Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 After his first day back, he attempts to strike a plan with his cell mates, his level of concern provoking the largest consecutive string of words he's spoken in a long time. "Lads I'm feeling aright here'n'now but these wounds're lookin' stranger by the day. I needs a proper 'ealer, no offense friend," he says directly to Dwendle. "Problem is Shank's bound to come collect shortly and if'n it comes to blows I best be in fightin' trim and I cannae say how long I'll be hale. So we're down to three shite options as I see it: we do 'im 'is favor and hope eventually we can join 'is crew before 'is favors break us or I die of me wounds, OR we ambush the craggy bastard and take 'is place and force the dear Empress' local best to heal me, OR we make a run fer it and I roll the knuckles with whatever succor the locals 'ave on tap. Ah'm not sure I 'ave the time for the first, but Ah'm not sure we've got the sand for the second and gods only know what the locals can manage." His face turns grim as he continues, "I'd still be face down in the muck weren't fer ye two and I'd like to thank ye fer that." He hesitates before continuing softly, "I'd hate to have ta leave ya's without repaying my debt..." Hathok trails off leaving his desire for his companions help plain, but so too, his urgency for finding a cure. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok's a tad worried about his wounds. The salve and halfling seem his best hope for a peaceful recovery. He wisely decides to keep his mouth shut. Hammered shit or not, he has the self awareness to know that he's a poor jest away from testing Shank's mettle. He grins and bears the extortion, hoping the halflings words hold water... For now. Sorry boyos, on a bit of a staycation so slipped out of the routine of checking. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() "A'Reckon I look tougher with a few more scars..." Hathok offers as he puts on a brave face. Truth be told he felt like thrice hammered shit and not only because he'd begun to sense an impending physical confrontation with Shank. He relished the thought of it whilst hale, but in his current ragged state he frantically searches for any excuse to stall and put the inevitable off for another day. "Least that thing won't be picking off the chain gang no more, yer welcome." Hathok winces as soon as he finishes; tact was never his strong suit and he left boot licking behind with the army he deserted on another continent. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() L_O_L feeeck... Careful what you wish for eh... Maybe try pressure on his wounds? Bandages? A Kick to the groin? If you grab my hand and slap me in the face could I do an assist roll? looool ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok moans but he can't seem to rouse beyond the response to pain. If I understand correctly, the Heal/First Aid DC is an unskilled DC 15 (Wis) to stop any further HP loss and wake my ass up. It doesn't look like you could take a 20 on this... orrrrr could you? Dwendle maybe you could assist on a roll from Breg? ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() I was gonna wait on my first stabilize roll but here we go... Stabilize muh!(Con): 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 3 - 4 = 16 Stable! Still need help! Hathok groans as he's dragged out of the muck. He remains unconcious. @GMF I don't want to META game but can I suggest stuff while unconscious? It would be a check suggestion... ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Another Fort? One claw hit
"GraaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH DIE!" Hathok screams his fury as he can barely believe he's being bested by some gutter gecko. His wounds are grave but he summons the will power for one more swing from several layers back of Orcish ancestry. HP at -3, Half Orc ferocity gives Hathok one more round as disabled but conscious... Hathok puts everything he has into another swing of his much maligned shovel and, despite his Orcish battle fury, promptly succumbs to his wounds, falling into obliviousness. I'm gonna assume that swing was enough effort to earn another HP of dmg for attacking whilst disabled, leaving him on -4 HP. Shovel Wap: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Both of those are actually gonna hit with the -2AC for ragin' so here's two fort saves, sorry didnt update that. I took the liberty of rolling the damage... Claw Dmg: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Hathok's got two extra HP for raging leaving him on 2 Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Hathok is staggered as he's raked by dual claw slashes but the battle lust keeps him on as feet as he determinedly swings his shovel. A small part of him misses literally every other weapon hes ever wielded... Shovel Bash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 FFS... Damn you digital Dice Gods! ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Hoping this isn't a pass or fall unconscious check so here's the plan if it isn't; So the ring rust isn't so easily shaken but Hathok is determined to hurt this creature standing in front of him. He can feel his ire raising and channels it into the next swing of the shovel. Rage Two-handed Saaaawing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok shakes off the ring rust quickly and takes a two handed swing at the creature as it swipes at him. Saaaawing: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Is there a dmg bonus to using a shovel two handed...? Also... do you roll dmg for me @GMF or how does that work? This doesnt look like a hit but should I roll dmg too if it's a better roll? ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Sorry lads, been nightshiftin'... Hathok is emboldened by Bregs words, his companions' attempts at stealth are clear even if what lies ahead is not. He too attempts a swift but stealthy approach as he nears the door he looks through and sees... Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Hathok will ready the shovel for a two handed stab if theres anything in reach from the threshold of the door ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() "Methinks yer right 'alfling, not so sure I wanna meet the residents... Well this way looks impassable and I dinnae think they've gone through here," he motions towards the hole, "let's see where this leads," Hathok straightens and cautiously sets off through the proper door opposite the hole. "I doubt ye two'll be objectin' ta me takin' point?" he mutters without waiting for a response he crosses the threshold, shovel at the ready. What have we got in the new room? Would you like another tracking roll? (I really like the last one... heh) Is there a light source other than the opening we came down? ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() I wouldn't mind getting into a maps and tokens style combat (40 speed!) but can do theatre of mind just as easy. Just a heads up I've only briefly fiddled with d20 stuff... Hathok grunts at the assault on his senses this "sewer" incurs. It's not his first excursion to a sewer but it brings his hackles up every time. He grips his shovel, grits his teeth, and growls; "This whole blasted place is ominous... Empress always has the best field trips don't she... Which way dya think they gone?" Hathok takes a second to look for any signs of recent dwarf passage and listens for movement. Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
He bends over trying to get a look through the tool marked hole while holding himself above the muck. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok shrugs, and follows. Glancing about for a decent palm sized hucking rock or two before jumping down after the halfling has had a moment to step aside. I'm assuming since we're moving rubble theres some sorta rocky debris lying around nearby? Hathok'll grab anything head size or lower... ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok will play up the fact that he's getting the shaft because of the colour of his skin till it changes to blue in the face... He sees little need for deception and he's not hiding the fact that he's here for assault. He is keeping the fact that he's a deserter much closer to the vest. He's looking to escape servitude to the Empire any chance he gets, Ah've done it once and the blasted army goes to lengths to make examples of deserters, I 'spect the empress' reach be thinner out here anyways. Would be nice ta have someone to share watches with though... Hathok recalls the best of times with his bard mentor watching his back and understood the importance of cohesion in an army unit, as a result he will work to make allies. Tobir seems of similar caste and Hathok hopes his willingness to work with him continues. The halfling's bold words gained him a measure of respect from both sides of Hathoks heritage despite the orc lineage's disdain for the halfling's stature. Dwendle has earned a smidge of protection from Hathok even if it is for no longer than it takes to satisfy the half-orc's curiosity over his usefulness as a companion. Breg is a valuable ally to be gained as his heritage would open doors for allies of lesser castes, Hathok has made a mental note to snag any available writing supplies should they not cost him too much. First and foremost though, is obtaining a lute... ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() "Ye've had me song friend, ya dinnae wanna see me dance." Hathok says his grin widening menancingly as he drops into an obvious fighting stance. His intimation borders on explicit statement; he's referring to something slightly more violent than a ballroom waltz (despite his bow moments earlier). Which eye is missing @GMF? Rage Intimidate: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Wow... Good roll, if its combat or bust @GMF, could I maybe take that as a demoralize check? aaand I'll keep that swing to the blind side ready ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Noting the neutral stances of his two burlier bunkmates, Hathok does a quick and dissatisfying calculation of odds in his head as he finishes his ditty, paces slow but thoughts racing. They knows we fresh and ain't got a crust to give, mebbe it's a test, mebbe it's a jumpin in. Faaaack it, if'n I'm to catch a beatin may as well earn it and make em think twice bout next time. "The gift o'song... s'all I got to give friend." Hathok says as he performs a rapid courtly bow sweeping a leg out behind him and flourishing with the stool while keeping his eyes up, on the leader. Maintains readied rage and swing, maintains shite-eating grin. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() The burly half-orc uncoils from atop the comparatively tiny stool as the door bursts open, picking it up from between his legs as he stands. He idly picks at the stool clenched tight in his right or left fist, whichever lines up opposite the missing eye of the leader fist as Dwendle greets their visitors. Hathok's gravelly voice comes out in a jaunty, but quiet tune as Dwendle finishes, "The color, the color, the color of your skin don't matter to me." He takes two slow steps forward as he finishes his tune, "As long as, as long as, as long as we can live in harmony." Hathok feels his rage boiling, readies himself for violence and puts on a hungry grin. Readies Rage, and a swing of the club at the lead dwarf's blind side, he's on a hair trigger for any sign of physical violence from the dwarves. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok walks to a bunk, leans on a top bunk to see if his bulk is remotely supportable and stares glumly at the obviously too small clothes while he waits for the reply to his companions questions. He pops his head out the window and judges there to be _____ hours Help me out @GMF? till/past dusk. Hoping to catch a note of song on the breeze he listens for a moment. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() "Mostly for being green I 'spect. Although breakin' Fen's jaw an 'and mighta contributed summ'at." Hathok muttered in response. "How's about you half pint?" While listening to the halflings response Hathok stares resignedly at the piece of cloth and slowly struggles to pull it above his brawny elbow, the number 35 barely legible amongst the wrinkles. He follows the dwarf and halfling, pointedly keeping himself well behind and attempting to slow Breg inconspicuously. Bending forward pretending to struggle with the arm band still he says under his breath to Breg "Fulldwarf, if ye've a mind to become Slag'ammer agin, and want 'elp doing so, see if ye can figger anything 'bout these locals, wild and otherwise. 'Parently I ain't worth the spit o' a response with yer uppity kin." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Is there a guard house or a barracks nearby? How high is the wall above the pens, is it climbable? If needed:
Hathok paces for a moment then carefully tests the strength of the pens side bars, the pain in his flank rose as his arms tightened, but far more bothersome to the Half-orc was the familiar look of utter dismissal in the bureaucrat's eyes. Same ole, same ole. Us greens be the grass and the rest be the boots and scythes, shoulda known to bend rather than be cut. His cell mates were a rare pair, both looked like they'd spent some time inside a forge rather than stoking it. Hathok turned to the badly burnt, was it... yes, a half dwarf: "Thought they taught ya to stay outta the fire... Name's Hathok, nice ta know it ain't just Orc half breds gettin' dumped on. Got any strength to help me here if we get an opening?" He watches both of his erstwhile companions for their reactions as he says so, hoping to catch a glimmer of defiance to match his own. If an option, on the pens strength:
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() If you start it up... It all sounds sweet to me BD. I dont think Hathok is much for bardic competition currently Polz but teach him anything new musically and he'll be happy to play back up lute and glare at the audience... ![]()
Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Untamed Rager) 1; AC 11 (1 Dex Dmg) (RageAC=9); HP 9/15; Pass Perception 11; Init +1
![]() Hathok's fingers twitch as he stepped to the front of his line, barely recalled chords and fingerings subconsciously playing only on air. Is'at music I hear? Need a new damn lute afore I forget it all... Wonder how us greens do in this fresh hell... Welp, nothing to lose and no time like the present. Hathok leans in on the table, both fists firmly planted, and turns the menace up to the eleventh (his harshest, favorite chord). "Hathok the entertainer, na' mark me with whatever blasted colour puts a lute in my 'ands tha quickest and I'll put this shit show on the road!" Hathok's well timed knuckle crack puts an emphasis on the last syllable as his curled perma-sneer nears the bureaucrat's face. Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 |