Erioch Ourevest

HastyMantis's page

Organized Play Member. 91 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

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I see we have an errata section with the FAQ now, which is awesome. Is there an appropriate place or method to submit things we're pretty sure are typos/errors (and not just rules we don't like)?

The sticky in the rules forum indicates that's not it, but I'm not sure where else to go with it.

How do weapon cost modifiers interact?

Let's say I want to buy a Snowgarden Productions tactical starknife.

That's 110 base, for the star knife times 1.1, for the extra 10%, is 121.

If I want an adamantine alloy tactical starknife, that's 110 +2,500 for the material: 2,610.

What if I want an Adamantine allow Snowgarden Productions tactical starknife?

110 * 1.1 + 2500 = 2,621


(110 + 2500) * 1.1 = 2,871?

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The book does not appear to be very clear about gloves. The example in "HOLDING AND WIELDING WEAPONS" (CRB P. 168) talks about holding a longarm while wearing a battleglove: you can do it, but can't attack while holding the longarm in that hand.

Does that mean the same rule generally applies for other hand-suits?

This is a list of every melee weapon that seems like it might be something one wears on a hand. The format is: {name of item} - {word from description that qualifies it as a hand-worn article} - {what that description says about holding stuff}

  • Battleglove - "glove" - Can Hold Objects
  • Shell Knuckles - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Bone Cestus - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Injection Glove - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Painclaw - "gauntlet" - Cannot Hold Objects (or be disarmed, also a full action to put on)
  • Heat-Amp Gauntlet - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Searing Grip - "glove" - Unspecified
  • Electrovore Glove - "gauntlet," oddly - Unspecified
  • Pulse Gauntlet - "gauntlet" - Unspecified
  • Resonant Gauntlet - "gauntlet" & "glove" - Unspecified
  • Polarity Gauntlets - "gauntlet" - Unspecified

Battleglove has a specific note that you can hold objects, as in the example. Painclaw specifically says you cannot. The others say nothing at all.
What say y'all?

Scenario: 4th level Wisdom 10 Operative (Operatives Edge +2) with Jack of All Trades (double Operatives Edge bonus on untrained skills) and Alien Archive (double Operatives Edge when making knowledge checks to identify creatures) makes an untrained mysticism check to identify some weird monster. Barring other modifiers, do they roll at:

+4, no stacking.

+6, double double is triple.

+8, double double is quadruple.

The only clear reference I can find to double doubling is on 257, regarding movement, where if movement costs are doubled twice, each space counts as 4.

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According to the table, the traction holster has capacity 80 and a usage of 10/min. A holster that consumes a super-capacity battery every 8 minutes doesn't seem right...

Unless it only consumes charges during active use, like a powered weapon?

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Mechanic's overcharge trick:
"...This attack uses three times as many charges from the battery or power cell as normal and can’t be used if the weapon doesn’t have enough charges..."

Powered melee weapons:
"...Unlike with a ranged weapon, the usage is for 1 minute of operation rather than per attack, though using a powered weapon for less than 1 full minute still expends 1 full usage. The number of charges expended is equal to the usage × the number of minutes the weapon is used, rounded up to the nearest minute..."

So when a mechanic overcharges a melee weapon:

1) Any minute of powered in which they overcharged will use 3x charges?
2) The round they overcharge counts as three rounds for power use?

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I can't find any information on how powered armor works with charachters other than medium size. The armors have a size of their own and there's a rule that medium PA counts as a char using their own arms, but not large PA.

If a ysoki puts on a battle harness, do they count as medium? Are their cargo lifters still large?

The harder question: what about large PCs? Can they wear a battle harness? Do they become medium if they do?