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I'll have to get back to you on the episode # but Tabletop Escapabes (which is 5E but still) has two scenes where the Warlock soloes an encounter with Black Tentacles, and where Wizard repeatedly uses Grease to completely shut down a "boss" type antagonist.

Aixelsyd wrote:

So, I just started running my player's through "The Inferno Gate", and when they received their new orders from Fex they asked the painfully obvious question. "Why can't Razelago just teleport to your townhouse in Senara to grab the phegmatic talisman and bring it back?" [Also, to themselves "What!? We've killed several good outsiders already! You couldn't have told us you needed their hearts before?"] Fex's real reason is that he wants the PC's out of his hair for as long as possible while he makes his final preparations for the ritual.

I had actually anticipated this and so was ready for Fex/Razelago to handwave the player's question with, "We tried already and the GR has safeguards in place against evil outsiders teleporting into the area." I thought this was reasonable given the GR's knowledge of and proximity to the Gate itself, as well as any paranoia of Thrune attacking through the use of summoned devils. That said, I'd recommend coming up with your own reason as, "Because then the first act of the adventure can't take place," seems insufficient. Other possibilities may include that Razelago is playing his own game in anticipation of Fex's downfall or that Fex wants more on the ground information about Senara since he intends to conquer it himself (though obviously he wouldn't tell the players that).

This is why I hate teleportation.

I open this thread to other instances of glaring workarounds to obstacles within the AP.

The DM "Out" for teleportation is right there in the "Teleport" spell description rules

"You must have some clear idea of the location and layout of the destination. The clearer your mental image, the more likely the teleportation works. Areas of strong physical or magical energy may make teleportation more hazardous or even impossible."

What "Areas of strong physical or magical energy" means is entirely up to the DM. Ultimate Intrigue gives types of magical rituals and volcanic activity as examples of magical and physical energy respectively.