![]() About Hasdrubal PraagIntro, Defense & Offense:
Hasdrubal Praag Male Human Soldier 1 Languages
Speed 6 STR 13 (+1)
Class & Race Features:
SOLDIER FEATURES 1- Starting Feats Armor Prof (Light), Armor Prof (Medium), Wp Prof (Pistols), Wp Prof (Rifles), Wp Prof (Simple Weapons) Talent Destiny: Liberation HUMAN FEATURES
Talents & Feats:
TALENTS Weapon Specialist Tree Weapon Specialization (Rifles) FEATS
Armor Check Penalty: 0 SKILLS
Blaster Rifle + License 1150 (4.5 kg) Bayonet + License 55 creds (1 kg) Utility Belt 500 creds (4 kg) -Ration Pack x3 -Toolkit -Power Pack -Energy Cell -Glow Rod -Short-Range Comlink -Liquid Cable Dispenser Camo Poncho 125 creds (1.5 kg) Breath Mask 200 creds (2 kg) Blast Helmet and Vest 500 creds (3 kg) Total Weight: 16/42.25 kg Cash: 445 creds (3000 starting creds)
Background Dathomir. A place of ancient evils, ruled by the Nightsisters and dominated by the Force. So, what do you do if you're not evil, you hate the Nightsisters and you don't have a connection to the Force? Well, you flee away and leave Dathomir behind at your first chance. That's what young Hasdrubal thought, and when he turned 16 he sneaked into a smuggler frigate to Hutt space. He learned a trick or two, and soon realized in these whereabouts everyone had something to sell. Thus, discovering what to sell - and to whom - was part of his apprenticeship. Set on selling his blaster skills, Hasdrubal began his career as a merc, not without his ups and downs. Soon, he joined a small group of gunslingers led by a veteran ex-trooper called Durante. The old soldier managed to make a team of the green recruits, and Hasdrubal learned a lot and went through the best times of his life. With his teammates, he felt invincible. Durante's Dragoons grew in fame, and they soon signed a contract with the newly created Galactic Empire. The Empire won the hearts of many people with promises of stability, boasting to end the corruption of the decrepit Republic. However, it soon became clear to those in business with the Imperial burocracy that the stability they promised was not for everyone, that not all corruption was to be stopped and that not everything was as good and transparent as it should. Things blew up in Corlax 4, where the Dragoons were sent to support a trooper deployment meant to eliminate reminders of separatist resistance. They received orders to occupy Lizarra, one of the planet's key cities and keep them until the Imperial army landed. However, the troopers never arrived, but instead took advantage of the seps moving troops to regain Lizarra, finding poor defended targets elsewhere. The Dragoons were slaughtered while the Imperial army has an easy job gaining key positions. Durante was one of the first casualties, and very few managed to survive and avoid being captured. Hasdrubal had to keep a low profile, swearing revenge for the treachery to his brothers and second father, until he found a way to escape the planet. It took him a while to recover, he had only a few ragged clothes and knew almost no one. Thanks to one of the Dragoons provider, Zhun, he was able to get some new equipment, and had his steps directed towards Sel Zonn station. There, he's to meet a guy who can tell him the name of the Moff in charge of the Corlax 4 operation, and hopefully some other useful info related to him. When he's done, he's going to make that guy pay for good. Hasdrubal
Durante: though dead, Durante is still a tremendous influence. If his parents were a symbol of what not to be, the veteran soldier became a representation of what to be. When he's under pressure, one of his thoughts is always what would Durante do? Zhun: a quick-witted Cathar smuggler operating in the Cademimu sector, Zhun is an expert finder. You need a special weapon? He can find it. Looking for someone? He can find it. He knows things, or how to know them, and he sells his secrets. Zhun worked with the Dragoons for long, and there was mutual appreciation, so Hasdrubal has gone to him for help when in need. Most of the help he's been able to pay for, but there's some things left which he knows Zhun will one day ask for. Moff Whateverhisname: even without knowing who he is, this figure already has influenced over Hasdrubal. Responsible for the slaughter at Lizarra, our hero is actively looking to discover his name and how to reach him. Goals
-Find about the Moff (and find the Moff): as the responsible head for the operations at Corlax 4, this man is Hasdrubal's target. Though, of course, this doesn't have to end here... -Challenge the Empire: besides his own revenge affair, Hasdrubal has understood how corrupt and mean is the Imperial machinery. Thus, he understood that has to be no good for the people around the Galaxy, and he will invest his efforts of the could only find some others with the same goals. -Find about his parents/never set foot in Dathomir again: yeah, contradictory feelings. Being honest, he doesn't feel much for those parents, but he's got some morbid curiosity. On the other hand, his memories of Dathomir aren't the sweetest ones. He's not actively seeking information about his family, but he'll probably bite if the chance arrived. -Looking forward to repay Zhun: knowing he owes the Cathar one makes him uneasy, even if the guy seems legit enough. Hasdrubal is a man who pays his debts. Small Perk