Turn 14:Harsk
The Hour is Orison
When this is the hour No effect.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
Immortal Ichor well I can beat it so lets do that
Free explore
ByA each local character suffers Combat damage equal to the number of allies in their hand.
Take 1 Combat damage Discard Enchant weapon
Reveal Deathbane Throwing axe
Reveal Belt of Pysical might
Discard Old Deadeye to bless twice
Discard Seargeant at arms to explore
Before acting, each local character suffers Combat damage equal to the number of weapons and armors in their hand and displayed cards.
Discard Ring of Energy resistance
Reveal Deathbane Throwing axe
Reveal Belt of Pysical might
Recharge Savored Sting to bless
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Academy #3,4 recharged
Estra and Fumbus take the following damage
1 combat damage per allie in hand
1 Combat damage per weapon and Armor in hand or displayed
Turn 10:Harsk
The Hour is The Bear
When this is the hour: On your Strength check, add 2.
Upon Reaching the Shrine Harsk is immediately besieged by the Shrines inhabitants, a Burning Ghould and a Troll,. He tries to play them off against each other but the Monster sniff out his ruse and decide to gang up on the party instead leaving quite a bit of damage.
Inside the shrine he finds the shrinekeeper attacked by an evil apparition, but is able to defeat it with Fumbus help. He receives a magic scroll for his efforts as well. The Shrinekeeper is vene able to point Estra to the planar rift letting all these Monsters in.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
Give Aspect of Monkey to Estra for savekeeping
Ember Ghoul
Reveal Deathbane Throwing Axe
Display Booneslayer
Encounter troll
BYA take 1 compat Damage (Firepelt Cougar)
Reveal Deathbane Throwing Axe
Reveal Belt of Physical Might
Have Fumbus add Fire to the second roll
Encounter Sklar-quah Thundercaller
Encounter a Barrier to Acquire
Phantasmal Apparition
Quaff a potion of eagle Eye from Fumbus. Perception 10:1d6 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (3) = 12Defeated, Thundercaller Acquired
Examine top two cards because of Barrier defeated
Enchant weapon
Planar Rift - Henchman
Discarad Thundercaller to explore and autosucceed at Acquiring Enchanct weapon
End of Turn
Recharge Boneslayer
Estra discards Nightspear to heal me 1d4+1 Allies and Blessings Cards healed:1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2Firepelt Cougar and our lord in Iron
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Shrine #1,2 Banished
Shrine #3,4 Acquired
Shrine #5 Known
Fumbus Power used twice
Estras Discards Nightspear to heal
Everybody Needs to take CON/FORT8 or bury the top card of his deck
Everybody takes 1 Combat damage
Hangouts is down for me, so I post my understanding here.
For Zethas turn to be legal, She would have needed to move to the dunes when the last location closed, while Fumbus needs to go to the academy.
Looking back at the last few adventures it would be reasonable to assume that Harsk and Estra would go with Fumbus in such a scenario, while its aboslutely normal for Zetha to strike out on her own.
I will go forward with my turn assuming this to have happened.
Demiplane Shift when Fumbus moved to Loc 1 (Academy):1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Location 1 is now Shrine, Sounds like a nice enough location, so I assume Zetha wont disturb it and stay at the other one.
New Location after Dune closes (1,3,4):1d3 ⇒ 3Throne room Demiplane Shift when Zetha moves to new Loc 2 (Throne Room) (1,3):1d2 ⇒ 2Location 2 is now masquerading as a store House.
Post this in separation to my turn, so you can have a look at it
Turn 6:Harsk
The Hour is Desna's Freedom
When this is the hour: On each check, the first blessing played to bless may be played freely.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
The Lost Harrows - Really Cool, but not really my stack of harrow cards. Leave this for somebody else.
Move to Dunes
Exchange location Demiplane 2,3,4,5,7:1d5 ⇒ 3Shrine
At This Location: On your Divine checks, add 2.
When Closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Divine 5+# check.
When Permanently Closed: You may draw a new blessing.
Free explore
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 21
Immune to Mental and Poison.
Before acting, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 10 check or suffer the scourge Frightened.
If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, this monster is undefeated.
When you discard cards as damage, discard them from the top of your deck.
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Dunes exchanged for Shrine
Shrine #5,6 Banished
Build random location Location jump at 5:1d7 ⇒ 4Storehouse nice at least thats not a lot of monsters Wildcards erased:1d2 ⇒ 1Ablaze discarded, rejoining the books.
moving to storehouse - rerolling it Location jump at 4,5:1d6 ⇒ 1Its an Academy
Displayed:White War Paint,
Deck: 14 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 2
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Guardian Bow, Aspect of the Monkey, Vindicator, Sergeant-at-arms, The Savored Sting, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Ring of Energy Resistance, Old Deadeye, Firepelt Cougar, Our Lord in Iron
Recharged: Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Boots of Friendly Terrain, Bearskin Armor,
Discard Pile: Wayfinder, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Arena #1 Banished
Arena Closed
Storehouse build
Changed into Academy
Acquired Wolverine Ally
excahnge Ablaze for Harrow of Books
Displayed: Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 2
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Ring of Energy Resistance, Our Lord in Iron, Hippogriff, Aspect of the Monkey, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Old Deadeye, The Savored Sting, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Firepelt Cougar, Vindicator, Achaekek's Claws, Sergeant-at-arms, Guardian Bow, Seeking Longbow
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Displayed:Boors (Supp), Ketrik (Supp),
Deck: 2 Discard: 8 Buried: 7
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Bearskin Armor
Recharged: Ring of Energy Resistance,
Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Seeking Longbow, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Sergeant-at-arms, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Firepelt Cougar, Bearskin Armor (Acq), Our Lord in Iron, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq),
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Bury Ketrik and Boors between turns to draw Vindicator and Angelic Armor
On the final Fight:
Activate Undauted Guardian to automatically succeed.
If somebody needs distant support I have Armor to avoid damage
Combat damage:1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3Display and draw Angelic Armor to avoi
Reload Vindicator to add 1d8
Recharge Sable Company Marines to add 1d6
Turn 14:harsk
The Hour is Sarenrae's Light
When this is the hour: When you heal, you may heal an additional card.
After getting hit by the Hippogriff Harsk decides that any more exploring on this place is much to dangerous to hang around so he decide to move back to base.
But just as he is about to leave he is attacked by a huge animated Hammer out for his pretty dwaren face. He is barely able to jump out of the way almost getting hit multiple times, before the magic energy of the weapon is dispelled. Harsk tries to grab it in time, but is too late and so it fall into the depth of the pits,
On impact it releases all its penned up energy in a huge boost colpsing the pitwalls in the process.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
Location still not shuffled so I will roll Card:1d10 ⇒ 6The henchman Great!
Reveal Guardian Longbow
Recharge Good Omen for character Power
Display and Discard Bearskin Armour to add STR
Recharge -> Discard Our Lord in Iron to bless Combat 12+12=24/29:2d6 + 6 + 1d8 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d10 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 + (2) + 3 + (7) + (1) + (4) = 32 [Occ]Banished[/ooc]
Random Item:1d4 ⇒ 1Weapon, Banudor
Rechareg Boots of Friendly Terrain to have a fighting chance STR 14:1d10 + 1d8 ⇒ (8) + (2) = 10Failure
Close location
Draw card and recharge full hand
Move to base
Explore, Display Boors
and heal a card
Heal another card due to hour power
Harsk is healed for 2: (The Savored Sting, Ring of Energy Resistance). Deck shuffled.
Displayed:Boors (Supp),
Deck: 2 Discard: 8 Buried: 7
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sable Company Marine, Bearskin Armor
Recharged: Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Seeking Longbow, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Sergeant-at-arms, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Firepelt Cougar, Bearskin Armor (Acq), Our Lord in Iron, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq),
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Displayed: Deck: 2 Discard: 8 Buried: 7
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): 0
Recharged: Sable Company Marine, Skoan-quah Boneslayer,
Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Seeking Longbow, Ring of Energy Resistance, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, The Savored Sting, Sergeant-at-arms, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Firepelt Cougar, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq),
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Pits #1 Acquired
Pits #2 Banished
Pits #3 seen and shuffled
Displayed: Deck: 5 Discard: 3 Buried: 7
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Bearskin Armor, Deathbane Throwing Axe, Our Lord in Iron, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Shoanti Barbarian Hide
Recharged: Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Seeking Longbow, Ring of Energy Resistance, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq),
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Displayed: Deck: 1 Discard: 7 Buried: 7
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, each other local character must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 5+# check or suffer this scourge.
At the end of your turn, succeed at a Constitution of Fortitude 3+# check or bury the top card of your deck; if you succeed by 5 or more, remove this scourge.
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): 0
Recharged: Shoanti Barbarian Hide,
Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Deathbane Throwing Axe, Seeking Longbow, Ring of Energy Resistance, Our Lord in Iron, Bearskin Armor, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq),
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 6:Harsk
The Hour is The Lady of Mysteries
When this is the hour: On your check against an Undead card, when you would discard a boon to bless, you may recharge it instead.
Start of Turn
Discard White War paint for Wounded Grrrr
Examine top card card:1d10 ⇒ 2 Encounter Hippogriff
Display and recharge Bearskin armor Survival 16:1d6 + 5 + 1d10 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (2) = 13Banished
Display Hide Armor
Discard Our Lord in Iron to explore card 1->2:1d9 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Encounter our Lord in Iron Ranged 8:1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11Acquired Discard Our Lord in Iron to explore card Skip 2,8:1d8 ⇒ 6 Encounter Yzahnum the Efreeti ByA:1d6 ⇒ 6Bury all discards and discard all cards Zetha casts charm Monster - Ghost Tier 1
Fumbus discards -> Buries Publican
Fumbus recharges card for Alchemical support
Harsk recharges Hide Armor Combat 23-4=19:3d10 + 1d6 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (2, 9, 2) + (4) + 5 + (3) = 25Banished and overkilled Harsk removes the Scourge Plagued
Displayed: Deck: 2 Discard: 5 Buried: 8
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, each other local character must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 5+# check or suffer this scourge.
At the end of your turn, succeed at a Constitution of Fortitude 3+# check or bury the top card of your deck; if you succeed by 5 or more, remove this scourge.
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): 0
Recharged: Bearskin Armor, Shoanti Barbarian Hide,
Discard Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Deathbane Throwing Axe, Seeking Longbow, Ring of Energy Resistance, Buried Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, White War Paint, Our Lord in Iron (Acq), Our Lord in Iron,
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 2:harsk
The Hour is Gozreh's Growth
When this is the hour: On your check against an Animal or Elemental card, add 1d4.
When they enter the Crypt harsk immediately spots a giant Black dragon sitting indside it. He tries to lead the party around is, but is immediately attacked by a troll. He is able to defeat the beast and Fumbus adds some alchemists fire to avoid it getting up again
Moved to Crypt in Zethas Turn
Start of turn
Discard Wayfinder for Wounded
Examine top card
Ancient Black Dragon
Give Aspect of the Monkey to Estra
and free explore card:1d10 ⇒ 10 All local characters take one Combat damage - Discard Vidicator
Have Estra Cast Aspect of the Monkey
Reveal Seeking Longbow
Recharge Sable Hide Company
recharge Firepelt Cougar for character Power CtD Combat 20:1d6 + 4 + 1d8 + 2 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 4 + (4) + 2 + (1) + (3) + (1) + (2) = 19Kayltana Reroll CtD Combat 20:18 + 1d8 ⇒ 18 + (8) = 26Success Reveal Seeking Longbow
Reload Plaguebringers Mask
Add Fumbus Power to add Fire to the check CtD Combat 22:1d6 + 4 + 1d8 + 2 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 4 + (1) + 2 + (2) + (3) + (2) + (2) = 22Kayltana Reroll CtD Combat 22:21 + 1d8 ⇒ 21 + (5) = 26Success but not high enough so discard Old Deadeye Remove Wounded because I defeated a monster
End of Turn
Discard Size <7
So Discard Reloaded Card (Plaguebringers Mask and Achaeks Cards)
Reset Hand
Displayed: Deck: 9 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, discard the top card of your deck.
When you would heal any number of cards, you may remove this scourge instead.
While Marked:
At the start of your turn, each other local character must succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 5+# check or suffer this scourge.
At the end of your turn, succeed at a Constitution of Fortitude 3+# check or bury the top card of your deck; if you succeed by 5 or more, remove this scourge.
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): White War Paint, Sergeant-at-arms, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), The Savored Sting, Guardian Bow, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Deathbane Throwing Axe
Recharged: Sable Company Marine, Firepelt Cougar,
Discard Pile: Wayfinder, Vindicator, Old Deadeye, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Crypt #1 seen
Crypt shuffled
Crypt #10 banished
Gave and cast Aspect of the Monkey to estra
Used FUmbus Power once.
Displayed: Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Boots of Friendly Terrain, Old Deadeye, Our Lord in Iron, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Wayfinder, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Ring of Energy Resistance, White War Paint, Deathbane Throwing Axe, The Savored Sting, Bearskin Armor, Sergeant-at-arms, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Guardian Bow, Achaekek's Claws
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
I will block Ulithas ByA Power on my fight, so Fumbus does not have to fight his fight frightened
Guard Dungeons:
The Hour is Rakhasa, no effect
Use Balmberry to Heal a card (Guardian Bow)
Bury Jayna Leemore to block ByA power
Reveal Deathbane Throwing axe
Display Boneslayer
Recharge Seargeant for Character Power
Display and recharge Armor
Reload Mask
Little green man eats the wrong mushrooms again and has a vision of their target. Harsk doesn't really trust it, but the others are convinced he really has seen Ulitha, so they set everything up for a final attack from all sides.
Before heading to the dungeons to guard that entrance, Harsk is once more heading to the base to get some support.
Start of Turn
Move to Base
Display Jayna Leemore
Recharge Vindicator and move to Bungeons
End of Turn
Wither wayfinder
Discard Boots of Friendly Terrain, Guardian Bow (Acq), Steal Soul (Acq)
Reset Hand
Displayed:White War Paint,
Deck: 7 Discard: 3 Buried: 5
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Bearskin Armor, Seeking Longbow, Our Lord in Iron
Recharged: Old Deadeye, The Savored Sting, Vindicator,
Discard Pile: Boots of Friendly Terrain, Guardian Bow (Acq), Steal Soul (Acq), Buried Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp), Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot), Firepelt Cougar, Wayfinder,
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 14: Harsk
The Hour The Locksmith
When this is the hour: On your check, you may recharge a card to replace all d4s with d8s.
Start of Turn
Examine top card of Crypt
Kazavon's Iron Golem
I will leave the location to Zetha as these are fighthe can actually fight.
Feel free to Shuffle now
Move to Lair
Free explore
Encounter Steal Soul
Sounds nice Recharge Savored Sting to Bless
Wisdom 10:2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 1) + 3 = 8Acquired
Discard Wayfinder to Examine top card
Encounter Guardian Bow
Displayed:White War Paint,
Deck: 10 Discard: 1 Buried: 4
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Recharge Boots of Friendly Terrain to add 1d8 for check at wild location
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sergeant-at-arms, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Bearskin Armor, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Balmberry, Our Lord in Iron, Seeking Longbow, Skoan-quah Boneslayer
Recharged: Old Deadeye, The Savored Sting,
Discard Pile: Wayfinder, Buried Pile: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp), Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot), Firepelt Cougar,
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Crypt #3 Known
Crypt can be shuffled as per Zethas command
Moved to Lair
Lair #1,2 Acquired
Turn 10: Harsk
The Hour is Prayer
When this is the hour: No effect.
When the group arrives at the Ruins they find a shrine containing a Lyre of clearly mythical powers. While Estra communes with the Gozreth to allow us to gather the Instrument in support of our fight, Harsk wanders over to look after Zetha.
He Almost triggers a magical curse placed there by the banshee, but spots the runes just in time not to smudge them.
Pleased that everything looks fine he
Start of Turn
Examine Top card
Lyre of Storms Item 6 Divine
Leave this for Estra I think, but what do I do now?
Give Wand of Rstorative touch to Estra
Moving to Crypt
Free explore
Encounter Barrier Obsession with Servitude
Discard Fumbus Publican to add 2 dice CtD Perception 13:3d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 5 = 19Sucess Banished
End turn
Wither 1 card - Urgotthoas Gluttiny
Reset Hand
Displayed:White War Paint,
Deck: 9 Discard: 1 Buried: 3
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Recharge Boots of Friendly Terrain to add 1d8 for check at wild location
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Wand of Restorative Touch given to Estra
Ruin #1 Examined
Crypt #2 Banished
While Estra is trying to disable the magical Barrier which sprung up in front of the party the Banshhe approaches from the side, but Harsk is able to drive it away.
Encounter Ulitha
Everybody gets frightened
Reveal Deathbane throwing axe
Recharge Boots of friendly Terrain
recharge Vindicator Combat 29:1d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (6) + 3 + (3) + (1) + (1) + (8) + (5) = 33Success defeated Since I am only frightened right away again no getting rif iof scourge.
]Turn 6: Harsk
The Hour is Lady Despair
When this is the hour: On your turn, if you would suffer a scourge, a random local character suffers it instead.
Start of Turn
Move to Cave
Free explore
Encounter Dybbuk
Reveal Throwing Axe
[ooc]End of turn
Wither with no cards in discard
Examine top card
Hippogrif rider - I assume shuffle
Trigger take one ranged damage, discard Urgotthoas gluttony
Reset Hand
Displayed:White War Paint,
Deck: 11 Discard: 1 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Recharge Boots of Friendly Terrain to add 1d8 for check at wild location
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Cave #4 Banished
Cave #5 Acquired
Cave #6 seen and probably shuffled
If somebody wants me to spend the wand on him, I will draw another card
On closing my location
move Kaytlyana to Cave
End of my Turn
Wither random discard (Deathbane Light Crossbow)
Estras Turn
Recharge Seeking Longbow to add 1d6
Displayed:White War Paint, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp),
Deck: 12 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Bury Pathfinder Chronicler to add 1d4+# to any check vs. Item, Spell, Barrier
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 2: Harsk (cont)
The Hour is The Bear
On your Strength Check add 2
Move to Ossuary
Free Explore to encounter Lashton
Summon and Encounter Ancient skeleton
BYA Recharge Achaekek's Claws
Display Aerilaya to add 1d6 to all Dex Checks
Reveal Deathbane throwing axe
Displayed:White War Paint, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp),
Deck: 11 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Bury Pathfinder Chronicler to add 1d4+# to any check vs. Item, Spell, Barrier
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Sergeant-at-arms, Wayfinder, Guardian Bow, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Vindicator, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Bearskin Armor, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Firepelt Cougar, Our Lord in Iron
Recharged: Balmberry,
Discard Pile: Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Cave#1 examined
Cave shuffled
Ossuary #2 banished
Ossuary closed
Base #2 acquired
Harsk at Base
Displayed: Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Boots help for a check at a wild location
Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Old Deadeye, Bearskin Armor, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Guardian Bow, Wayfinder, Vindicator, Our Lord in Iron, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Sergeant-at-arms, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Seeking Longbow, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, White War Paint
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Deck Upgrade: Item 6:1d1000 ⇒ 707 but willing to discuss what you guys will choose for upgrades
I will upgrade my balmberry into a ring of immolation or some protective item like ring of Energy resistance
Discard Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot) to help Estra
Turn 18 : Harsk
The Hour is Sands of the Hour
When this is the hour: No effect.
Returning from the base with Moise in tow, Harsk finds some bear tracks near a forest shrine dedicated to some minor local goddess.
To avoid being ambushed he follows them shirtly to find the bear just around the river bend eating his last victim. Harsk is able to shot the beast, but the tradesman is beyond help. Not wanting his stock to go to waste, harsk is able to find a replacement fro the armor the beast had just shredded.
Start of Turn
Display Bearskin Armour
Move to Estra at the River
Free explore
Encounter and autoacquire Blessing Orison - Wisdom 2
Discard to explore
Displayed:White War Paint, Moise (Supporter), Bearskin Armor,
Deck: 10 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: yes
NOTES: Available Support: Boots help for a check at a wild location
Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Blackjack's Rapier (Acq), Wayfinder, Seeking Longbow, Sergeant-at-arms, Balmberry, Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Achaekek's Claws (Loot)
Recharged: Boots of Friendly Terrain, Old Deadeye, Shoanti Barbarian Hide,
Discard Pile: Aerilaya, Our Lord in Iron, Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot), Orison (Acq), Bearskin Armor (Acq), Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 14 continued: Harsk
The Hour is The Locksmith
When this is the hour: On your check, you may recharge a card to replace all d4s with d8s.
After his runin with the nobels, harsk wonders why the little green bugger hasn't caught up yet when hears the sound of exploding potions. He quickly charges towards the battle and finds Fumbus retreating from two vampires who try to encircle him.
Luckily the evil Bloodsuckers did not notice HArsk and he is able to send two of his holy bolts through hearts watching them dissolve into ashes.
Encounter vampire
Roll for Perception or be dazed Perception10:1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11Success
Fumbus wins the first fight
Harsk recharges Vindicator for vampire power
Reveal Daethbane Light Crossbow
reload plaguebringers mask
activate White war paint Combat 22:1d6 + 5 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (8) + 1 + (4) + (7) + (5) + (6) = 39Defeated and banished
Defeat the danger (another Vampire) scenario effect:1d6 ⇒ 3Another Perception or dazed so no effect on Fumbus Perception10:1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7Failed
Fumbus again wins the first fight
Harsk recharges Balmberry for vampire power
Reveal Daethbane Light Crossbow
reload firepelt cougar
activate White war paint Combat 22:1d6 + 5 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (6) + 1 + (8) + (7) + (5) + (6) = 43Defeated and banished
Location closed
Monster defeated so dazed removed again
Move to base and explore for free
Display moise to help with this potential poison scourges running around.
Heal a card
Harsk is healed for 1: (Achaekek's Claws (Loot)). Deck shuffled.
Displayed:White War Paint, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Moise (Supporter),
Deck: 11 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Boots help for a check at a wild location
Harsk can give 1d6 to any combat check
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Wayfinder, Deathbane Throwing Axe, Sergeant-at-arms, Seeking Longbow, Blackjack's Rapier (Acq), Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Firepelt Cougar, Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), The Savored Sting, Balmberry
Recharged: Discard Pile: Aerilaya, Our Lord in Iron, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
The Hour is The Savored Sting
When this is the hour: On your checks while you avenge, bless.
Harsk continues through the forest meeting and Orc Warrior foraging for food. HE tries to avoid him, but the orcs notices him and attacks him before harsk can jump away. When the battle is over he notices that the orc had a nice rapier stolen from his last victim which Harsk takes with him.
Next Harsk finds a carawan of local nobles out in the would for a hunting trip. When the Man tries to warn them off he only earns laughter. Luckily a Friend of Estra is well known to these guys and is able to convince them to return home and stay there for the next few days.
Forging on ahead he meets the Banshee Fumbus avoided so skillfully and decides to send her back to the nether realms.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
Orc Rager - Well not worse than Soul Mistress so I shuffle.
Free Explore card 11->2:1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4Well that worked well.
Recharge Old deadEye to explore Wild location card 11->2:1d9 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6Blackjacks rapier That should have been a d7 but random is random so I keep it
Discard Estras Marriage to bless and add Fumbus Strength CtA Strength 13:2d10 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 8) + (4) + (2) = 15Acquired
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 6: Harsk
The Hour is The Uprising
When this is the hour: Your non-combat check against a bane is blessed.
Moved to Forest on closing
Free explore Sentinel Devil - I love it when a plan comes together.
Reveal Deathbane Throwing axe
Reload Plaguebringers Mask
recharge our lord in Iron
recharge Seeking Longbow for character power
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Forest #1 banished
Soul mistress seen in Forest
forest shuffled
Displayed:White War Paint, Bearskin Armor,
Deck: 12 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
You may explore only once per turn and you may not examine locations.
If this scourge is displayed at the start of your turn, at the end of the turn, shuffle your hand into your deck and remove this scourge.
While Marked:
On your checks, subtract 1 for each die rolled.
At the end of your turn, you may bury a Divine boon to remove this scourge.
While Marked:
You cannot evade or move.
When your location is closed, remove this scourge.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot), Vindicator, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Boots of Friendly Terrain, Firepelt Cougar, Sergeant-at-arms, Wayfinder, Old Deadeye, Guardian Bow, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, The Savored Sting
Recharged: Balmberry,
Discard Pile: Aerilaya, Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 2: Harsk
The Hour is Rovagug's Destruction
When this is the hour: On your check, you may banish a random blessing from your discards to bless.
Scouting ahead along the trail Harsk meets a strange statueby the roadside. When he approaches to exmine a flash of lightning appears, leaving him unable for any coordinated actions.
Start of Turn
Examine top card
Display White War Paint
Display Bearskin Armor
Free explore
Recharge Estras Magistrate to add 1d8
Displayed:White War Paint, Bearskin Armor,
Deck: 12 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 1
Box Reroll Used: No // Harsk has the following scourges marked:
While Marked:
You may explore only once per turn and you may not examine locations.
If this scourge is displayed at the start of your turn, at the end of the turn, shuffle your hand into your deck and remove this scourge.
While Marked:
On your checks, subtract 1 for each die rolled.
At the end of your turn, you may bury a Divine boon to remove this scourge.
While Marked:
You cannot evade or move.
When your location is closed, remove this scourge.
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Wayfinder, Guardian Bow, Firepelt Cougar, Vindicator, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, The Savored Sting, Urgathoa's Gluttony (Loot), Old Deadeye, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Sergeant-at-arms, Boots of Friendly Terrain
Recharged: Balmberry,
Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☑ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn 14: Harsk
The Hour is Lamashtu's Madness
When this is the hour: On your check against a monster, add 1.
Damage suffered from monsters is increased by 1.
Estra decides to bring back the weapon to the basecamp while HArsk is easily sprinting up the mountain.
He soon spots the Wraith trying to poison the area with his undead power, but with all his undead fighting weapons the Ghostly figure is no match for him. Unfortunately it is still able to break his favorite crossbow before being shot into the nether ream.
Start of Turn
Examine top card (8 is new card Card:1d8 ⇒ 6 Henchman Great
Displayed:White War Paint, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp), Jana Leemore (Supp),
Deck: 14 Discard: 3 Buried: 2
Hero Points: 0
Box Reroll Used: No //
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can recharge a card to add 1d6 to any combat check
Use Blessings as needed
Recharge Seargeant for 1d6 vs. bane or ally
Bury PF Chronicler: On any check against a barrier, a spell, or an item, add 1d4+#.
Bury Jan: on any Combat check add 1d6 or ignore BYA or AYA
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: , , , , , , , , ,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Seeking Longbow, The Savored Sting, Skoan-quah Boneslayer, Our Lord in Iron
Recharged: Balmberry, Ukwar Axe (Loot), Boots of Friendly Terrain,
Discard Pile: The First (Acq), Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Vindicator, Buried Pile: Bearskin Armor, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1,
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Mountain #6 banished
Estras Urgotthoas Gluttony used
Mountain closed
Jana Leemore displayed
Villain went to Bridge
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
End of turn Acid cloud:1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Discard Vindicator and Achhaeks claws
Examine top card of location Guardian Bow
Nice but long shot to aquire without some help.
reset hand
Displayed:White War Paint, Pathfinder Chronicler (Supp),
Deck: 16 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Hero Points: 0
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can recharge a card to add 1d6 to any combat check
Use Blessings as needed
Bury PF Chronicler: On any check against a barrier, a spell, or an item, add 1d4+#.
Bury Ketrik: on any Combat check add 1d4+# or draw armors
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: , , , , , , , , ,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Aerilaya, Wayfinder, Our Lord in Iron, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Sergeant-at-arms, The Savored Sting, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Seeking Longbow, Skoan-quah Boneslayer
Recharged: Balmberry, Ukwar Axe (Loot),
Discard Pile: The First (Acq), Buried Pile: Bearskin Armor,
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Prevuíous Turn: Harsk
End of Turn take Ablaze damage Acid Damage:1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1 As usual. There goes the Deathbane Crossbow. Redraw another card during rest: Aerilaya
Turn 6: Harsk
The Hour is Incitation
When this is the hour: No effect.
Returning with fresh vigour from the base to the battle lines Harsk is greeted by a wave of fire placed there to catch him unaware. Luckily he spots iot in time to dofdge the worst, with the new sunscreen Fumbus had provided him with protecting him from some far-reaching flames.
Afterwards he spots various undead, but is able to identify the Wraith between them and kill him from a save distance.
The group spots a shrine to asmodeus the demon prince and together with Fumbus he is able to destroy it and remove the undead from the dunes.
Start of Turn
Move to Dunes to use Divine Fortune
Free explore
Encounter Crematory Blast
I am sure Fumbus has some Protective salve in his pockets somewhere
Discard Wayfinder to examine top card Find Banshee Could be easier so lets shuffle and explore
Card:1d5 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Encounter Wraith
Reveal Vindicator
Recharge Boots of Friendly Terrain +1d8
recharge Aerilaya for Character power +1d6
Display and later recharge Boneslayer +1d6 CtD Combat 13+12=25:1d6 + 5 + 1d10 + 1 + 1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (4) + 1 + (4) + (6) + (5) + (5) + (4) = 40Defeated and save from reroll
Acquire the Top Blessing of the Hourglass
The First Grrrrr
Use Fumbus Power Another Divine 8:1d4 + 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + (4) + (1) = 7 Box reroll Divine 8:6 + 1d4 ⇒ 6 + (3) = 9 Blessing Acquired Location closed
Free Explore of Base
Display Pathfinder Chronicler
Heal a card Card healed:1d2 ⇒ 2
Harsk ends his turn. Use Balmberry to heal Deathbane light crossbow Acid Damage:1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1Discard The First
Harsk attempts to recover all cards in his Recovery pile. Balmberry: Survival 8:1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 -> Balmberry recharged .
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Dunes #3 Banished
Fumbus power used Twice.
Dunes #4 seen
Dunes Shuffled
Dunes #7 Banished (Henchman)
Top Blessing (the First) Acquired
Pathfinder Chronicler Acquired and displayed
Turn 2: Harsk
The Hour is Benefaction
When this is the hour: No effect.
Noticing a powerful undead lurching around the Swamp, Harsk decides to avoid him for now and take advantage of the Mist Zetha conjured. After avoiding another Creature by slinking back he is able to approach the Undead Mage from Behind and is able to slay him ith some well-placed bolts before he can even react. "Thanks Zetha, That worked out very easy."
Start of Turn
Examine top card of Swamp - Skeletal Minotaur Well lets shuffle him back in.
Move to cliff
Free Explore - Encounter Incitation
Divine 4:1d4 ⇒ 1 Banished
Discard Wayfinder to examine Top card Sentinel Devil
Well everybody can beat this guy so lets shuffle
Explore next card Card:1d7 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 There he is Mandravius Found
Reveal Deathbane Crossbow
Recharge Our Lord in Iron to bless
Recharge Achaekek's Claws to freely bless
Recharge Balmberry to add 1d6
Display Bearskin Armor Combat 23:3d6 + 5 + 1d8 + 1 + 1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) + 5 + (2) + 1 + (8) + (8) + (4) = 35Even rerolling an 8 doesn't turn so Defeated´
AYA suffer the Scourge drained.
Remove Scourge because Harsk defeated a monster
Suffer 1d6 Combat damage to close Damage:1d6 ⇒ 2 Reduced by Mist Horn, Location closed.
Move to base and explore for free
Boors, Ketrik, Bodyguard
Choose Ketrik
Heal Wafinder
Displayed:Bearskin Armor,
Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can recharge a card to add 1d6 to any combat check
Use Blessings as needed
Deck, Discard, Buried:
Reloaded: , , , , , , , , ,
Middle of Deck (Unknown Order): Achaekek's Claws (Loot), Aerilaya, The Savored Sting, White War Paint, Deathbane Throwing Axe, Shoanti Barbarian Hide, Firepelt Cougar, Sergeant-at-arms, Seeking Longbow, Ukwar Axe (Loot), Plaguebringer's Mask (Loot), Our Lord in Iron
Recharged: Discard Pile: Buried Pile:
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
CLiff #3 Banished
Cliff Shuffled
Cliff #7 Banished
Cliff closed
Zetha needs to move and recover Mist Horn
Displayed: Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Hero Points: 0
Box Reroll Used: No
NOTES: Available Support: Harsk can recharge a card to add 1d6 to any combat check
Use Blessings as needed
Favored Card: Weapon Hand Size: 5 ☑ 6☐ 7 Proficiencies: Weapon POWERS:
On any combat check, you may recharge a card or reload a weapon to add 1d4 ([x] 1d6).
On your check that invokes the Axe or Bow trait, add 1d6 ([X] 1d8); against a Giant ([] or Aberration or Dragon) monster, add another 1d4 ([]1d8).
At the ([X]start or) end of your turn, you may examine the top card ([]or 2 cards) of your location. ([X ] Then, you may shuffle your location.)
[X]When you defeat a monster, you may remove 1 of your scourges.
[] When a local character fails to defeat a story bane or an Aberration, Dragon, or Giant monster, you may reload it into its location instead of shuffling it ([] or you may avenge by recharging a weapon).
Turn18: Harsk
The Hour is The Marriage
When this is the hour: At the start of your turn, summon and encounter an ally.
After closing the last location, the fumbus stirs up the Lich. He is trying to escape to Harsk location, but hemmed in on all sides he is no match for the undead fighting weapon of the ranger. Hit by mutltiple Arrows and bombs from all directions he easily succumbs, this time Forever. .... Hopefully.
Start of Turn
summon and encounter an ally.
Sklar-quah Thundercaller (Cha 11 or defeat a barrier)
Well Defeat a barrier it is Hungry Smoke
Fumbus casts corrosion,
Zetha Blessses with Adabar