
HarryD's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


As for capping damage I just tried to keep it as simple as possible and I think it makes shields vs 2-handed weapon more interesting.

You can use a two-handed weapon and go for a more random higher roll or you can use a one-handed weapon and go for the guaranteed damage reduction if you don't roll as well. Also by keeping the cap high it makes reducing damage to 0 with banishing armor more of a risk on lower combat damage when the next time you encounter something your armors could be all banished and you take a big hit and you are screwed.

As for spell casters of the arcane variety, I don't think the lack of armor is a problem. Right now evasion, at least in RotR I haven't played my S&S yet, is way under powered. Arcane casters have a ton of evasion spells yet why ever use evasion when the risk to doing combat is so little. With this it makes evasion more useful to use especially with spells or skills that put evaded creatures to the bottom of the deck. Also it makes items that are damage reduction usable now. How many people do you know that play use damage reduction items? I can't think of a single person.

I admit there is probably some damage problems with some of the divine casters that barely have any armor, but that just means they need to put a higher priority on damage reduction items.

Maybe instead of doing 1/2 the check for ranged and spells it can use 1/4 for spells and ranged to compensate for lack of heavy armor.

The ideal solution would be to have how much past the check you would have to make to not take damage built into the cards though, *wink wink nudge nudge at the game designers*.

Been thinking of a variant to make combat more difficult and armor more useful.

When you do a combat check you need to pass it by more then the actual combat check, the combat check divided by 2 rounded up, to receive no damage. If you pass the check on the card by the exact amount you still defeat the bane but you will take damage.

As an example if you encounter a bandit with a difficulty of 8, and you roll an 8 on the check you would take 4 damage on the check unless you reduce it with armor, but if were to roll a 14 you would take 0 damage.

If you are to fail a combat check you would just take the damage as you would in the base rules.

Justification for that would be if you got an 7 against the bandit you just fought to almost a stand still and only took marginal damage, but if you were to get an 8 on the check you just were barely able to beat the bandit and took some serious wounds.

It also makes items that reduce damage more useful and abilities that evade creature to the bottom of the deck more useful, thus making things like the illusionist class way more viable.

Wondering what other people think of this house rule.


Looking to cancel this order of card sleeves.

It's no biggy, I just have everything in penny sleeves until they get in.

My order was just the individual packs had to have it moved to a side cart by customer service because it was holding up my play mat order.

I've had sleeves on order since before gen con, I was told they do not know when their next order is coming in.

Thanks for the help!


Just to verify, when you say I have the promos and Add-on deck in this order are you referring to the character mats or the actual character add-on deck and promo cards themselves.

This order should only have character mats, adventure mat, and those deck protectors.

Was wondering what the status of this order is and if any item in particular was holding it up.

Was wondering if you guys are going to be there and if so what will be available.

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I know there is some non-official character sheet apps floating around, just wondering if Paizo is going to throw an official one out there ever since they are now jumping into the iOS/android market with the Rise of the Runelord adventure path. Would be nice to have some official support for it.

Eric W wrote:
I'm sorry for the stupid question, but how in the world do I shuffle these small decks of cards? I can barely (barely!) riffle the fifteen card character decks. Trying to riffle shuffle a ten card location deck is basically impossible for me without bending the heck out of the cards. Can one of you old MtG players tell me how it's supposed to be done? Thanks!

I don't plan on using card sleeves so I pile shuffle the smaller stacks, just look up pile shuffle on youtube it is super easy, though slower than riffle shuffling.