Harmish's family came from a long line of nobles with sucessful trading and support careers admist the churches of Abadar. Though he was constantly asked by his father to pursue more martial training he always favored those skills of the mind and tome. His family had vast libraries in the mansion and in his own private chambers he had his own private library which rivaled those of most common ilk. He was very fond of the woman and drink in his days and was often found with either or both admist his numerous books.
One of the servants had mention a book on erotic poetry in her passing while winking at Harmish. So, as what one would normally do, during one of his visits to the family library admist the various moldy books he found the book on erotic poetry. The visual imagery stencilled in the tome was most eye appeasing and little did he know that there were also various spells bound within the pages on demon summoning (specifically succubi and incubi) as was the typical magical act among the humans of his ancentry. Many months later a demon of seduction attacked the house (who referred herself as Rotaloje) and he was blamed as the same servant who mentioned the book in passing also used him as an escape goat. Though he was totally innocent the family sided on servant and he was excommunicated from both his family, his wealth, and his home. He was pushed in destitude and the servant was promoted to head house maiden.
Now, copper less and with all his worthy belongings gone, he wanders the land always looking for his next meal and trying to help those who have been wrongly accused. Though he was brought up to follow the way of Abadar (as after all his family was wealthy and sucessful merchants to the churches themselves) his faith is quickly resolving as after all, how can one follow a god of wealth when one has nothing. Due to being once wealthy in both coin and mental literature he knows has a hatred for all evil outsiders that caused his situation.
Racial Abilities
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
You know how to get along in the wild and how to effectively treat wounds. You get a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Additional Traits
You have more traits than normal. You gain two Character Traits of your choice. These traits must be chosen from different lists, and cannot be chosen from lists from which you have already selected a Character Trait. You must meet any additional qualifications for the Character Traits you choose—this feat cannot enable you to select a Dwarf Character Trait if you are an elf, for example.
Since you have no job and cannot afford to buy food you will probably have to start picking from garbage cans and live in the unforgiving wilds which will often force you to subsist on food and water from doubtful sources. You’ve built up your mettle as a result. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Your a deadbeat, got fired from your job, and lost your house. You have nothing but the stuff on your back and have to fight to survive in this damn cold cruel world! You gain a +1 bonus to Survival checks, and Survival is always a class skill for you.
Ease of Faith
Your mentor, the person who invested your faith in you from an early age, took steps to ensure that you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different than that which powers the magic of other religions. This philosophy makes it easier for you to interact with others who may not share your views. You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Theoretical Magician
You've studied more magic than what you can actually perform.
You gain a +2 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, or a +3 bonus if you aren't a spellcaster
Class Abilities
Wild Empathy +1
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, inf luencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with inf luencing people, it might take more or less time.
Favored Enemy: Evil Outsiders
+2 to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and Weapon Damage.
Track +1
Add to Survival checks to follow or identify tracks.
Explorer's Outfit
Heavy Wooden Shield
Winter Blanket
Flint and Steel
50 feet of hemp rope
Grappling Hook
5 Torches
Light Hammer
Belt Pouch
3sp, 5cp
Planned Generation for Ability Scores
15 points total
5 points in Strength (score of 14)
0 points in Dexterity (score of 10)
3 points in Constitution (score of 12)
5 points in Intelligence (score of 14)
2 points in Wisdom (base score of 12, +2 for human racial)
0 points in Charisma (score of 10)