
Harbinger of Norgorber's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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May I suggest...PUGWAMPI?!?

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If you could fight one treant-sized elf or one hundred elf-sized treants, which would you pick?

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Most Grand Lord of Destruction Treerazer,

Hate to necro this thread, but I have a question:

If you could eat any deity (or demigod), which would it be, and what would you have for sides?

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I meant food. What is the best food she makes?

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Dear Merisiel,

Is Kyra a good cook? If so, what’s the most delicious thing she makes?

What would you do if you contracted lycanthropy and turned into a werebat?

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Classic Horrors Revisited--Revisited

Cross-posting this to the homebrew forums.

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Thank you!