Holy Guide

Harbard1981's page

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Ohh my ultimate point, if alignment is simplified in such a horrific fashion then really dumb things happen... like the paladin going huh guess it's time to smite it.

Soo a lot of people forget nature is in many cases evil in our civilized eyes. You can find numerous videos of wild animals eating their prey while it is still living. Sometimes animals even cannibalize their own young.
Characters should be multi faceted as almost all actions irl are a blend on the spectrum of man made morality. If Good and Evil are just light, dark and grey being neutral with no cross over then it makes it all so dull. People are not strictly one or another they are a rich tapestry of all good and evil with all the rich beautiful grey in between. You could expect this strict behavior from outsiders they are made of essence that is joined together and polished by a godling to make a servant. But strict concepts good, law, evil, chaos and neutrality are obsurd. I have ran into many dms that use this as a means to force especially clerics into certain routes. Then if not heeded used as a punishment for going outside what the dm desires. I know several dms that back before the internet basically used the alignment system as a weapon against the players. More importantly when your dm describes any chaotic or antiauthorty as evil as an example shows a lack of understanding and maybe a little bit of brainwashing you saw back in the 1950s in America.

I see a lot of people post hate for leadership. But I think a lot of dms miss opportunities with the feats selection. It is a feat that can allow deeper invest into the campaign and character. Sure there are going to be munchins, but that is a entirely different problem all together.

Yeah I would be interested in a game. I have every other Saturday and any sunday open. I can be contacted at klausprime1981@gmail.com