
Hannah Wessell's page

43 posts. Alias of rdknight.

Full Name

Hannah Wessell


+ Sagittarius, Female |Sharp: +1, Smooth -1 | Scientist, Tinkerer, Explorer | Pressure: 0 | XP 2

About Hannah Wessell

Hannah Wessell

Playbook: Sagittarius
Rank: Ensign
Raw: +0 | Hard: +0 | Warm: +0 | Sharp: +1 | Smooth: -1

Injuries: _________ Holds: ________

XP: [x] [x] [_] [_] [_]

Pressure: [_] [_] [_] [_] [_]

[_] [_] Gain a new Move from your Playbook.
[_] [_] Gain a new Move from another Playbook.
[_] [_] Improve a Stat by one (maximum +3).
[_] [_] Erase a Mark against a Breaking Point action.


Engineer/Scientist (Role) When you work on an engineering job (research, repair, design, construct), roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you complete it successfully – Erase one Attributionon or fix a specific problem. On a 7–9, the same but the GM chooses: it’s a temporary fix, it’s unstable, it’s not working as well as you hoped, you need _____ to complete, you’ll have to cannibalize ____, it’s going to take a while.
The GM can choose an extra opon from the 7–9 list (even if you rolled a 10+) if any of the following are true: you don’t have enough me, you don’t have the right tools or crew, the project is extremely ambitious.

Explorer: (Playbook) When you go somewhere nobody has ever gone before, roll +Sharp. On a 10+, Hold two. On a 7–9 Hold one. Spend your Hold to ask questions from the list below, and take +1 Forward acting on each of the answers.

[_]What here is useful?

[_]What here is dangerous?

[_]Where is a good place to hide/defend/______?

[_]Where might I find _____?

[_]Who is in control here?

Tinkerer: (Playbook) When you take something apart, roll +Sharp. On a Hit, pick one from the list below. On a 10+ you also get +1 Forward when you make use of the results.
[_] Learn how it works / what it does.
[_] Gain useful parts.
[_] Rebuild and improve it.

Engage In Battle: (Basic) When you Engage In Battle, roll +Raw. On a Hit, choose:
[_] You overcome a tough target’s defenses, or destroy a number of weaker targets.
[_] You hold off a determined assault or drive away a formidable opponent.
[_] You keep a target safe during the battle.
On a 7–9, choose two:
[_] You take fire in the process and must Weather Serious Harm.
[_] Someone or something else gets damaged or destroyed, the GM says who or what.
[_] Your actions leave you or someone else exposed, the GM will say who takes advantage.

Shake Off: (Basic) When you Shake Off a threat, roll +Hard. On a Hit, you’ve shaken it off, but on a
7–9, the GM chooses:
[_] It’s out of the frying pan, into the fire.
[_] You don’t escape unscathed.
[_] You lose or use up something in the process.
[_] The threat intensifies, escalates, or targets someone else.

On a 10+ you’re in full control, take +1 forward.

Weather Serious Harm: (Basic) When you Weather Serious Harm, roll +Hard. On a 10+, you withstand it but must Mark Pressure. On a 7–9 it hits you hard, the GM chooses two (may pick the same one twice)
[_] You must Mark Pressure.
[_] You are injured or (for pilots only) your fighter takes damage to a specific system – the GM says how it’s slowing you down, getting in the way, or putting you in a spot.
[_] You lose something important (an item, your secure well-defended position, etc.).

On a 6 or less you feel the full force of it: you are out of control, lost, and trapped or helpless, and the GM may start a Doom Clock.

Seek Out: (Basic) When you Seek Out something well hidden, say what you’re looking for or just that you’re sure there’s something to find here, and roll +Sharp. On a Hit, you find it. On a 7–9, the GM chooses one:
[_] You attract unwanted attention.
[_] You discover something unexpected and horrifying (implicate a friend, discover a terrible truth, expose your own weakness, etc.).
[_] You’ve found it, but something stands between you and it.
[_] Your investigation takes a long time (allowing your enemies to advance their plans, or using up resources).

Pull Strings: (Basic) When you Pull Strings on the fleet, say who you’re going to for help and what you want them to do, and roll +Smooth. On a Hit choose one:
[_] Gain help with a specific task from an NPC or group and Hold one towards choosing an option from the Support or Interfere Move list, or taking an Action at Scale.
[_] You gain temporary access to rare or restricted equipment, resources, skills, or information.
[_] Change people’s behavior on the fleet at large (curfew, rationing, calm rioting, etc.).
On a 7–9, the GM chooses two:
[_] You can’t do it without help from someone you you’d rather not get involved with.
[_] Someone demands a favor in return, or else they won’t help.
[_] You attract unwanted attention.
[_] There’s an unexpected cost or consequence.

Cover Up: (Basic) When you Cover Up something serious, roll +Smooth. On a 10+ they buy your deception, as long as no clear countervailing evidence appears. On a 7–9, the GM chooses:
[_] They’re only fooled temporarily.
[_] You must give a concrete assurance, provide some extra corroboration, or do something extra to throw them off.
[_] Someone realizes you’re up to something, and it won’t be the last you hear of this.

*Reach Out: (Basic) When you Reach Out to someone who matters to you, choose one or more:
[_] Share a significant doubt or fear with them.
[_] Share a significant hope or dream with them.
[_] Share a significant failure or regret with them.
[_] Share your feelings about them.

For PCs, ask them if they respond positively, and roll +Warm if they do. For NPCs, roll first: on a Hit, they respond positively. On a 10+, you each Erase one Pressure: on 7–9, choose one of you who erases one Pressure. Either way, increase your Relationship with each other by one.

*Let Loose: (Basic) When you Let Loose and indulge your base needs, roll +Raw. On a Hit, everyone involved Erases one Pressure. On a 10+, you choose one option from the list below and decide the details; on a 7–9 you still choose, but the GM decides the details, and they’ll make it something you’ll immediately regret.
[_] You end up in the arms of someone you shouldn’t.
[_] You share a secret you shouldn’t.
[_] You make a promise you shouldn’t.
[_] You anger or alienate someone that matters to you (you may reduce an appropriate Relationship).
Say what happens, and who else is involved.

On a Miss, the same as a 7–9 but nobody erases any Pressure.

Call Someone on Their Shi-t: (Basic) When you Call Someone on Their Shi-t, tell them what their problem is and what they’d need to do to convince you otherwise, and roll +Hard. On a Hit they choose from the options below; on a 10+ they are limited to the first two options, and if they choose the first they Mark XP.
[_] They act to prove you wrong by doing what you asked.
[_] They openly and forcefully refuse to do what you asked them to (and they Mark Pressure).
[_] They openly and unequivocally admit you’re right.
[_] They act contrite and give you something they think you want.
[_] They respond by Calling You on Your Shi-t.

*Support/Interfere: (Basic) When you Support or Interfere with another character’s Move, Mark Pressure and roll +Warm (support) or +Sharp (interfere). On a 10+, Hold two. On a 7–9 hold one, and be prepared to be entangled in any fallout from the Move. Spend Hold to:
[_] Give +/–1 to the Move after they roll.
[_] Create an opportunity or problem for them.
[_] Redirect a negative impact of the Move from the person making it onto someone else.

When an NPC supports your Move, you roll +Relationship on their behalf.

*Wait Helplessly: (Basic) When you Wait Helplessly as others tackle a major problem, after another player rolls the dice you can say what you’re doing to cope and Mark two Pressure to give them +1 to their roll.

*Raise the Pressure: (Basic) When you Raise the Pressure on yourself, pushing yourself beyond your limits, Mark Pressure up to three times and add +1 per Pressure Marked to a roll you just made.

Momentum Move: (Basic) When there’s a prolonged lull in the action, where the fleet is (for the moment at least) safe and neither under attack nor dealing with a direct and immediate threat, the GM rolls +Momentum. On a 10+ the GM offers the fleet an opportunity to seize an advantage or hurt the enemy. On a 7–9 the GM introduces a threat to the fleet, but with the opportunity to avoid or mitigate the danger. On a 6 or less, a threat materializes without warning, and all that can be done is damage limitation.

End of Scene Move: (Basic) At the end of a scene, check whether any of the tracks should change.
[_] Did someone suffer a significant blow (social, emotional, or physical), do something exhausting, get given a truly daunting task, or have to do something horrible? They must Mark Pressure.
[_] Did they alienate someone they care about? Reduce their Relationship (if any) by one, and considering if they should Mark Pressure as well.
[_] Did the fleet, its people, or its resources take a significant blow? Mark Attrition.
[_] Was there a publicly visible event which was unsettling, scary, or indicative that the fleet is losing? Mark Attrition.
[_] Did the fleet gain new resources or skilled people? Erase Attrition.
[_] Was the scene a major turning point in the war? Change Momentum.

Breaking Point Actions::

[_] Alienate someone who matters to you, by lashing out at them emotionally, or taking selfish action that disregards their needs.

[_] Indulge your worst instincts, abandoning duty and/or reason to heedlessly follow your impulses.

[_] Publicly melt down, through an emotional outburst or tirade, loudly proclaiming who is to blame for your problems.

[_] Take foolish action, putting yourself or others in danger, without consulting others.

[_] Wander alone into danger without help or backup.

[_] Exit the game, Whether through death, breakdown, or some other route, your character leaves the game. Work with the GM to decide how and when.


Name: Lt. Thea Gillis | Level: +2
Name: Lt. Commander Mateo Benjamin | +1

Relationship Questions:

1. Who is my closest friend? What do we do to blow off steam together?

Hannah met Thea within her first couple of days aboard the Cerberus and they quickly hit it off. Hannah is glad to have found someone who shares her interest in gadgets and tinkering around, which has already gotten them into a spot of trouble once. She also admires Thea's confidence and assertiveness. Hannah wouldn't mind at all if some of it rubbed off on her.

2. Who has secret feelings about me? Why are they hiding them?

Mateo Benjamin, XO of the Cerberus, has been tasked with oversight of any projects or research carried out by Hannah. He has developed a romantic interest in her, but is her direct superior. (Hannah may or may not be military. She was not before the great disaster, but may have been inducted and given a minor rank, maybe ensign) as a specialist. On the other hand, she may be a civilian who works on thinks for the military. Mateo wouldn't consider the distinction important given his supervisory role.)

Hannah was a graduate student working on her doctorate in bioengineering previously. She is from Ninmahon and had always lived there before calamity struck.

She is intelligent, curious, and fairly outgoing considering the amount of work she's used to doing. While she's friendly and caring, she's somewhat awkward socially, tending to talk about her own technical interests. This often comes across badly, boring people or putting them off.

Lieutenant Commander “Mateo Benjamin” (XO) is a level-headed opportunist who has climbed the ranks of success due to his family’s history in the armed forces. His father and grandfather where both noteworthy men of honor. Because of that, Mateo has had it easy. Although he has not contributed anything noteworthy in the current struggle, he is one of only a few surviving officers who still holds a legitimate command rank. He seems eager to prove himself from the command deck, but dislikes anything that would put him in the direct line of fire. His days are spent supervising the daily running of the ship’s rosters, managing the day-to-day operations, and reporting anything noteworthy to ship’s current Commanding Officer (CO). His nights are generally spent alone in his quarters, where he listens to music on an old, salvaged CD player in order to unwind with a half glass of scotch, or in the company of a young woman named Hannah.