
SeazTheDay's page

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brady blue wrote:
so the servers are down now? why didn't you let humble bundle distribute the pdf's instead of using your own server...if you had such a crummy server?

A valid point; Humble Bundle has demonstrated their ability to keep their servers up under high loads - there must have been a good reason they didn't handle distribution.

I'm resigning myself to waiting a day or two before trying to download my PDFs again.

I'm having the same issue as Saranis above; I click to begin personalizing and give it 10+ minutes to work, but nothing happens and when I click them again I'm either taken back to the homepage or reloads the My Downloads page.

I understand this issue stems from the increased load on the servers, but it would be inconvenient to have to wait a few days before I can download the stuff I just bought. Hope this issue gets resolved soon.