HammerBrother's page

Organized Play Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sayt wrote:

What environment are you liking to play in? If you're just playing at lower levels, you can do pretty nicely with a pair of hunting dogs with boon companion. Take tandem trip and share it with the doggos. I think you'd is a bit better than a bird.

Alternatively, the disciple of the pike from monster hunters handbook is probably a stronger choice for an unmounted cavalier.

I'm not sure where we will be fighting but I'll look into it

ViConstantine wrote:
A base would be greatly appreciated. What race were you hoping to play? Any idea on feats you think you should use? What weapons did you want to have? Were you planning on taking combat maneuvers? Tell us about the character you envision and we can help you from there :)

I was going for a Human I saw a Cavalier Build that was called the Switch rider and I was wondering if you could do that build with the Huntmaster Arch and just have a normal horse or warhorse Since I was going to cover but being mounted and not I was looking into haveing a Twohanded Weapon but I might focus more on Onehanded Combat or I did think just use a Fauchard as my weapon with Power Attack and Furious Focus

avr wrote:

*Looks at archetype* Wow, that's weak. A free dirty trick sounds good but it's limited to a couple of very weak effects and a bird won't have the best CMB. Sharing the challenge is the useful part I guess. Some orders with useful challenges would be Eastern Star for defence, Flame or Green for offence. Flame seems most fun to me, YMMV.

Your bird will probably need weapon finesse and piranha strike, so make sure you raise its intelligence so it can take feats not on the animal companion list - either at 4th level when it gets an ability score increase, or at 1st if you play a human with Eye for Talent.

Is there anything in particular you wanted help with?

Well this is my first Cavalier so all the help i can get would be greatly apprecatied

Hello, all I would like to build a Cavalier that lose's his mount for the Huntmaster Arch I was thinking a bird could I get some help from yall thank you in advance.

IS there a trait or a Feat that adjust's the time you can go without sleep ?

I have a question can you be a barbarian and a Psionic class ?

Can you disarm someone with a ranged attacked ?

Im working on a maptool's map for Bellis i dont know how accurate it wiil be

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was just wondering if anyone else in the PFverse has made a map of Bellis.

Yea i thought about Kama's and Picks also thanks to all yall for your help :D

Can you dual wield two small scythe's being Medium.If so with penalty how would you fix that problem ?

Umbranus wrote:
HammerBrother wrote:
In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear).
As it has to be medium at level 7 it can't work with a size increase at level 7.

ok the mount i was going to take was a tiger

In addition, a 7th-level or higher Medium beast rider can select any creature whose natural size is Large or Huge, provided that creature is normally available as a Medium-sized animal companion at 7th level (like a bear). To generate statistics for such a mount, apply the following modifications:

Size Large
Ability Scores Str +2, Dex –2, Con +2;
Increase the damage of each of the mount’s natural attacks by one die size.

Would this stack with the Animal Companion growing large by level 7?

Shattered Star assumes that Rise of the Rune lords Curse of the Crimson Throne 2nd Darkness and Legacy of Fire were completed.How many years would that be I was thinking of making a Character that was the Son of my Wife and I's Rise character but i don't know if that can be done any help?

Thank for the insight i was really hoping i didn't have to follow a Deity for a paladin

Do Paladins have to follow a Deity in order to have there abilities or can they follow teaching's ?

I am playing a 7th lvl monk and i have haste on me. I would like to know would i have 3 attack or 4 with my Flurry of Blows. Because a monks fist is both weapon types Nat and Man, and haste says it dosnt work with nat weapons.

If a Ghost takes over a sword and they can cast magic could they cast there spells while in the sword?and If so would that still the casting Def on Con check

Holy crap ive been useing this feat wrong thank yall very much


Ok i know this is probably a silly question but does that make a 18-20 to a 16-20 or does it make it a 17-20 and also if its just a x2 wouldn't it be a 18-20 ?

I dont know if it can but can two players have the Feat Disruptive and do they stack with one another ?

i am a fighter with two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting with the shield master feat and my Base attack is +20/15/+10 what would my off handed attack be for my two off handed attack (which is my shield) i think its +20/+20 i need this answer.

Thank you

if i am fighting with a shield and i have two weapon fighting and improved two weapon fighting with shield master would i still suffer the two weapon fighting penalty if the shields my off handed attack?

I also have a question, My group are in the Hunter Cavern part of this book I would like to the Trap that is inside the Temple area

I have a question how does a party go through the Blizzard part with food consumption?

Create Pit this is the spells name could it be cast inside a sleet storm

i forgot what the spells was named but it was a sloped pit spell that he targeted inside the sleet storm

if you can sleet storm on someone can you cast another spell inside the sleet storm even thought the spells said you cant see inside the storm?

Thank you very much

Wizard Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.How does this work?

Can you take this skill as a non psionic?

is there a City map for Bellis?

thank you

Is there a Close Quarter Combat Feat for Bows.

Thank you very much

what if the allie youre casting the spell on is counted as a enemy were playing in Serpet Skull and was the victim of the vault gas that makes you paranoid would it count as a AOP in that situation

Can you use Weapon Finesse with a Orc Double Axe?
And if you are a Life Orcale with Safe Curing (Su): Whenever you cast a spell that cures the target of hit point damage, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for spellcasting. and useing a Metamagic wand of reach does that provoke a AOP ?

ok thank you very much

Thanks for all the help my mutli weapon question i guess should have been if i made two of the onehanded weapon's would they still be considered light weapons?

any feat suggestion Psionic wise?
and also another quick question if i made a onehanded and a light weapon would it still incur the -2-2 attack pen?

oh ok

ok is there any feats that will help me when dealing with other DR's besides the magic one ?

im a Human Dual wielding and i think its only the Unleashed book we can use im looking for a way to make my blade more able to handle all DR's

havent found the 3rd party section yet and im not multiclassed im a gestalt

Howdy everyone i need some help feat wish i know what im doing but i need help with the Soulknife part.Since ive never really played the Psionic part of the game any suggestions?

Is it a natural weapon or not if so could it be improved with the Feat Improved Natural weapon ?

Point-Blank Shot (Combat)
You are especially accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. im also wondering can it be used for range touch attacks?

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