
Hamish Setwald III's page

6 posts. Organized Play character for Andrew Christian.


Sovereign Court 5/5

Dicky Serpico wrote:
"Boy, were you dropped on your head as a child? Repeatedly?"

We'ave he-eard thiyis jo-oke be-fo-ore... geyet ne-ew ma-ter-iyal.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Dicky Serpico wrote:
Hamish Setwald III wrote:
Kane Elish wrote:
Ah Cayan Con-firm thayat thiyis mayan iyis A power-ful mayan! Hey Surv-vived a 28d6 disint-igrayat Criyit!
"Is that Taldan?"

You kno-ow iyit iyis!

Sovereign Court 5/5

Kane Elish wrote:

Ah Cayan Con-firm thayat thiyis mayan iyis A power-ful mayan! Hey Surv-vived a 28d6 disint-igrayat Criyit!

Sovereign Court 5/5

Rae Alain Paight wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Fun fact. Kane was the low man at 9th. After negative levels, he is now the effective high man of the party.

"I still can't believe we managed to beat that undead dragon-thing."

*goes off to collapse in a corner*

"It's beecause we hayyad a playyan and stuck to it?"

Yeah, that was pretty tense. I haven't cheered like that since Bernie Kosar led the Browns back from a 17 point deficit against the Jets for a double overtime win in the 1986 wildcard game.

Sovereign Court 5/5

John Compton wrote:
Hmm wrote:
Hamish is a seasoned hunter. He smells of paprika.
*Prepares a list of scenarios with creatures with the grab and swallow whole abilities to highlight Hamish's esoteric choice of armor*

Thralls of the Living God:
It was quite funny when Arnold got his horns stuck!
Sovereign Court 5/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
Giraffe would be fun. Already using a moose though and that's fun.

If'n Ahh ev-er fahnd Ahh cayant rayse Ar-nold Ahh mah-ayt loook fo-or a Girayef.