About Hamish Carmody O'TooleMale Half-Elf Summoner 13
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex); +4 shield bonus if within eidolon's reach
Speed 30 ft.
Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 26 (+8) Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +10; CMD 22 (23 vs grapple) Feats Extra Evolution x 3, Skill Focus (bluff), Spell Focus (conjuration), Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Iron Will, +1 Traits Fast-Talker, Elven Reflexes Skills Acrobaticsᶜᶜ +5, Bluff +30, Climbᶜᶜ +3, Diplomacyᶜᶜ +9, Fly +10, Handle Animal +12, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (engineer) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +7, Perform (oratory) +12 (+14 if day job), Profession (sailor) +3 (+5 if day job), Ride +10, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +12 Languages Common, Elven, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Ignan Equipment:
leather armor
mwk cold iron cutlass (w/ continual flame (lvl 6, CL 11)) club (pistol-shaped) light crossbow cold iron bolts [ 8 ] wrist sheath dagger +5 cloak of resistance +6 headband of alluring charisma belt pouch lesser strand of prayer beads (bead of blessing) wayfinder signal whistle flint & steel spell component pouch bandolier wand of cure light wounds [ 14 ] wand of lesser rejuvenate eidolon [ 12 ] wand of protection from evil [ 7 ] wand of mage armor [ 14 ] wand of lesser restoration [ 8 ] wand of tree shape [ 4 ] wand of endure elements [ 23 ] wand of silent image [ 4 ] wand of resist energy (CL 7th) [ 7 ] wand of remove fear [ 6 ] wand of shield [ 5 ] wand of freedom of movement [ 4 ] handy haversack silk rope bedroll canteen tankard Besmara's Bicorne tricorne hat mess kit trail rations x 5 wooden scroll case scroll of endure elements scroll of summon eidolon x 2 scroll of death ward mwk courtier's outfit (mwk diplomacy tool) hot weather outfit cold weather outfit blue books x 14 (Absalom, Almas, Azir, Bloodcove, Daggermark, Eto, Ilizmagorti, Katapesh, Korvosa, Magnimar, Nantambu, Riddleport, Sothis, Trollheim) potion of gaseous form potion of fly potion of cure light wounds x 2 (one peppermint) mwk thieves' tools golembane scarab lesser rod of extend spell lesser rod of reach spell 37268 gp Special Abilities:
Arcane Training use spell trigger and spell completion items at +1 CL
Life Link (su) Bond Senses (su) Shield Ally (ex) +2 shield bonus to AC and +2 circumstance bonus to saves if within eidolon's reach Greater Shield Ally (ex) all allies receive the Shield Ally bonus and the summoner's goes up to +4 Maker's Call (su) 2/day Transposition (su) Aspect (su) can divert up to 2 evolution points from eidolon to self Eidolon:
Hamish Carmody O'Toole is, quite simply, delusional.
A consummate and compulsive liar, he has spent his entire life telling one tall tale after another, to pretty much everyone, about pretty much everything. So much so, that his own lies started to manifest themselves as partial truths. Those same partial truths only doing more to buy into his own delusional views. He fancy's himself a pirate, a swashbuckling corsair, an experienced salty sailor seasoned on the high seas and tempered aboard his own mighty sailing vessel into the finest captain in the entire Andoran fleet. In truth, he is none of these things. Though he has managed to create what could be described as the finest ship. In fact, a ship so fine, it is only about five feet long, and the crew so tiny, they are only a few inches tall. Hamish's mind has managed to summon up an eidolon from his shear belief in his own delusions. Never mind that the ship is tiny, and seems to sail along the ground. It looks like a ship, it takes orders from its captain... its a damn ship. His ship!
Boons and Vanities:
Treasure Map - Located so far: 1050 gp, 1200 gp, 1350 gp, 1500 gp, 1650 gp, 1800 gp (Renewed 6 times) [24 PP]
Follower Vanity: Assistant - can automatically succeed at the aid another action, once per game session to assist in combat or on a skill check [2 PP] Captain Vanity (Andoran) - gain the official rank of Captain within the Eagle Nights and become specialized in Perform (oratory) [1 PP] Freedom Fighter (Faction Journal - Lvl 1) +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls vs known slavers
House Thrune's Favor +3 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy vs members of House Thrune, the Chelish government, or Hellknights (token)
S3 Special, Skill Boon [2 uses] immediate action to reroll any skill check
Society Stuff:
PFS# 84637-4
Faction XP 36 Prestige/Fame 52/70 Chronicles:
Stat Line:
( HP 85/85 | AC 14 (T12, FF12) | CMD 23 | Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14 | Init +4 | Perception +1 | Speed 30 | 1st - 6/7, 2nd - 6/7, 3rd - 6/6, 4th - 4/5 | SM VI - 10/10 ) Seaward Gull (medium):
( HP 67/67 | AC 43 (T14, FF 39) | CMD 33 | Fort +9, Ref +9 (evasion), Will +7 | Init +3 | Perception +20 | Speed 40 ) Seaward Gull (large):
( HP 85/85 | AC 41 (T12, FF 38) | CMD 36 | Fort +11, Ref +11 (evasion), Will +7 | Init +3 | Perception +20 | Speed 40 ) |