Shackles Pirate

Hamish Carmody O'Toole's page

506 posts. Organized Play character for Evil Minion.

Full Name

Captain Hamish Carmody O'Toole


CG Half-Elf Summoner 13




Common, Elven, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Ignan

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 26

About Hamish Carmody O'Toole

Male Half-Elf Summoner 13
CG Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1


AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex); +4 shield bonus if within eidolon's reach
hp 94 (13d8 + 26)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14 (+16 vs enchantments); +4 if within eidolon's reach
Immune magical sleep effects


Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk cutlass +7/+2 (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) or club +10/+5 (1d6+1, 20/x2) or dagger +10/+5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Ranged light crossbow +11/+6 (1d8, 19-20/x2) or dagger +11/+6 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th)
10/day - summon monster VII (13 minute duration)
Summoner Spells Known (CL 13th, concentration +21)
5th (2/day) - +2
4th (5/day) - greater evolution surge, overland flight, purified calling, wall of stone (DC 24)
3rd (6/day) - aqueous orb (DC 23), dispel magic, evolution surge, greater invisibility, heroism
2nd (7/day) - barkskin, create pit (DC 22), haste, lesser evolution surge, see invisibility
1st (7/day) - enlarge person, grease (DC 21), lesser rejuvenate eidolon, mage armor, protection from evil, shield
0th (at will) - detect magic, guidance, mage hand, mending, message, read magic


Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 26 (+8)
Base Atk +9/+4; CMB +10; CMD 22 (23 vs grapple)
Feats Extra Evolution x 3, Skill Focus (bluff), Spell Focus (conjuration), Greater Spell Focus (conjuration), Iron Will, +1
Traits Fast-Talker, Elven Reflexes
Skills Acrobaticsᶜᶜ +5, Bluff +30, Climbᶜᶜ +3, Diplomacyᶜᶜ +9, Fly +10, Handle Animal +12, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (engineer) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +7, Perform (oratory) +12 (+14 if day job), Profession (sailor) +3 (+5 if day job), Ride +10, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +12
Languages Common, Elven, Aquan, Auran, Terran, Ignan

leather armor
mwk cold iron cutlass (w/ continual flame (lvl 6, CL 11))
club (pistol-shaped)
light crossbow
cold iron bolts [ 8 ]
wrist sheath
+5 cloak of resistance
+6 headband of alluring charisma
belt pouch
lesser strand of prayer beads (bead of blessing)
signal whistle
flint & steel
spell component pouch
wand of cure light wounds [ 14 ]
wand of lesser rejuvenate eidolon [ 12 ]
wand of protection from evil [ 7 ]
wand of mage armor [ 14 ]
wand of lesser restoration [ 8 ]
wand of tree shape [ 4 ]
wand of endure elements [ 23 ]
wand of silent image [ 4 ]
wand of resist energy (CL 7th) [ 7 ]
wand of remove fear [ 6 ]
wand of shield [ 5 ]
wand of freedom of movement [ 4 ]
handy haversack
silk rope
Besmara's Bicorne
tricorne hat
mess kit
trail rations x 5
wooden scroll case
scroll of endure elements
scroll of summon eidolon x 2
scroll of death ward
mwk courtier's outfit (mwk diplomacy tool)
hot weather outfit
cold weather outfit
blue books x 14 (Absalom, Almas, Azir, Bloodcove, Daggermark, Eto, Ilizmagorti, Katapesh, Korvosa, Magnimar, Nantambu, Riddleport, Sothis, Trollheim)
potion of gaseous form
potion of fly
potion of cure light wounds x 2 (one peppermint)
mwk thieves' tools
golembane scarab
lesser rod of extend spell
lesser rod of reach spell
37268 gp

Special Abilities:
Arcane Training use spell trigger and spell completion items at +1 CL
Life Link (su)
Bond Senses (su)
Shield Ally (ex) +2 shield bonus to AC and +2 circumstance bonus to saves if within eidolon's reach
Greater Shield Ally (ex) all allies receive the Shield Ally bonus and the summoner's goes up to +4
Maker's Call (su) 2/day
Transposition (su)
Aspect (su) can divert up to 2 evolution points from eidolon to self

Hamish Carmody O'Toole is, quite simply, delusional.

A consummate and compulsive liar, he has spent his entire life telling one tall tale after another, to pretty much everyone, about pretty much everything. So much so, that his own lies started to manifest themselves as partial truths. Those same partial truths only doing more to buy into his own delusional views.

He fancy's himself a pirate, a swashbuckling corsair, an experienced salty sailor seasoned on the high seas and tempered aboard his own mighty sailing vessel into the finest captain in the entire Andoran fleet. In truth, he is none of these things.

Though he has managed to create what could be described as the finest ship. In fact, a ship so fine, it is only about five feet long, and the crew so tiny, they are only a few inches tall. Hamish's mind has managed to summon up an eidolon from his shear belief in his own delusions.

Never mind that the ship is tiny, and seems to sail along the ground. It looks like a ship, it takes orders from its captain... its a damn ship. His ship!

Boons and Vanities:
Treasure Map - Located so far: 1050 gp, 1200 gp, 1350 gp, 1500 gp, 1650 gp, 1800 gp (Renewed 6 times) [24 PP]
Follower Vanity: Assistant - can automatically succeed at the aid another action, once per game session to assist in combat or on a skill check [2 PP]
Captain Vanity (Andoran) - gain the official rank of Captain within the Eagle Nights and become specialized in Perform (oratory) [1 PP]

Freedom Fighter (Faction Journal - Lvl 1) +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls vs known slavers
Abolitionist (Faction Journal - Lvl 2) can rally 3 pig farmers, 2 tavern champions, or a ruffian (NPC Codex) for one encounter, once per scenario
Liberator (Faction Journal - Lvl 3) whenever you or an ally attempts to reroll a check to escape a grapple, use Escape Artist, a reflex save to avoid entanglement, or a will save vs a compulsion effect, roll 2 die and use the better result. Once per adventure, can grant a free reroll to a PC who is attempting one of these checks.

House Thrune's Favor +3 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy vs members of House Thrune, the Chelish government, or Hellknights (token)
Evenhanded Investigator +2 bonus on diplomacy vs guards and city officials in Absalom
Corruption Uncovered (Andoran) once per scenario can gain a +2 bonus on any sense motive roll
Lamashtu's Bane +2 bonus on attack/damage rolls vs targets displaying Lamashtu's holy symbol
Reading the Threads extra knowledge about crash sights in Numeria
Greenheart's Blessing +2 bonus on all day job rolls
Mutani Manual of Martial Mastery +1 dodge bonus to CMD vs a single maneuver of your choice (Grapple)
Protector of Whistledown +1 bonus on charisma-based checks vs gnomes
Waverider's True Revenge (pissed someone off)
Accumulating an Army (Elven Uprooters) saved some elves
Advisor to the Ten

S3 Special, Skill Boon [2 uses] immediate action to reroll any skill check
Nemesis of the Aspis [1 use] force enemy Aspis agent to reroll any d20 and take the worse result
History of Sands [1 use] take 20 on any one knowledge check (+5 if related to Osirion history/religion)
Mythic Legacy [1 use] free action to gain a mythic version of one of your feats for one round
Skill Bonus (Blood Under Absalom) [2 uses] immediate action to reroll one skill check before determining success
Paracountess' Debt Choose one item worth up to 3000 gp, and receive it for free.
Hero of Sothis [1 use] single use amulet of glory to add +10 to a single initiative check
Eylysia's Insight [3 uses] bonus on knowledge checks (either roll twice, or treat it as a class skill with max ranks)
Mantis-Bane [1 use] gain +25% chance to negate critical hits or sneak attacks for one scenario
Torch's Bag of Contingencies [4 uses] gain a free handy haversack. Check a box(es) to find any item worth 500 gp and no more then 5 lbs, per box checked

Society Stuff:
PFS# 84637-4
Faction Andoran Liberty's Edge
XP 36
Prestige/Fame 52/70


  • #4.11, The Disappeared [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #3.18, The God's Market Gamble [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #2.11, The Penumbral Accords [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #3.01, The Frostfur Captives [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #4.07, Severing Ties [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.04, The Stolen Heir [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.35, Voices in the Void [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #0.17, Perils of the Pirate Pact [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • RotRL Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings [3 XP, 4 PP] (GM)
  • Risen From The Sands [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.15, Destiny of Sands Part 2 [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.12, Destiny of Sands Part 1 [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.16, Destiny of Sands Part 3 [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #3.25, Storming the Diamond Gate [1 XP, 2 PP] (GM)
  • S3 Special, Blood Under Absalom [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #4.17, Tower of the Ironwood Watch [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #6.09, By Way of Bloodcove [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #2.23, Shadows Last Stand Part 1 [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #6.03, The Technic Siege [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #4.06, The Green Market [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #3.03, The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet [1 XP, 2 PP] (GM)
  • #4.13, Fortress of the Nail [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #0.22, Fingerprints of the Fiend [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.36, Echoes of the Everwar, Part I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #2.10, Fury of the Fiend [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.42, Echoes of the Everwar, Part II: The Watcher of Ages [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.44, Echoes of the Everwar, Part III: Terror at Whistledown [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.53, Echoes of the Everwar, Part IV: The Faithless Dead [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #1.38, No Plunder, No Pay [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.05, The Elven Entanglement [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #5.20, The Sealed Gate [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #10.22, Passing the Torch, Part I: Who Wears the Mask [1 XP, 2 PP]
  • #10.23, Passing the Torch, Part II: Who Speaks for the Ten [1 XP, 2 PP (+10)]
  • #10.98, Siege of Gallowspire [1 XP, 2 PP]

Stat Line:
( HP 85/85 | AC 14 (T12, FF12) | CMD 23 | Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14 | Init +4 | Perception +1 | Speed 30 | 1st - 6/7, 2nd - 6/7, 3rd - 6/6, 4th - 4/5 | SM VI - 10/10 )

Seaward Gull (medium):
( HP 67/67 | AC 43 (T14, FF 39) | CMD 33 | Fort +9, Ref +9 (evasion), Will +7 | Init +3 | Perception +20 | Speed 40 )

Seaward Gull (large):
( HP 85/85 | AC 41 (T12, FF 38) | CMD 36 | Fort +11, Ref +11 (evasion), Will +7 | Init +3 | Perception +20 | Speed 40 )