
Halthar's Voice's page

474 posts. Alias of Meetch.


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Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

I'm very sorry to have to do this (and to have taken so long to pull the trigger on this) but due to changes in my work schedule I'm just not in front of the computer long enough to run games any more. I can still play (since playing is easier to do from mobile) but I can't give the games I manage the proper attention.

If anyone wants to take over this game, let me know. I'm happy to pass off GM reins to anyone who wants to take over.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Do you have a long term project you’re interested in? What drives Tarnikos? What does he want?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Ok, that small amount of roll gets you the information that what ever has spooked Jeren is personal. He's not talking to you in particular.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

I'm going to give you 2 for a challenge with calculation or conspiracy. That was a masterful play!

Can you tell me a little more of what you're doing to sway Jeren?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Ok, lets roll into downtime!

Payoff: 2 coin for the offetory, 3 more coin snatched from the Greycloaks

Heat: This was pretty chaotic, but it was distributed chaos. Because of all the other murders that happened last night, I'm going to only give you 2 heat.

Entanglements! 1 wanted level: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Cooperation: A +3 status faction asks you for a favor. Agree to do it, or forfeit 1 rep per Tier of the friendly faction, or lose 1 status with them. If you don't have a +3 faction status, you avoid entanglements right now.

You don't have a +3 status faction, so you're under no obligation to do anyone a favor!

It's time for your downtime activities. Please let me know if you need a refresher on what you can do!

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Sorry for the delay everyone. Let's gather everyone back into the lair for a quick immediately post score scene and then we'll do downtime

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

This is your ritual, is there anything you need to do or is it super-attuned just from the killings?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Mender, Tarnikos comes running to you. You've been holding the escape route waiting for him. What do you do?

Hutch, you hear the bells, the other murders have occurred. It's time to do whatever you're going to do.

Velaris is dead, obviously...but where is Emaline for all of this?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The other greycloaks turn and run.

The bells of the crematorium begin to ring wildly as deaths occur throughout the city, the ravens flying out wildly to locate the far flung bodies. It'll take a little bit before the Spirit Wardens arrive at this spot, but there's no time to dawdle. The greycloaks are fleeing, what do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Tarnikos, you begin slashing at the greycloaks viciously. You manage to cut one quite deeply and the rest start to back off. What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Not to be trifled with...are you doing crazy strength on one, or a normal amount of strength on a bunch of guys?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The final greycloaks turn to look at you. You have a risky position.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

I'm as surprised as you are, frankly.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

So what are we waiting on? Who is going to perform the sacrifice at the jail?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Is anyone waiting on me?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

It's nearly time for the sacrifice. Who is going to commit the murder you intended to commit?

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Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

When you open your mind to the thought tendrils of a forgotten god, you suffer 1 trauma and become an adept of its cult. You gain access to the following special abilities as veteran advances:

The Closing of the Eye: You no longer suffer terror from the supernatural, and can choose to take only 1 stress when you resist mental, electroplasmic, or spiritual harm, regardless of the result of your roll.

Glorious Visage: You may extend the thought-tendrils of the god from your own mind to those around you, granting them a vision of its formless form. This is a psychic attack that inflicts 3 stress on you and has an effect determined by your trauma level. trauma 1+: all those who can see you must look away and leave your presence, or be paralyzed with dread. trauma 2+: In addition, you inflict level 2 harm (formless dread) to all who can see you. trauma 3+: Instead of level 2 harm, you inflict level 3 harm “Catatonic”. trauma 4+: In addition, you may also focus on one person who can see you and inflict fatal psychic harm “Shattered Mind”.

When you suffer your fourth trauma, you mind is prepared and you ascend to mastery in the cult of your forgotten god. You receive permission to call upon your god to briefly manifest in the physical world and enact its will, at the cost of 6 stress. You receive permission to continue to play your character rather than retiring, with the following restrictions:
You may now heal stress only by serving the will of your forgotten god. Your vice becomes Servitude.
When next you suffer trauma (your fifth), you transform into an avatar of the god, losing your human mind and will as the thought-tendrils of the god fully manifest within you. Retire your character to their dark fate.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Hutch, do you have the book? Specifically the section "advanced abilities & permissions" sub section: "The Forgotten Gods"

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12


Your gun goes off, clipping one of the Greys in the chest, but the others are armed as well. One gets a shot off that connects in your center mass. What do you do?

You can feel the power surge within the bone, pulsing with eldritch power. But...if Velaris was speaking the truth...who lead you to find the Leviathan bone...and what does this ritual truly do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Sorry, I don't know how I missed this update! Sure, I'll give you a devil's bargain. One extra die, but you'll generate extra heat for this mission.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

It'll be attune to complete the ritual, risky/limited because you're not Halthar's anointed...yet.

Pull this off, and that might change.

Tarnikos, it's go time.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Ok! Narrate it out, please!

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

My mistake. Velaris, do you want to resist?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Hutch, want to resist that consequence?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Sorry everyone. I didn't get any notifications on this thread and I didn't think to go looking into it

Tarnikos, the spread of caltrops is not likely to assist you at all. Shooting from concealment is hunt, controlled/standard.

The pack of Greys enter your kill zone, what do you do?

Sanctum crew:

It's nearly time for the ritual. Any last minute actions?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Tarnikos, sure enough they come pouring around the corner. Cutting the caltrop bags is a prowl roll, controlled/standard.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Hutch, the ghosts advance on you. You feel compelled to run away into the night.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Attune is risky/standard. Devil’s bargain is that Velaris hears you shouting.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

About that...

Hutch, as you move into the entry hall, you do encounter ghosts. They’re moving toward you, and you feel an overwhelming urge to flee in terror.

What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Take a prowess XP

You skitter across the rooftops effortlessly, avoiding (but not waylaying) the reinforcements.

You arrive at your lair to see the door’s been kicked in. What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

That’s a risky/limited finesse roll, but you’re welcome to trade position for effect.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

This is so gloriously messed up. I’m glad both parties are ok with this.

Hutch, as you race through the streets, you notice three Greycloaks racing to the jail to reinforce their position. They haven’t seen you yet, but they will soon.

What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Tarnikos, give me one stress for that flashback, but I'll let it act as setup to improve position of any finesse rolls Felfiz makes while returning.

Felfiz, how do you return to the sanctum?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The bone is now carved and it's close to midnight. What else do you need to do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The ghosts swarm around, carving and chipping at the bone.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Desperate/standard. The devil's deal is that regardless on if they're successful or not, the ghosts will have a boon they require of you (to be discussed at downtime.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Velaris, you carve as quickly as you can, but it's just not enough. Without your Acolytes , you don't think you'll finish in time.

What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

As far as you know, everything is OK with the body, but you're way behind on the skrimshaw

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The underlings give a curt nod and drag bad hutch away. It''s really anyone's guess what will happen next. Probably nothing good.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Good Hutch can answer that. This is his plan.

Luck for Bad Hutch’s survival + rudimentary medical treatment: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8

Bad Hutch is stable for now, but that may change at any time. Mender could help more. Or you can dump him away from your lair as to not attract the Wardens when he passes.

Velaris, your hands are shaking from the adrenaline of the fight. The skrimshaw is slow going, especially now that you’ve lost your assistants. This little distraction has cost you a fair amount of time. You might not finish before midnight.

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Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Velaris, you score a devistating cut to his midsection. He stumbles backwards, blood seeping from his upper thigh.

Awww...f&&* he exclaims, and passes out.

It’s still too early for the coordinated murder, and if he dies you’ll have Wardens on your head.

What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Velaris is back at home.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

It's risky/standard

Your thrown knife catches his shoulder and it throws him out of position. Your stronger knife jab misses entirely. He moves to grapple you, but you have a moment to do something before he's caught you.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Take XP

Bad Hutch is just too fast for you. You lunge at him from behind and he fires his pistol into you.

Take Harm 3: Gutshot.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

He lifts easily off and away. What do you do with him? You’ll have controlled position while he’s wrapped.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Sap is controlled/limited (if you're making sure you don't hit Tarnikos)
Sap is desperate/standard (if you don't mind if you hit Tarknikos)
Drunken monkey grappling is risky/standard

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Tarnikos, your foot connects with the gunman's mouth, but he grabs your foot and brings you down with him. You're both tangled on the ground, but he might get the upper hand.

What do you do?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The bullet richochets harmlessly. What do either of you do next?

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Finesse: Risky/limited
Skirmish: Desperate/standard
Prowl: Desperate/Zero (He has a gun drawn on you. No sneaking...)

Remember, you can push yourself or take devil’s Bargain to change position/effect and you can trade position for effect.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

You hear some screams from the other room, and as you enter, you see the withered husks of two greycloaks, ghosts feeding on them. A third holds a ghost at bay with a spirtbane charm.

You recognize him as Hutch, the Greycloak second in command. He levels his pistol at you. Call ‘em off or join their ranks he orders, cool and unconcerned.