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![]() SCPRedMage wrote: You know, I've read over Ultimate Campaign, and I didn't really see anything at all that struck me as "video-gamey". Except the retraining rules where suddenly a fighter can spend 5 days to learn a new feat in place of an old one by spending a paltry amount of gold. I ask you, what does gold have to do with a culmination of a lifetime of training and experience? SCPRedMage wrote: Then again, every time anything at all is ever changed, someone always has to bring up this very same complaint. I've seen it so many times that as far as I'm concerned, it's approaching Godwin's Law territory; first side to play the "video-gamey" card loses the debate and we all move on to better uses of our time. Other people are not me. Link me to one comment I've ever made that complains about things being too like a video game. Cliched sayings or expressions have a basis in reality, that's why they are cliches. Its not my fault that OTHERS misuse them. SCPRedMage wrote: And it doesn't help that Tim's the one making the complaint; I don't think I've ever seen a comment from him anywhere REMOTELY positive about anything. That would be your problem, not mine. Yr the blind one not me. SCPRedMage wrote: Tim, this is NOT (just) your game. This is OUR game. This is EVERYONE'S game. People need to be willing to make certain concessions about what is and is not allowed, so that we can ALL have fun. Did I say it was my game? This is a thread the campaign staff asked us to create to share our opinions. You don't like my opinion, state one of your own, don't take it out on me. ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote: But if a GM is unaware that there are hard limits to what a Perception check can do, then yeah, really high mods do become more troublesome. :/ You post was well thought out and useful until you decided to slide this rude comment on the end. You undercut yourself like this often, Jiggy. I want to listen to your advice but you make it hard. ![]()
![]() nosig wrote:
I know what to say, I love you Pirate Rob! ![]()
![]() Ultimate Campaign's ruleset change the very fundamental nature of what the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is. For every rule that fleshes out a player character's backstory it has two rules that turn player characters into video game avatars. Keep your interchangeable skill pods away from my verisimilitude. It has no place in the organized play campaign. ![]()
![]() Majuba wrote:
That does nothing to address the corner cases of abuse that originated this kerfuffle. Your suggestion still relies on the GM to make the call. ![]()
![]() Bottom line, this scenario takes some time to prepare for and run. Skipping most of the scenario does the players a great disservice. At least none of the players at Thistledown's table were Lantern Lodge. thistledown wrote: So even if the chronicle is held, it wouldn't count Debt of the Kirin? Gah, most annoying chronicle ever. ^^^^ QFP.^^^^ ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote: I feel like folks are bringing up issues that my earlier post would handle just fine. Is there something I missed? Yes, we all love the sound of our own voices. ![]()
![]() Chris Mortika wrote: This would have the effect of changing "must fix things by the end of the session or be reported dead" to "must fix things before the character is played again." No because the GM from the first table wouldn't be able to sign off on the second chronicle. Talk about a nightmare for record keeping. |