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Heyho, short question.

I am currently running part 4, the black keep.
In room C12 under development, the adventure states that the dark rider comes to check if the combat against the mastiffs lasts longer than one round.

However, in room C16 (the dark rider's room), the adventure states "chances are good that the PCs are confronted by the Dark Rider before they enter this room, for if the PCs defeat his mastiffs in area C12, he immediately moves into that room to seek revenge."

I will probably not let the rider join the fight after just one round, that would probably be way too difficult for my party - however, two or three rounds, or once one of the dogs is defeated, sounds good to me.

Question: What is the behavior James intended for the dark rider here?
The descriptions in C12 and C16 seem to contradict each other.