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Organized Play Member. 64 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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A Good Start for Adamant


I really liked this sourcebook and it will make a fine addition to your library. The classes where all well done. The character background rules really made this product rock. The flaws where handled really very well and provide some good flavor. The new rules for chases and stunts will add some more fun to the game table as well. I can't wait to see more Pathfinder books from Adamant. You will get your moneys worth from this one.

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Smoke and Mirrors


I was excited to get this at first. Upon reading through the pdf I ended up feeling like it was lacking. The bloodlines where good and by far the best part of this sourcebook. I only found about 20% of the spells to be useful and of any playable worth. So be warned if your looking to boost the spells in your arcane casters book. Most will not be better then the solid ones from the core rule book. The colleges where not bad but each one only got a few paragraphs. I wish they would have expanded more on each. I was not impressed at all with the new familiars, except for the clockwork one. The new magic items where so-so nothing really stood out to me.