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Organized Play Member. 23 posts (28 including aliases). No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


The first question is really what audience do you want to reach with this Intro box. Do you want to bring new players into roleplaying or just bring roleplayers to the Pathfinder system? The second part is easily done with quick-start rules. Just dumb the rules down.

Thank you again

Please cancel my Adventure path subscription. Thank you.

Isn´t Erastils view that of the next best Mother?

"Girl, when will you marry, settle down and give me grandchildren?" - "Mum!"

Is that old fashioned? yes. Sexist? Maybe. But evil/not good it for sure isn´t. It is just his (or her) point of view.

So when he "sees" a female adventurer, he probably isn´t that happy with this woman as if she had grown a family, but he still accepts her and grants his powers to her.

By the way; as I interpret him, he isn´t exacly fond of adventuring male. They should start a family, too. And stay with them.

Why should Gregori leave? He did what he was supposed to do. So instead of doing all the fun things you guys wrote, let him invite Pitax to send troops "to protect the nation and its people", thus establishing a military regime.

Of course, you would have to pause the kingmaker campaign for a while and run a resistance group-like game. But this could be fun as well.

The reasons why firearms were displacing bows and crossbows off the battlefields aren´t of interest for a standard gaming group. In terms of range, accuracy, fire rates and armor penetration (at least the first few generations of) firearms were inferior to bows and crossbows anyway.

So as a game designer you can ignore the firearms completly or have to find a way to make them usable in the game. Thus those complex and "unrealistic" rules are created.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

. If the man on the cover is indeed Irovetti he seems much more menacing that I would have thought. (Is that a glaive that he's holding with such (seeming) ease?)

It is Irovetti. There is a discussion going on in this thread on his strange change in appearence since the River Kingdoms Guide.

Veiled Nail wrote:

I have also been asked about using plant growth to enhance the farmlands. I'm not sure how much I should charge for that (if I decide to permit it at all).

Assuming the standard 1/3 increase, I could see enhancing 3 farm hexes to produce a total of 8 BP (6 + enhanced 2). But how much in BP would this cost? The rough (very rough) math I came up with came to about 12 BP/year (for 3 hexes), with an increase of 24 BP/year for a net gain of 12 BP.

The issue I am having is that players would want to do this for all farm hexes, possibly unbalancing the consumption costs.
Of course, my players have just defeated the Thorn River Camp, so they're weeks away from this happening.

You do not get BP off of farmlands, they just reduce consumption. Getting BP off of farms would be to too easy imho.

There is no copy protection. Copying isn´t legal though.

You get a 30% discount for the Adventure Paths and 15% discount for additional stuff you order.

In Pathfinder AP #31(Kingmaker #1) on pages 58-59 you can see the complete map of the stolen lands and how the different areas are connected; as Shane said

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Geez, I wish they still did use a measurement system that made actual sense, instead of an abstract system useful only for easy math. ;P

You mean this?

Unit of measure equal to 1/36 yard...Source

yard: (Abbr. yd.) A fundamental unit of length [...], equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches (0.9144 meter).
A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen. Source

or this?

A certain measure of distance, being equivalent in England and the United States to 320 poles or rods, or 5,280 feet. [1913 Webster]

Note: The distance called a mile varies greatly in different countries. Its length in yards is, in Norway, 12,182; in Brunswick, 11,816; in Sweden, 11,660; in Hungary, 9,139; in Switzerland, 8,548; in Austria, 8,297; in Prussia, 8,238; in Poland, 8,100; in Italy, 2,025; in England and the United States, 1,760; in Spain, 1,552; in the Netherlands, 1,094. [1913 Webster]Source

"Easy maths" is just ignorant.

Ah, okay, I see your point. But I´m afraid that this isn´t something that can be helped with by paizo.

For your group, you can tell how much progression storywise there is in a regular session, but this probably isn´t the same in my group.

Where your players f.e. beat the Ap´s

in their first session, mine are still fighting the first group of goblins in sandpoint.

So where your players have ended the AP in a single session, for my players the AP has just begun.

This is the reason why a level per session ratio isn´t a good measure to go for the APs imho.

Now you can just continue what you are doing or you can follow Kthulhus advice or start using the regular xp-based system.

I do not see another way to solve this. But it has been said that I am slow sometimes :).

Why are you using the PF society rules? They were created for comparability reasons from event to event only, not for regular gameplay.

The only rule of thumb I remember is 1 Level per 4-5 Encounters. (Can´t find it written down, though)

How long are your sessions? 4 hours?

aeglos wrote:
is it just a pathfinder society event or will there be the opportunity to buy stuff? it is getting harder and harder to buy pathfinder products in germany :-( I would go there just to buy things

No info yet. But my guess is that Ulisses Spiele will sell some of their Pathfinder products there

This could be fun. Wiesbaden, here I come. But why o why does this have to be on a sunday?

Congratulations and a happy father´s day for you!

I am not exacly sure what you are trying to say (this may be due to my lousy grasp of the english language), but
in terms of rules it isn´t necessary to build more than one city, thats right.

It is more a flavor thingy and adds some realism to the campaign. Just give your players(?) a stability bonus.

Edit.: I did not spell necessary nessecary. No, I didn´t.

Erik Freund wrote:

During the siege of Tatzlford, what are the PCs supposed to be doing during phases 1-3? Once phase 4 hits, they are supposed to run out and kill the trolls in normal combat. Okay.

One of the options for defenses is "a PC sits there and spams AoE attacks." Okay.
But what does everyone else do for those phases? Say, the archer or paladin in the group? Are they "too busy" leading?

I'm trying to envision a way of running this that allows me to transition to "okay, now you can fight the trolls" without it looking too forced.

Also, once phase 4 kicks in and the PCs are fighting the trolls, I guess the mass combat is over at that point? It seems that no further rolls are made. If they ask "so how's it going, is the leader dead yet?" should I just respond with "it's too chaotic"?

Why start with the Trolls? Give your players the chance to plan the fight. (Maybe kill off/send away the mayor) This town is easy to defend, so just lay the city map before your players and let them prepare the battleplan

Your ranger, for example, probably wants to be at the bridge when the battle starts. So let him.

I´d propose this:

Stolen Lands Paper Minis

Blood for Blood Paper Minis

Varnhold Vanishing Paper Minis

Haven´t bought them myself yet, but the reviews are great

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but has anything been said about the andoran military rank system?
And are Eagle Knights(EK) always superiors to regular troops? (such as a EK Captain can give order to a Regular Captain)

The pie dough is a lie?

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

We need a scapegoat NOW !

Isn´t that in the intern´s job description? He did sign his contract with blood, right?